FelixKratz / SketchyBar

A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.25k stars 82 forks source link

Bar not showing #457

Closed filipmilo closed 7 months ago

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Im currently using the macbook pro M2 on ventura 13.6 and having an issue where the bar doesn't show up even though i setup everything following the setup and the default configs. When i run it directly in the terminal it doesn't throw any errors but its now showing.

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

So it is showing when you run the bar from the commandline and not showing when run as a brew service?

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Its not showing at all

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Could you provide the output of the following command:

ls -la $HOME/.config/sketchybar
filipmilo commented 7 months ago

total 16 drwxr-xr-x@ 4 filipmilosevic staff 128 Dec 12 13:35 . drwxr-xr-x@ 14 filipmilosevic staff 448 Dec 11 12:17 .. drwxr-xr-x@ 7 filipmilosevic staff 224 Dec 12 13:37 plugins -rwxr--r--@ 1 filipmilosevic staff 5305 Dec 12 13:34 sketchybarrc

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Ok, now:

sketchybar --query bar

when the bar is running but not showing.

filipmilo commented 7 months ago
    "position": "top",
    "topmost": "off",
    "sticky": "off",
    "shadow": "off",
    "font_smoothing": "off",
    "blur_radius": 30,
    "margin": 0,
    "drawing": "on",
    "color": "0x15ffffff",
    "border_color": "0xffff0000",
    "border_width": 0,
    "height": 32,
    "corner_radius": 0,
    "padding_left": 10,
    "padding_right": 10,
    "y_offset": 0,
    "clip": 0.000000,
    "image": {
        "value": "(null)",
        "drawing": "off",
        "scale": 1.000000
    "items": [
FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Hmm ok, now:

sketchybar --query front_app
filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Ok for some reason it started showing up right away when i queried... Now its hiding whenever a window is open

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Thank you and sorry for bothering...

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

I still think there is an issue here. It should not only show after the query command.

And the bar hiding whenever a window is open is also not expected behavior.

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Okay i thought i did something wrong, im here to provide any help

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Could you try the following:

brew services stop sketchybar
killall sketchybar
brew uninstall sketchybar
brew install sketchybar --head

Does it now show directly?

And could you zip me the folder at $HOME/.config/sketchybar and attach it?

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Did the commands, its now showing but there is still the issue with it being hidden when a window is open.

Im using yabai as the wm.

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Is the bar covered by another window or is it not rendering at all?

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Its not rendering at all

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

zip.zip Here is the zip of the config folder you mentioned above

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

When you run sketchybar from the commandline, does it keep running or does it crash when a window is open and it stops showing?

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Actually its being rendered sorry

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Ok, then try:

sketchybar --bar topmost=on

this will keep sketchybar as the topmost window at all times.

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

image Its now like this, covering the other windows

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

To keep yabai from putting windows where sketchybar is use:

yabai -m config external_bar all:40:0
filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Now it works, thank you so much and sorry for the hassle... im still a bit new to this

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Now try:

brew services stop sketchybar
killall sketchybar
brew uninstall sketchybar
brew install sketchybar
brew services start sketchybar
yabai -m config external_bar all:40:0
sketchybar --bar topmost=on

does this still work as expected?

filipmilo commented 7 months ago

Works like a charm

FelixKratz commented 7 months ago

Great! Have a nice day.