Fefedu973 / SignalRGB-To-OpenRGB-Bridge

An add on for signalRGB that allows to control OpenRGB Devices
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Server.exe fails to start on boot with admin privilages. Included a temp fix #2

Open ewan58385 opened 3 months ago

ewan58385 commented 3 months ago

I noticed a few issues (one is not directly related to this plugin but may help someone) -

To fix the two issues regarding not opening at startup repeat these steps for either/ both issues you may have:

  1. Ensure OpenRGB is correctly setup (server, profiles) as detailed in the README: ensure the bridge plugin works (open server.exe with admin privileges manually and rescan for devices in SignalRGB)

  2. Open Task Scheduler. Click Action < Create Basic Task

  3. Name it something related "Start OpenRGB" / "Start OpenRGB/SignalRGB server.exe"

  4. Under Trigger, check "When I Log on"

  5. Under Action, check "Start a program"

  6. If you are setting up this action specifically to ensure the plugin's server.exe gets launched at startup (& with admin privilages):

    • Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\WhirlwindFX\SignalRgb\cache\addons
    • Find the most recently modified folder (or the folder containing OpenRGBBridge files if you mess around with addons a lot)
    • Select server.exe

    If you are setting up this action specifically to get OpenRGB to startup at boot (not for plugin's server.exe) do the following:

    • Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    • Find the shortcut for OpenRGB. Right Click the file, open Properties.
    • Copy the whole target section from properties
    • Back out, do not save. Paste this copied target to the scheduled task path.
    • This ensures the arguments to start the server are preserved.
  7. Under Finish, ensure you check "Open the Properties dialogue box when I click Finish", and Click finish.

  8. Go to General, check "Run with highest privileges" - important for server to function correctly.

  9. Go to Settings and Uncheck "Stop the task if it runs longer than: 3 Days". Click OK and quit.

  10. Reboot to ensure any OpenRGB devices are correctly (and automatically) being detected by SignalRGB.

Fefedu973 commented 3 months ago

I don't have and I cannot reproduce this issue. I use an external nodejs package that adds a registry key to start the programm on boot so I cannot fix it if this package has an issue. However thanks a lot for your message i'm going to pin the issue in case some peoples have the same issue and want to fix it. By the way the server don't need to start with admin privileges I think (or maybe it needs it for setting up the regitry key i need to investigate. If it is the issue i'm going to comile a version that have admin privileges required to run so we don't have this issue anymore)

ewan58385 commented 3 months ago

Sounds good! Thanks :)

Fefedu973 commented 3 months ago

Hi ! I have taken a deeper look into the issue and i found it weird. The server dosen't need to be started as admin to detect devices there is maybe another issue. If you want please contact me on discord to figure out what is going on. You can also add "--console" to the server.exe file name to see if you find any errors as well as check in signalRGB

Fefedu973 commented 3 months ago

This is maybe to this issue in the package I use. I'm waiting for an update on their end. https://github.com/Teamwork/node-auto-launch/issues/122

Oxalin commented 3 months ago

This is maybe to this issue in the package I use. I'm waiting for an update on their end. Teamwork/node-auto-launch#122

It is unrelated to that issue, which is related to the development branch 6.x.x (not released yet). However, you are welcomed to open an issue if you think it is related to a change in the 5.x.x branch.

Oxalin commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to help with this bug, but the package.json is incomplete. README.md is also silent on how to build the code. I filed a few bugs that need to be addressed before I can go further.

Oxalin commented 3 months ago

@ewan58385 Could you tell me what you have under the follwing registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

According to the code, you should have an "OpenRGBBridge" value. If so, what is its data?

Fefedu973 commented 3 months ago

@ewan58385 Could you tell me what you have under the follwing registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

According to the code, you should have an "OpenRGBBridge" value. If so, what is its data?

I can't answer you now but thanks a lot for the help I'm going back to you as soon as I can