FelixKrueger / Bismark

A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Remapping bismark results to the genome #519

Closed dgescher closed 1 year ago

dgescher commented 2 years ago

Hi Felix, it seems like that bismark runs well, but I miss the mapping information in the reports. Actually, I'm not sure wether mapping information would be to expect in the bismark report file. There are some points I'm wondering about:

how it looks now (only graph of the multiqc-report): image

how it should look like (extract from the full report with mapping information): image

Besides of the issues above, how can I use the samtools and fastq features to get the full information of genome mapping of the methylated Cytosins? Is it normal not to get the mapping information within only bismark (that would confirm my impression that bismark runs well, and perhaps it is a problem with later steps)? Where (in which output file of bismark) can I find the results for the complete sample-sequence (not only 150 bp)?

Thanks so much for help!! Best regards from RWTH Aachen, Germany Dorothee

FelixKrueger commented 2 years ago

Hi Dorothee,

I am currently traveling, but I will try to take a closer look upon my return (next weekend). Apologies for the delay.

dgescher commented 2 years ago

Hi Dorothee,

I am currently traveling, but I will try to take a closer look upon my return (next weekend). Apologies for the delay.

Hi Felix, thank you for answering, no worries about the delay! Perhaps I only made simple mistakes but I'm "hanging" on this issue and don't understand how to use samtools or fastq in order to get a complete result from bismark. I'm a very beginner also in ubuntu and thus makes me feeling really helpless and stupid. If helpful, I also could send full data in a personal mail. Best, Dorothee

dgescher commented 2 years ago

Hi Felix, in between I better understood my data. The only current problem still is that Bismark doesn't find GD:Graph:lines in the methylationextractor step, even if we installed perl graph modules serveral times. Perhaps this hampers getting graphs. (reasons for not getting the intended graph (see question above) I meanwhile would assign to have not used samtools steps). Have you heard about this Graph:lines problem? Best, Dorothee

FelixKrueger commented 2 years ago

Hi Dorothee,

Apologies for the late reply, I am only now catching up...

I imagine you are might be getting warning messages that the GD::Graph module is not installed, however this should not matter at all for processing at all. You should get a much nicer HTML report by completing all of the Bismark steps (alignment, deduplication, methylation extraction, followed by running bismark2report in the same folder that contains all of the output files and reports.

Regarding some of the questions you asked in the original post:

You might want to take a look at the training material for methylation analysis here: https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/training.html#bsseq, this should give you a very good overview of the Bismark workflow with visualisation and analysis.

dgescher commented 2 years ago

Hi Felix, thanks very much for your support. Unfortunately you are right that I created misunderstandings due to linguistic mixtures.

FelixKrueger commented 1 year ago

Excellent, I'm glad this cleared things up. You are also welcome do drop me in email offline if that helps, I could also offer this service in a German language setting...