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Websocket does not provide information about scenes #24

Open dmoibm opened 2 years ago

dmoibm commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I don't get any events from scene buttons by websocket. As a result, scene buttons are completely useless in mixed environments. When can we expect this to change?

hansfriedrich commented 2 years ago

As I noticed the events from the scene buttons are not published through the WebSocket. I think they are acutally designed to do their job within the system. Maybe you can capture the load changes and check them against the endpoint GET api/scenes (maybe a cached copy). Not really a solution (especially for events that should not published via loads - I could imagine a lot of them), but maybe it can help in some manner.

dmoibm commented 2 years ago

@hansfriedrich: Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, GET api/scenes doesn't work as expected. Although I have a scene device with 4 buttons and I have defined 3 scenes in the system, GET api/scenes always returns

    "data": [],
    "status": "success"

Possibly GET apt/jobs might help. But the result is very difficult to understand. And for a real smart home it is allways better to get clear messages.

woodworm commented 2 years ago

If you want to control several loads together, this must be described in a job. There are two ways to do this, depending on the uscase.

Create a job lik this to set three loads to a defined value:

POST api/jobs
  "target_states": [
     {"load": 1, "bri": 10000},
     {"load": 2, "bri": 0},
     {"load": 3, "bri": 5000}

To call this job use:

GET api/jobs/<id>/run

Create a job like this to control three loads:

POST api/jobs
  "button_ctrl": "loads": [1, 2, 3]

dim up all loads:

GET api/jobs/<id>/ctrl/press/up 

stop dimming:

GET api/jobs/<id>/ctrl/release/up 

all off:

GET api/jobs/<id>/ctrl/click/down

all on:

GET api/jobs/<id>/ctrl/click/up

To call a job with a scene-smartbutton the following sequence is necessary.

  1. POST /api/smartbuttons/program {"on": true, "timeout": 60, "button_type": "scene", "owner": "user"}
  2. GET /api/smartbuttons/notify
  3. press blinking button
  4. PATCH /api/smartbuttons/<<smartbutton_id>> {"job": <<job_id>>}

To control a job with a groupctrl-smartbutton the following sequence is necessary.

  1. POST /api/smartbuttons/program {"on": true, "timeout": 60, "button_type": "groupctrl", "owner": "user"}
  2. GET /api/smartbuttons/notify
  3. press blinking button
  4. PATCH /api/smartbuttons/<<smartbutton_id>> {"job": <<job_id>>}
woodworm commented 2 years ago

api/scenes or api/groupctrls is intended for an APP (user interface) to describe a control element (e.g. button). It is up to you what kind of properties you want to store in such an object.

Example of how to create a scene object:

POST api/scenes
  "job": 42,
  "name": "Watch TV",
  "icon" : "tv.png",
  "color": "blue",
  "favorite": true 
dmoibm commented 2 years ago

@woodworm: Thanks for the explanations. Scene buttons are smartbuttons. But how do I get events from scene buttons (smartbutton input_type=2) on websocket interface?

woodworm commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, there is no final solution for this use case in the current market version. The future solution would be:

  1. upload a script (e.g. my_script.py)
  2. create a job POST api/jobs {"scripts": ["my_script.py"]}
  3. associate the job with a smartbutton

However, we could already offer support in advance. For this, you have to write a e-mail to our customercare center with the note "API request at woodworm".