FeltMC / Felt-API

FeltMC's API, comprised of Forge features, Fringe features, and a few originals as well https://discord.gg/ps3wBhXsKA
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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What happened to the Fabricated QSL? #28

Open kristibektashi opened 11 months ago

kristibektashi commented 11 months ago

The website at https://feltmc.github.io/# mentions a Fabricated Quilt Standard Libraries. From what I understand it should allow me to load Quilt mods on Fabric. But I can't find it anywhere, I looked on the page that you get taken to when you click Download but it's not there (or at least the 1.20.1 version isn't there, I didn't check the directories for the other versions). I also tried to join the discord that is mentioned in this GitHub repository but the link has expired. So what happened to it?

Trinsdar commented 11 months ago

It was never actually finished, and we honestly see no need for it currently, there are like no quilt exclusive mods at this time, and there really isn't that much support for quilt at this time even among a lot of people who initially supported quilt. Plus i've been really busy with other projects and distant is busy with work. Also the discord is mostly private at this time, being invite only

Brickmaster1 commented 10 months ago

All of RAT's mods are quilt exclusives and it is needed.

Trinsdar commented 10 months ago

what are rats mods?

Brickmaster1 commented 10 months ago

You know, effective and illuminations by doctor4t

Brickmaster1 commented 10 months ago


kristibektashi commented 10 months ago

Also Requiem and Gravity API are Quilt exclusive and afaik there is no Fabric or Forge equivalent

Brickmaster1 commented 10 months ago

So is Disruption

PseudoDistant commented 10 months ago

So is Disruption

@Brickmaster1 I think what my colleague meant is there aren't any Quilt-exclusive mods we thought people cared much about. We kind of thought there wasn't much of a demand for Fabricated QSL or FeltQuilt Core..

If it is something people will use, I will gladly start working on it again. We've been a bit more focused trying to get Forge mods working, however..

Brickmaster1 commented 10 months ago

I mean I feel a lot of people could use fabricated QSL but forge is definitely more needed right now. Personaly I would be extatic to have a forge on fabric project over fabricacted QSL and obviously you don't have infinite division of attention so. If you wanted to work on that after I think it would definitely be useful to a lot of people.

PseudoDistant commented 10 months ago

@Brickmaster1 I feel like it'd be simple enough to get going again, I've been keeping track of Quilt Loader commits and it's still not doing anything Fabric can't already do with some minor effort. That said I am kind of excited about the challenge NeoForge might bring, and want to try something actually interesting.

After I get FeltFML working, I'll gladly get Quilt running again. Just annoy Player Fabric a bit about getting Loader 0.15 out already so it'd actually be usable. (He's thinking about doing a prerelease for the sake of showing progress.)

RoomAlex68 commented 10 months ago

Well there is a mod called Sinytra Connector and Forgified Fabric API that allows fabric mods to run on Forge Mod Loader

PseudoDistant commented 10 months ago

Well there is a mod called Sinytra Connector and Forgified Fabric API that allows fabric mods to run on Forge Mod Loader

For multiple reasons (I'll make a gist at some point), Sinytra Connector is not the ideal approach. I'm not saying the project in and of itself is bad, it's fairly interesting, but the Fabric ecosystem itself isn't really good for Forge... With as Mixin-heavy as Fabric's ecosystem is, getting 100% Fabric compat on Forge is nothing short of impossible.

The other way around, however, is very doable, albeit way more difficult. We do not believe we will reach 100% compat anytime soon, but there's no reason we can't get 75%+ pretty quickly. Again bug Player Fabric for Loader 0.15 pls :)

PseudoDistant commented 10 months ago

Also, may I politely ask that you refrain from advertising unrelated projects in the future? If you'd rather use Connector, I have no problems with that, but I hope you can see how irritating the unneeded advertisement can be. (I hope you also don't advertise us in their issues lmao.)

RoomAlex68 commented 10 months ago

Oh I wont

CuteistFox commented 3 months ago

what is the use case for fabricated quilt instead of useing native quilt?

unix-supremacist commented 3 months ago

stablity, quilt isn't exactly that well put together, plus at this point the entire thing quilt is known for outside of unstable software is harassing gay people (including those on the felt team) while claiming to be inclusive, it's entirely fair if people want to use quilt mods without supporting such a project