FelixKrueger / SNPsplit

Allele-specific alignment sorting
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Question about genome preparation for C57BL/6J x JF1/Ms hybrid mouse #41

Closed pplaw closed 2 years ago

pplaw commented 3 years ago

Dear Felix,

My group is hoping to analyse some published data generated from a hybrid mouse train (C57BL/6J x JF1/Ms) in which SNP information for JF1/Ms is not available in the “mgp.v5.merged.indels.dbSNP142.normed.vcf.gz” vcf file from sanger institute website We have however managed to find the SNP info stored in a .tsv file for this strain in the following format:

Chromosome Start_position End_position Ref Alt
1 3000176 3000176 T G

Can I please check with you whether we can use this tsv file (or a reformatted version of this tsv file) for generation of the masked genome using the following command:

SNPsplit_genome_preparation --reference /ref_genome/mm10/ --strain JF1/Ms --skip_filtering

Many thanks!

Best, Pui

FelixKrueger commented 3 years ago

Hi Pui,

I theory you should be able use this information as to construct a genome, but you will need to adhere to the same rules that the script uses internally.

First of all, you cannot use / characters in names as it would probably do bad things. I would recommend an underscore _ instead, so maybe:

--strain JF1_Ms

Next, the SNPs will need to be contained within a folder called:


inside there, the script expects one file per chromosome, e.g. like so:


So you will have to split your tsv file by chromosome. And finally, these file need to adhere to the following format:

42459235        10      3101362 1       G/C     1/1:101:31:0:284,101,0:255,90,0:2:51:31:0,0,22,9:0:-0.69311:.:1
42459276        10      3102112 1       T/C     1/1:127:50:0:288,164,0:255,151,0:2:44:50:0,0,22,28:0:-0.693147:.:1
42459298        10      3102661 1       C/G     1/1:127:59:0:290,192,0,.,.,.:255,178,0,.,.,.:2:48:59:0,0,34,25:0:-0.693147:.:1
42459325        10      3103479 1       A/G     1/1:127:49:0:288,161,0:255,148,0:2:57:49:0,0,17,32:0:-0.693147:.:1

where the first line is the name of the chromosome (like in a FastA file).

this is also explained in the option:

--skip_filtering              This option skips reading and filtering the VCF file. This assumes that a folder named
                              'SNPs_<Strain_Name>' exists in the working directory, and that text files with SNP information
                              are contained therein in the following format:
                                      SNP-ID     Chromosome  Position    Strand   Ref/SNP
                          example:   33941939        9       68878541       1       T/G

I believe column 6 is optional, but the first 5 need to be present. It is sufficient to put 1 as strand if the sequence is based relative to the top strand. So you will need to reformat your file just a little, and you should be able to run it. If you have no one to do this for you I might be able to help.

I hope this makes sense?

pplaw commented 3 years ago

Hi Felix

Thanks a lot for your advice! It does make sense to me. I have tried to reformat the tsv file that I have and can I please check with you whether txt files look like this will be fine? (e.g. for chr1.txt, in the order of: "SNP-ID", "Chromosome", "Pos", "Strand", "Ref/SNP")



Best, Pui

FelixKrueger commented 3 years ago

Ref/SNP needs to be present without the double quotes, just

1        1      3000176    1        T/G
2        1      3000223    1        T/A

Otherwise it looks good to me!
pplaw commented 3 years ago

Hi Felix,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I have now created the folder "SNPs_JF1_Ms" with the txt files in my working directory. However, when I tried to run the following command,:

SNPsplit_genome_preparation --reference /ref_genome/mm10/ --strain JF1_Ms --skip_filtering

I have an error message returned: You need to provide a VCF file detailing SNPs positions with '--vcf_file your.file' (e.g.: --vcf mgp.v5.merged.snps_all.dbSNP142.vcf.gz). Please respecify!

Can I please check with you whether I need to enter something for the --vcf flag even if I am using --skip_filtering?

Many thanks

FelixKrueger commented 3 years ago

Hmm, can you just try to specify any file as --vcf any_file, it should be skipped then. Maybe the logic needs to be changed to that specifying a VCF file is not enforced if you are using --skip_filtering. Let me know if this works, else I'll take a look.

pplaw commented 3 years ago

Hi Felix,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I tried to specify different files or folders in my working directory to --vcf and in all cases I have the same message returned: image

FelixKrueger commented 3 years ago

OK, I'll try to make up a hardcoded version for you and will attach it here once I've got it.

FelixKrueger commented 3 years ago

Quick question, which version of SNPsplit are you using? While trying to adapt the genome preparation script I noticed that it just seems to work straight out the box of you will (version 0.4.0), but this is because --skip_filtering has already hardcoded the list of chromosomes.


SNPsplit_genome_preparation --reference /bi//scratch/Genomes/Mouse/GRCm38/ --strain JF1_Ms --skip_filtering
Reference genome folder provided is /bi//scratch/Genomes/Mouse/GRCm38/  (absolute path is '/bi/scratch/Genomes/Mouse/GRCm38/)'

Summarising SNPsplit Genome Preparation Parameters
Reading/filtering VCF file:             No (skipped by user)
Reference genome:                       /bi/scratch/Genomes/Mouse/GRCm38/
N-masking:                              Yes
Full SNP genome:                        No
SNP strain:                             JF1_Ms

Using the following chromosomes (HARDCODED IN!!!):
1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      X       Y       MT

Skipped reading the VCF file and filtering SNPs again (specified by user)

Now reading in and storing sequence information of the genome specified in: /bi/scratch/Genomes/Mouse/GRCm38/

chr 1 (195471971 bp)
chr 10 (130694993 bp)

This uses standard mouse chromosomes 1-9, chrMT, chrX and chrY.

can you just try cloning the current development version and try again?

git clone https://github.com/FelixKrueger/SNPsplit.git

pplaw commented 3 years ago

Hi Felix,

Thank you very much and sorry for not having the most up-to-date SNPsplit to start with (I was on 0.3.2). It is now working fine! Thank you very much!

FelixKrueger commented 3 years ago

Maybe this is also of interest for you, I have just added provisional support for the MGP v7 variants file, which appears to include the strains you are interested in. Please see the description here:


FelixKrueger commented 2 years ago

As a final comment, I have conducted some sorting followed by IMPLICON processing for B6/JF1 mice, and it worked just fine!