FelixAllard / SCP966LC

This is for a commission from JoeJoe! Please refer to him on discord for any changes you would like seen to the mod
MIT License
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[Error] In console #2

Open MathiusXII opened 4 months ago

MathiusXII commented 4 months ago

I think it happened when I exited the building while it was attacking me. I still had like 100 weight even after I left. I had like 150 while inside. It's supposed to remove all weight once you escape aggro right?

[Error : Unity Log] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: networkBehaviour Stack trace: Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviourReference..ctor (Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviour networkBehaviour) (at <895801699cfc4b4ab52267f31e2a4998>:IL_0009) Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviourReference.op_Implicit (Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviour networkBehaviour) (at <895801699cfc4b4ab52267f31e2a4998>:IL_0000) SCP966.Ai.Scp966.set_Scp966TargetPlayer (GameNetcodeStuff.PlayerControllerB value) (at ./src/Ai/SCP966.cs:52) SCP966.Ai.Scp966.DoAIInterval () (at ./src/Ai/SCP966.cs:203) EnemyAI.Update () (at <255c0877f9414c3aa6f1fe5079ac13f3>:IL_0426)

MathiusXII commented 4 months ago

I went back inside and once he looked at me my weight went to 50. Then I left and it was 0.

I spawned it in with DanceTools if that matters. It did seem to be stuck not moving when I first spawned it in.

FelixAllard commented 4 months ago

Hello there! Thanks for writing to me! You found a very rare bug I must say... It is not related to the way you spawn it in, althrough it is true that this enemy has some difficulty when spawned with non conventional ways for some reasons that are complicated... Anyway, I'll be looking into those problems and they should be fixed by tomorrow!