FelixKratz / SbarLua

A Lua API for SketchyBar
GNU General Public License v3.0
151 stars 11 forks source link

App icons in spaces? #4

Closed shajra closed 10 months ago

shajra commented 10 months ago

First off, thanks for putting all this work into this project. Some of it is just a slick look-and-feel. But there are nice little things like getting app icon summaries in spaces that are very useful when leaning heavily on spaces. That's implemented in the shell example. I noticed it's not in the Lua example.

With the INFO environment variable, I think this is technically possible now. But I need help converting this JSON string to a Lua data structure. I could find something third-party or write my own. But it's probably easier to just popen a call to jq.

What is more likely to happen in the future is that you would give me this information directly as a Lua data structure. Or did I miss something in the code, and is this already possible?

shajra commented 10 months ago

I got it working... everything I needed was there in env. No need to mess with jq. This is wonderful. Thanks!

FelixKratz commented 10 months ago

This is the script I am using for app icons:

local app_icons = require("app_icons")

local space_windows = sbar.add("item", {
  icon = {
    string = "􀆊",
    font = {
      style = "Heavy",
      size = 16.0,
  label = { drawing = false },
  display = "active",

space_windows:subscribe("space_windows_change", function(env)
  local icon_line = ""
  local no_app = true
  for app, count in pairs(env.INFO.apps) do
    no_app = false
    local lookup = app_icons[app]
    local icon = ((lookup == nil) and app_icons["default"] or lookup)
    icon_line = icon_line .. " " .. icon
  if (no_app) then
    icon_line = " —"
  sbar.animate("tanh", 10, function()
    spaces[env.INFO.space]:set({ label = icon_line })

with app_icons.lua converted from the bash mapping function via chatgpt:

return {
  ["WhatsApp"] = ":whats_app:",
  ["Nova"] = ":nova:",
  ["Signal"] = ":signal:",
  ["Affinity Photo"] = ":affinity_photo:",
  ["Sublime Text"] = ":sublime_text:",
  ["Notion"] = ":notion:",
  ["Pine"] = ":pine:",
  ["Alacritty"] = ":terminal:",
  ["Hyper"] = ":terminal:",
  ["iTerm2"] = ":terminal:",
  ["kitty"] = ":terminal:",
  ["Terminal"] = ":terminal:",
  ["终端"] = ":terminal:",
  ["WezTerm"] = ":terminal:",
  ["Podcasts"] = ":podcasts:",
  ["播客"] = ":podcasts:",
  ["Spark Desktop"] = ":spark:",
  ["Dropbox"] = ":dropbox:",
  ["OmniFocus"] = ":omni_focus:",
  ["TIDAL"] = ":tidal:",
  ["Spotlight"] = ":spotlight:",
  ["Affinity Publisher"] = ":affinity_publisher:",
  ["Replit"] = ":replit:",
  ["Kakoune"] = ":kakoune:",
  ["Code"] = ":code:",
  ["Code - Insiders"] = ":code:",
  ["Microsoft Excel"] = ":microsoft_excel:",
  ["League of Legends"] = ":league_of_legends:",
  ["Obsidian"] = ":obsidian:",
  ["Typora"] = ":text:",
  ["Blender"] = ":blender:",
  ["Microsoft Edge"] = ":microsoft_edge:",
  ["Caprine"] = ":caprine:",
  ["Figma"] = ":figma:",
  ["Folx"] = ":folx:",
  ["Arc"] = ":arc:",
  ["TeamSpeak 3"] = ":team_speak:",
  ["Drafts"] = ":drafts:",
  ["Jellyfin Media Player"] = ":jellyfin:",
  ["Element"] = ":element:",
  ["Numbers"] = ":numbers:",
  ["Numbers 表格"] = ":numbers:",
  ["Airmail"] = ":airmail:",
  ["Preview"] = ":pdf:",
  ["预览"] = ":pdf:",
  ["Skim"] = ":pdf:",
  ["zathura"] = ":pdf:",
  ["zoom.us"] = ":zoom:",
  ["IntelliJ IDEA"] = ":idea:",
  ["Music"] = ":music:",
  ["音乐"] = ":music:",
  ["Safari"] = ":safari:",
  ["Safari浏览器"] = ":safari:",
  ["Safari Technology Preview"] = ":safari:",
  ["Finder"] = ":finder:",
  ["访达"] = ":finder:",
  ["TickTick"] = ":tick_tick:",
  ["Mattermost"] = ":mattermost:",
  ["Calendar"] = ":calendar:",
  ["日历"] = ":calendar:",
  ["Fantastical"] = ":calendar:",
  ["Cron"] = ":calendar:",
  ["Amie"] = ":calendar:",
  ["Todoist"] = ":todoist:",
  ["Live"] = ":ableton:",
  ["Logseq"] = ":logseq:",
  ["Parallels Desktop"] = ":parallels:",
  ["App Store"] = ":app_store:",
  ["ClickUp"] = ":click_up:",
  ["Docker"] = ":docker:",
  ["Docker Desktop"] = ":docker:",
  ["Trello"] = ":trello:",
  ["Microsoft To Do"] = ":things:",
  ["Things"] = ":things:",
  ["Notability"] = ":notability:",
  ["Brave Browser"] = ":brave_browser:",
  ["网易云音乐"] = ":netease_music:",
  ["Messages"] = ":messages:",
  ["信息"] = ":messages:",
  ["Nachrichten"] = ":messages:",
  ["DEVONthink 3"] = ":devonthink3:",
  ["Bear"] = ":bear:",
  ["Notes"] = ":notes:",
  ["备忘录"] = ":notes:",
  ["GrandTotal"] = ":dollar:",
  ["Receipts"] = ":dollar:",
  ["Cypress"] = ":cypress:",
  ["Sequel Pro"] = ":sequel_pro:",
  ["Sequel Ace"] = ":sequel_ace:",
  ["PomoDone App"] = ":pomodone:",
  ["mpv"] = ":mpv:",
  ["Orion"] = ":orion:",
  ["Orion RC"] = ":orion:",
  ["System Preferences"] = ":gear:",
  ["系统设置"] = ":gear:",
  ["Reminders"] = ":reminders:",
  ["提醒事项"] = ":reminders:",
  ["MoneyMoney"] = ":bank:",
  ["MAMP"] = ":mamp:",
  ["MAMP PRO"] = ":mamp:",
  ["Final Cut Pro"] = ":final_cut_pro:",
  ["Microsoft PowerPoint"] = ":microsoft_power_point:",
  ["VLC"] = ":vlc:",
  ["Chromium"] = ":google_chrome:",
  ["Google Chrome"] = ":google_chrome:",
  ["Google Chrome Canary"] = ":google_chrome:",
  ["Xcode"] = ":xcode:",
  ["Canary Mail"] = ":mail:",
  ["HEY"] = ":mail:",
  ["Mail"] = ":mail:",
  ["Mailspring"] = ":mail:",
  ["MailMate"] = ":mail:",
  ["邮件"] = ":mail:",
  ["Vivaldi"] = ":vivaldi:",
  ["Color Picker"] = ":color_picker:",
  ["数码测色计"] = ":color_picker:",
  ["Audacity"] = ":audacity:",
  ["WebStorm"] = ":web_storm:",
  ["Emacs"] = ":emacs:",
  ["GitHub Desktop"] = ":git_hub:",
  ["Setapp"] = ":setapp:",
  ["微信"] = ":wechat:",
  ["Alfred"] = ":alfred:",
  ["Tor Browser"] = ":tor_browser:",
  ["Skype"] = ":skype:",
  ["qutebrowser"] = ":qute_browser:",
  ["Firefox Developer Edition"] = ":firefox_developer_edition:",
  ["Firefox Nightly"] = ":firefox_developer_edition:",
  ["Insomnia"] = ":insomnia:",
  ["LibreWolf"] = ":libre_wolf:",
  ["Tweetbot"] = ":twitter:",
  ["Twitter"] = ":twitter:",
  ["FaceTime"] = ":face_time:",
  ["FaceTime 通话"] = ":face_time:",
  ["Zotero"] = ":zotero:",
  ["1Password 7"] = ":one_password:",
  ["Slack"] = ":slack:",
  ["Spotify"] = ":spotify:",
  ["OBS"] = ":obsstudio:",
  ["Min"] = ":min_browser:",
  ["Default"] = ":default:",
  ["Pi-hole Remote"] = ":pihole:",
  ["VMware Fusion"] = ":vmware_fusion:",
  ["CleanMyMac X"] = ":desktop:",
  ["Telegram"] = ":telegram:",
  ["Bitwarden"] = ":bit_warden:",
  ["Iris"] = ":iris:",
  ["Neovide"] = ":vim:",
  ["MacVim"] = ":vim:",
  ["Vim"] = ":vim:",
  ["VimR"] = ":vim:",
  ["Warp"] = ":warp:",
  ["Zulip"] = ":zulip:",
  ["Thunderbird"] = ":thunderbird:",
  ["Tower"] = ":tower:",
  ["Matlab"] = ":matlab:",
  ["Joplin"] = ":joplin:",
  ["Android Studio"] = ":android_studio:",
  ["Keynote"] = ":keynote:",
  ["Keynote 讲演"] = ":keynote:",
  ["Grammarly Editor"] = ":grammarly:",
  ["Firefox"] = ":firefox:",
  ["Zed"] = ":zed:",
  ["Sketch"] = ":sketch:",
  ["Discord"] = ":discord:",
  ["Discord Canary"] = ":discord:",
  ["Discord PTB"] = ":discord:",
  ["Evernote Legacy"] = ":evernote_legacy:",
  ["Zeplin"] = ":zeplin:",
  ["KeePassXC"] = ":kee_pass_x_c:",
  ["Microsoft Teams"] = ":microsoft_teams:",
  ["카카오톡"] = ":kakaotalk:",
  ["Linear"] = ":linear:",
  ["Microsoft Word"] = ":microsoft_word:",
  ["Atom"] = ":atom:",
  ["Keyboard Maestro"] = ":keyboard_maestro:",
  ["Transmit"] = ":transmit:",
  ["Android Messages"] = ":android_messages:",
  ["Pages"] = ":pages:",
  ["Pages 文稿"] = ":pages:",
  ["Affinity Designer"] = ":affinity_designer:",
  ["VSCodium"] = ":vscodium:",
  ["Reeder"] = ":reeder5:",
  ["Calibre"] = ":book:",
  ["default"] = ":default:" -- Default case
shajra commented 10 months ago

Thanks. My Lua isn't the strongest. What I remember from Ion3WM days supplemented with ChatGPT. Here's the function I got that does something pretty similar:

local function space_windows_change(env)
  local app_emojis = {}
  for name, _ in pairs(env.INFO.apps) do
    table.insert(app_emojis, emojis[name] or ":default:")
  icon_strip = "—"
  if next(app_emojis) ~= nil
    icon_strip = table.concat(app_emojis, " ")
  sbar.set(spaces[env.INFO.space], {
    label = icon_strip

I think I'll put in the animation.

shajra commented 10 months ago

Hi. Just continuing to chat here because it's convenient and relevant to the thread. You posted your code here, but is it in a repo anywhere? That would be easier to follow. I found your dotfiles repo, but it still seems to be on the shell-style configuration (including the experimental branch).

For now, I'm getting all my latest best ideas for Lua configuration from the example in SbarLua. I actually kind of prefer that. Do you have a plan to push some more features to the example repo here?

I don't yet have much to add beyond what's already there and the small amount I've figured out in this thread.

FelixKratz commented 10 months ago

My personal lua setup is not finalized yet, I work on it on and off but once it is ready I will create a branch in my dotfiles.

FelixKratz commented 9 months ago

I have added a first dotfile version to this branch: https://github.com/FelixKratz/dotfiles/tree/lua