Felicis / Water-Physics-Overhaul

MIT License
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Accessing PalettedContainer from multiple threads #10

Closed saerdodus closed 1 year ago

saerdodus commented 1 year ago

I'm having that problem when running the module in my server, it seems to be an error generated by skds_core? I have been running the module for over 24 hours in the client's single-player archive to test the effect of the module, but it has not generated the error. crash-2023-06-02_11.04.31-server.txt

Felicis commented 1 year ago

hmm, I might have made a mistake while upgrading... It was difficult to figure out how to upgrade the PalettedContainerMixin. This might become obsolete once the waterlogging is fixed though, since I am creating a new PalettedContainer for FluidStates, separate from the BlockState one. I'll have to check :)

Felicis commented 1 year ago

this bug should get resolved soon, since I'm removing skds-Core from WPO :)