FelixKratz / SketchyBar

A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.2k stars 82 forks source link

[help]get some errors in the time display #546

Closed Jayden12138 closed 1 month ago

Jayden12138 commented 2 months ago

I'm getting some errors in 'clock.sh', but i don't have any setting about 'date'


The relevant files are configured as follows

// .config/sketchybar/plugins/clock.sh


# Output the date to debug any issues
echo "$(date '+%d/%m %H:%M')"

# The $NAME variable is passed from sketchybar and holds the name of
# the item invoking this script:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/events#events-and-scripting

sketchybar --set "$NAME" label="$(date '+%d/%m %H:%M')"
// .config/sketchbar/sketchybarrc

# This is a demo config to showcase some of the most important commands.
# It is meant to be changed and configured, as it is intentionally kept sparse.
# For a (much) more advanced configuration example see my dotfiles:
# https://github.com/FelixKratz/dotfiles


##### Bar Appearance #####
# Configuring the general appearance of the bar.
# These are only some of the options available. For all options see:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/bar
# If you are looking for other colors, see the color picker:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/tricks#color-picker

#!/usr/bin/env bash

sketchybar -m --bar blur_radius=50                                                            \
                    height=32                                                                 \
              --add item apple.logo left                                                      \
              --set apple.logo icon=􀣺                                                         \
                               icon.font="SF Pro:Black:16.0"                                  \
                               label.drawing=off                                              \
                               click_script="sketchybar -m --set \$NAME popup.drawing=toggle" \
                               popup.background.border_width=2                                \
                               popup.background.corner_radius=3                                \
                               popup.background.border_color=0xff9dd274                       \
              --default background.padding_left=5                                             \
                        background.padding_right=5                                            \
                        icon.padding_right=5                                                  \
                        icon.font="SF Pro:Bold:16.0"                                          \
                        label.font="SF Pro:Semibold:13.0"                                     \
              --add item apple.preferences popup.apple.logo                                   \
              --set apple.preferences icon=􀺽                                                  \
                               label="Preferences"                                            \
                               click_script="open -a 'System Preferences';                    
                                             sketchybar -m --set apple.logo popup.drawing=off"\
              --add item apple.activity popup.apple.logo                                      \
              --set apple.activity icon=􀒓                                                     \
                               label="Activity"                                               \
                               click_script="open -a 'Activity Monitor';                       
                                             sketchybar -m --set apple.logo popup.drawing=off"\
              --add item apple.lock popup.apple.logo                                          \
              --set apple.lock icon=􀒳                                                         \
                               label="Lock Screen"                                            \
                               click_script="pmset displaysleepnow;                           
                                             sketchybar -m --set apple.logo popup.drawing=off"

sketchybar --bar position=top height=40 blur_radius=30 color=0x40000000

##### Changing Defaults #####
# We now change some default values, which are applied to all further items.
# For a full list of all available item properties see:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/items

  icon.font="SF Pro:Bold:16.0"
  label.font="SF Pro:Bold:16.0"
sketchybar --default "${default[@]}"

source "$ITEM_DIR/spaces.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/front_app.sh"

##### Adding Right Items #####
# In the same way as the left items we can add items to the right side.
# Additional position (e.g. center) are available, see:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/items#adding-items-to-sketchybar

# Some items refresh on a fixed cycle, e.g. the clock runs its script once
# every 10s. Other items respond to events they subscribe to, e.g. the
# volume.sh script is only executed once an actual change in system audio
# volume is registered. More info about the event system can be found here:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/events

source "$ITEM_DIR/clock.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/volume.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/battery.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/mail.sh"
sketchybar --add alias "截屏,Item-0" right \
           --set "截屏,Item-0" update_freq=2

##### Force all scripts to run the first time (never do this in a script) #####
sketchybar --update
NoahCodeGG commented 1 month ago

I'm getting some errors in 'clock.sh', but i don't have any setting about 'date'


The relevant files are configured as follows

// .config/sketchybar/plugins/clock.sh


# Output the date to debug any issues
echo "$(date '+%d/%m %H:%M')"

# The $NAME variable is passed from sketchybar and holds the name of
# the item invoking this script:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/events#events-and-scripting

sketchybar --set "$NAME" label="$(date '+%d/%m %H:%M')"
// .config/sketchbar/sketchybarrc

# This is a demo config to showcase some of the most important commands.
# It is meant to be changed and configured, as it is intentionally kept sparse.
# For a (much) more advanced configuration example see my dotfiles:
# https://github.com/FelixKratz/dotfiles


##### Bar Appearance #####
# Configuring the general appearance of the bar.
# These are only some of the options available. For all options see:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/bar
# If you are looking for other colors, see the color picker:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/tricks#color-picker

#!/usr/bin/env bash

sketchybar -m --bar blur_radius=50                                                            \
                    height=32                                                                 \
              --add item apple.logo left                                                      \
              --set apple.logo icon=􀣺                                                         \
                               icon.font="SF Pro:Black:16.0"                                  \
                               label.drawing=off                                              \
                               click_script="sketchybar -m --set \$NAME popup.drawing=toggle" \
                               popup.background.border_width=2                                \
                               popup.background.corner_radius=3                                \
                               popup.background.border_color=0xff9dd274                       \
              --default background.padding_left=5                                             \
                        background.padding_right=5                                            \
                        icon.padding_right=5                                                  \
                        icon.font="SF Pro:Bold:16.0"                                          \
                        label.font="SF Pro:Semibold:13.0"                                     \
              --add item apple.preferences popup.apple.logo                                   \
              --set apple.preferences icon=􀺽                                                  \
                               label="Preferences"                                            \
                               click_script="open -a 'System Preferences';                    
                                             sketchybar -m --set apple.logo popup.drawing=off"\
              --add item apple.activity popup.apple.logo                                      \
              --set apple.activity icon=􀒓                                                     \
                               label="Activity"                                               \
                               click_script="open -a 'Activity Monitor';                       
                                             sketchybar -m --set apple.logo popup.drawing=off"\
              --add item apple.lock popup.apple.logo                                          \
              --set apple.lock icon=􀒳                                                         \
                               label="Lock Screen"                                            \
                               click_script="pmset displaysleepnow;                           
                                             sketchybar -m --set apple.logo popup.drawing=off"

sketchybar --bar position=top height=40 blur_radius=30 color=0x40000000

##### Changing Defaults #####
# We now change some default values, which are applied to all further items.
# For a full list of all available item properties see:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/items

  icon.font="SF Pro:Bold:16.0"
  label.font="SF Pro:Bold:16.0"
sketchybar --default "${default[@]}"

source "$ITEM_DIR/spaces.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/front_app.sh"

##### Adding Right Items #####
# In the same way as the left items we can add items to the right side.
# Additional position (e.g. center) are available, see:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/items#adding-items-to-sketchybar

# Some items refresh on a fixed cycle, e.g. the clock runs its script once
# every 10s. Other items respond to events they subscribe to, e.g. the
# volume.sh script is only executed once an actual change in system audio
# volume is registered. More info about the event system can be found here:
# https://felixkratz.github.io/SketchyBar/config/events

source "$ITEM_DIR/clock.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/volume.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/battery.sh"
source "$ITEM_DIR/mail.sh"
sketchybar --add alias "截屏,Item-0" right \
           --set "截屏,Item-0" update_freq=2

##### Force all scripts to run the first time (never do this in a script) #####
sketchybar --update

Check if clock.sh exists under the path ITEM_DIR="$CONFIG_DIR/items".