Felicis / Water-Physics-Overhaul

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Water sliding distance has directional dead zones. #21

Open djmrFunnyMan opened 1 year ago

djmrFunnyMan commented 1 year ago

The water sliding works only in certain directions. The water outside these lines will never flow towards lower ground despite being in range even after forcing block updates.

For this test I set the sliding distance (and equalization) to 32 in my config.

2023-06-19_15 34 50 Small Scale^ The patterns starts being visible already 2023-06-19_15 04 29 Full Scale^ This square is 31x31 so with the sliding distance of 32 all of this water should flow into the hole in the middle. This does not happen instead 8 lines form. Half going straight, the other half diagonal. The straight lines are as long as the MaxSlidingDistance meanwhile the diagonal ones are exactly half of the MaxSlidingDistance

Because of bug #22 to see this pattern you'll need to use flint n' steel to forcefully update the water blocks to make them slide towards the hole.

djmrFunnyMan commented 1 year ago

Oh also a much better/faster way to circumvent bug #22 and test this is to force block updates by using worldedit (or even the stock /fill command) and replacing the blocks underneath the water instead of running around with a flint n' steel like a maniac.

2023-06-19_14 31 26

Felicis commented 1 year ago

since water sliding was essentially rewritten from scratch it would be nice to know if the new physics (nightly) has the same problem. however sending block updates via /fill might not work properly yet, since fluid ticking and fluid updates still have some bugs afaik