Femton02 / Protego

Protego is an advanced code analysis tool designed to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in JavaScript codebases. With a focus on simplicity, efficiency, and accuracy, Protego empowers developers to write secure code and safeguard their applications against common security threats.
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GUI for the rule playground #2

Open Femton02 opened 1 month ago

Femton02 commented 1 month ago

User interface for rule playground. The user should be able to type the rule YAML and test it against sample code in JavaScript (two separate windows). The user should be able to resize the two windows. When the user clicks "Run", a result screen should appear with the matches and the corresponding line is highlighted.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 005825

marwan-9 commented 3 weeks ago

@Marwan-9 @Femton02 خهخ اصحالي يا برنس

Femton02 commented 3 weeks ago

@Marwan-9 @Femton02 خهخ اصحالي يا برنس

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