FenTechSolutions / CausalDiscoveryToolbox

Package for causal inference in graphs and in the pairwise settings. Tools for graph structure recovery and dependencies are included.
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[PyTorch] Initialization failure when using joblib w/ pytorch in another context. #4

Closed diviyank closed 6 years ago

diviyank commented 6 years ago
import cdt
import joblib

joblib.Parallel()(joblib.delayed(## job that uses pytorch GPU)

RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (3) : initialization error at /pytorch/torch/lib/THC/THCGeneral.c:74
diviyank commented 6 years ago

Fix done but auto-detection of GPU is not done when $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is not set. Might have to go through nvcc or nvidia-smi.

snowde commented 6 years ago

Hey man in trying your example, I have run into an error. I am not sure what to make of it, as it might be device related. I will include the message here and the file link.


# So the question is, if you only have the data can you find the
# structure of the graph
from cdt.independence.graph import FSGNN

Fsgnn = FSGNN()

start_time = time.time()
ugraph = Fsgnn.predict(data, train_epochs=2000, test_epochs=1000, threshold=5e-4, l1=0.01)
print("--- Execution time : %4.4s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
nx.draw_networkx(ugraph, font_size=8) # The plot function allows for quick visualization of the graph.
# List results

`--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last) RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/_parallel_backends.py", line 350, in call return self.func(*args, kwargs) File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py", line 131, in call return [func(*args, *kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py", line 131, in return [func(args, kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/model.py", line 43, in run_feature_selection return self.predict_features(df_features, df_target, **kwargs) File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/FSGNN.py", line 79, in predict_features x = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_features.as_matrix())).to(device) AttributeError: 'torch.FloatTensor' object has no attribute 'to'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 119, in worker result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/_parallel_backends.py", line 359, in call raise TransportableException(text, e_type) joblib.my_exceptions.TransportableException: TransportableException

AttributeError Sat Jun 30 16:19:48 2018 PID: 92373 Python 3.6.3: /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/bin/python ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in call(self=) 126 def init(self, iterator_slice): 127 self.items = list(iterator_slice) 128 self._size = len(self.items) 129 130 def call(self): --> 131 return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] self.items = [(<bound method FeatureSelectionModel.runfeature...n of >, ( Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 11 columns], 'Allergy', 0), {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000})] 132 133 def len(self): 134 return self._size 135

........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in (.0=) 126 def init(self, iterator_slice): 127 self.items = list(iterator_slice) 128 self._size = len(self.items) 129 130 def call(self): --> 131 return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] func = <bound method FeatureSelectionModel.runfeature...n of > args = ( Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 11 columns], 'Allergy', 0) kwargs = {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000} 132 133 def len(self): 134 return self._size 135

........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/model.py in run_feature_selection(self=, df_data= Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 11 columns], target='Allergy', idx=0, kwargs={'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000}) 38 list_features = list(df_data.columns.values) 39 list_features.remove(target) 40 df_target = pd.DataFrame(df_data[target], columns=[target]) 41 df_features = df_data[list_features] 42 ---> 43 return self.predict_features(df_features, df_target, kwargs) self.predict_features = <bound method FSGNN.predict_features of > df_features = Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure Attentio...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 10 columns] df_target = Allergy 0 -0.266076 1 -0.579084 2 -0...8 -0.064685 499 -0.638704

[500 rows x 1 columns] kwargs = {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000} 44 45 def predict(self, df_data, threshold=0.05, **kwargs): 46 """Get the skeleton of the graph from raw data. 47

........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/FSGNN.py in predict_features(self=, df_features= Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure Attentio...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 10 columns], df_target= Allergy 0 -0.266076 1 -0.579084 2 -0...8 -0.064685 499 -0.638704

[500 rows x 1 columns], nh=20, idx=0, dropout=0.0, activation_function=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, lr=0.01, l1=0.01, train_epochs=2000, test_epochs=1000, device='cpu', verbose=False, nb_runs=3) 74 activation_function=th.nn.ReLU, lr=0.01, l1=0.1, # batch_size=-1, 75 train_epochs=1000, test_epochs=1000, device=None, 76 verbose=None, nb_runs=3): 77 """For one variable, predict its neighbours.""" 78 device, verbose = SETTINGS.get_default(('device', device), ('verbose', verbose)) ---> 79 x = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_features.as_matrix())).to(device) x = undefined df_features.as_matrix.to = undefined device = 'cpu' 80 y = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_target.as_matrix())).to(device) 81 out = [] 82 for i in range(nb_runs): 83 model = FSGNN_model([x.size()[1], nh, 1],

AttributeError: 'torch.FloatTensor' object has no attribute 'to'


The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TransportableException Traceback (most recent call last) ~/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in retrieve(self) 698 if getattr(self._backend, 'supports_timeout', False): --> 699 self._output.extend(job.get(timeout=self.timeout)) 700 else:

~/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/pool.py in get(self, timeout) 643 else: --> 644 raise self._value 645

TransportableException: TransportableException

AttributeError Sat Jun 30 16:19:48 2018 PID: 92373 Python 3.6.3: /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/bin/python ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in call(self=) 126 def init(self, iterator_slice): 127 self.items = list(iterator_slice) 128 self._size = len(self.items) 129 130 def call(self): --> 131 return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] self.items = [(<bound method FeatureSelectionModel.runfeature...n of >, ( Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 11 columns], 'Allergy', 0), {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000})] 132 133 def len(self): 134 return self._size 135

........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in (.0=) 126 def init(self, iterator_slice): 127 self.items = list(iterator_slice) 128 self._size = len(self.items) 129 130 def call(self): --> 131 return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] func = <bound method FeatureSelectionModel.runfeature...n of > args = ( Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 11 columns], 'Allergy', 0) kwargs = {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000} 132 133 def len(self): 134 return self._size 135

........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/model.py in run_feature_selection(self=, df_data= Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 11 columns], target='Allergy', idx=0, kwargs={'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000}) 38 list_features = list(df_data.columns.values) 39 list_features.remove(target) 40 df_target = pd.DataFrame(df_data[target], columns=[target]) 41 df_features = df_data[list_features] 42 ---> 43 return self.predict_features(df_features, df_target, kwargs) self.predict_features = <bound method FSGNN.predict_features of > df_features = Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure Attentio...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 10 columns] df_target = Allergy 0 -0.266076 1 -0.579084 2 -0...8 -0.064685 499 -0.638704

[500 rows x 1 columns] kwargs = {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000} 44 45 def predict(self, df_data, threshold=0.05, **kwargs): 46 """Get the skeleton of the graph from raw data. 47

........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/FSGNN.py in predict_features(self=, df_features= Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure Attentio...0.858699 -1.037579

[500 rows x 10 columns], df_target= Allergy 0 -0.266076 1 -0.579084 2 -0...8 -0.064685 499 -0.638704

[500 rows x 1 columns], nh=20, idx=0, dropout=0.0, activation_function=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.ReLU'>, lr=0.01, l1=0.01, train_epochs=2000, test_epochs=1000, device='cpu', verbose=False, nb_runs=3) 74 activation_function=th.nn.ReLU, lr=0.01, l1=0.1, # batch_size=-1, 75 train_epochs=1000, test_epochs=1000, device=None, 76 verbose=None, nb_runs=3): 77 """For one variable, predict its neighbours.""" 78 device, verbose = SETTINGS.get_default(('device', device), ('verbose', verbose)) ---> 79 x = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_features.as_matrix())).to(device) x = undefined df_features.as_matrix.to = undefined device = 'cpu' 80 y = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_target.as_matrix())).to(device) 81 out = [] 82 for i in range(nb_runs): 83 model = FSGNN_model([x.size()[1], nh, 1],

AttributeError: 'torch.FloatTensor' object has no attribute 'to'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

JoblibAttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 6 7 start_time = time.time() ----> 8 ugraph = Fsgnn.predict(data, train_epochs=2000, test_epochs=1000, threshold=5e-4, l1=0.01) 9 print("--- Execution time : %4.4s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) 10 nx.draw_networkx(ugraph, font_size=8) # The plot function allows for quick visualization of the graph. ~/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/model.py in predict(self, df_data, threshold, **kwargs) 53 result_feature_selection = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_jobs)(delayed(self.run_feature_selection) 54 (df_data, node, idx, **kwargs) ---> 55 for idx, node in enumerate(list_nodes)) 56 else: 57 result_feature_selection = [self.run_feature_selection(df_data, node, idx, **kwargs) for idx, node in enumerate(list_nodes)] ~/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in __call__(self, iterable) 787 # consumption. 788 self._iterating = False --> 789 self.retrieve() 790 # Make sure that we get a last message telling us we are done 791 elapsed_time = time.time() - self._start_time ~/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in retrieve(self) 738 exception = exception_type(report) 739 --> 740 raise exception 741 742 def __call__(self, iterable): JoblibAttributeError: JoblibAttributeError ___________________________________________________________________________ Multiprocessing exception: ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/runpy.py in _run_module_as_main(mod_name='ipykernel.__main__', alter_argv=1) 188 sys.exit(msg) 189 main_globals = sys.modules["__main__"].__dict__ 190 if alter_argv: 191 sys.argv[0] = mod_spec.origin 192 return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, --> 193 "__main__", mod_spec) mod_spec = ModuleSpec(name='ipykernel.__main__', loader=<_f...b/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py') 194 195 def run_module(mod_name, init_globals=None, 196 run_name=None, alter_sys=False): 197 """Execute a module's code without importing it ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/runpy.py in _run_code(code= at 0x10f262a50, file "/Use...3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py", line 1>, run_globals={'__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': , '__cached__': '/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3....ges/ipykernel/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-36.pyc', '__doc__': None, '__file__': '/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py', '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object>, '__name__': '__main__', '__package__': 'ipykernel', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='ipykernel.__main__', loader=<_f...b/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py'), 'app': }, init_globals=None, mod_name='__main__', mod_spec=ModuleSpec(name='ipykernel.__main__', loader=<_f...b/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py'), pkg_name='ipykernel', script_name=None) 80 __cached__ = cached, 81 __doc__ = None, 82 __loader__ = loader, 83 __package__ = pkg_name, 84 __spec__ = mod_spec) ---> 85 exec(code, run_globals) code = at 0x10f262a50, file "/Use...3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py", line 1> run_globals = {'__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': , '__cached__': '/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3....ges/ipykernel/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-36.pyc', '__doc__': None, '__file__': '/Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py', '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object>, '__name__': '__main__', '__package__': 'ipykernel', '__spec__': ModuleSpec(name='ipykernel.__main__', loader=<_f...b/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py'), 'app': } 86 return run_globals 87 88 def _run_module_code(code, init_globals=None, 89 mod_name=None, mod_spec=None, ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py in () 1 if __name__ == '__main__': 2 from ipykernel import kernelapp as app ----> 3 app.launch_new_instance() ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/traitlets/config/application.py in launch_instance(cls=, argv=None, **kwargs={}) 653 654 If a global instance already exists, this reinitializes and starts it 655 """ 656 app = cls.instance(**kwargs) 657 app.initialize(argv) --> 658 app.start() app.start = > 659 660 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 661 # utility functions, for convenience 662 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/kernelapp.py in start(self=) 472 return self.subapp.start() 473 if self.poller is not None: 474 self.poller.start() 475 self.kernel.start() 476 try: --> 477 ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() 478 except KeyboardInterrupt: 479 pass 480 481 launch_new_instance = IPKernelApp.launch_instance ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/ioloop.py in start(self=) 883 self._events.update(event_pairs) 884 while self._events: 885 fd, events = self._events.popitem() 886 try: 887 fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd] --> 888 handler_func(fd_obj, events) handler_func = .null_wrapper> fd_obj = events = 1 889 except (OSError, IOError) as e: 890 if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EPIPE: 891 # Happens when the client closes the connection 892 pass ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/stack_context.py in null_wrapper(*args=(, 1), **kwargs={}) 272 # Fast path when there are no active contexts. 273 def null_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 274 try: 275 current_state = _state.contexts 276 _state.contexts = cap_contexts[0] --> 277 return fn(*args, **kwargs) args = (, 1) kwargs = {} 278 finally: 279 _state.contexts = current_state 280 null_wrapper._wrapped = True 281 return null_wrapper ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/zmq/eventloop/zmqstream.py in _handle_events(self=, fd=, events=1) 445 return 446 zmq_events = self.socket.EVENTS 447 try: 448 # dispatch events: 449 if zmq_events & zmq.POLLIN and self.receiving(): --> 450 self._handle_recv() self._handle_recv = > 451 if not self.socket: 452 return 453 if zmq_events & zmq.POLLOUT and self.sending(): 454 self._handle_send() ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/zmq/eventloop/zmqstream.py in _handle_recv(self=) 475 else: 476 raise 477 else: 478 if self._recv_callback: 479 callback = self._recv_callback --> 480 self._run_callback(callback, msg) self._run_callback = > callback = .null_wrapper> msg = [, , , , , , ] 481 482 483 def _handle_send(self): 484 """Handle a send event.""" ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/zmq/eventloop/zmqstream.py in _run_callback(self=, callback=.null_wrapper>, *args=([, , , , , , ],), **kwargs={}) 427 close our socket.""" 428 try: 429 # Use a NullContext to ensure that all StackContexts are run 430 # inside our blanket exception handler rather than outside. 431 with stack_context.NullContext(): --> 432 callback(*args, **kwargs) callback = .null_wrapper> args = ([, , , , , , ],) kwargs = {} 433 except: 434 gen_log.error("Uncaught exception in ZMQStream callback", 435 exc_info=True) 436 # Re-raise the exception so that IOLoop.handle_callback_exception ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tornado/stack_context.py in null_wrapper(*args=([, , , , , , ],), **kwargs={}) 272 # Fast path when there are no active contexts. 273 def null_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 274 try: 275 current_state = _state.contexts 276 _state.contexts = cap_contexts[0] --> 277 return fn(*args, **kwargs) args = ([, , , , , , ],) kwargs = {} 278 finally: 279 _state.contexts = current_state 280 null_wrapper._wrapped = True 281 return null_wrapper ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/kernelbase.py in dispatcher(msg=[, , , , , , ]) 278 if self.control_stream: 279 self.control_stream.on_recv(self.dispatch_control, copy=False) 280 281 def make_dispatcher(stream): 282 def dispatcher(msg): --> 283 return self.dispatch_shell(stream, msg) msg = [, , , , , , ] 284 return dispatcher 285 286 for s in self.shell_streams: 287 s.on_recv(make_dispatcher(s), copy=False) ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/kernelbase.py in dispatch_shell(self=, stream=, msg={'buffers': [], 'content': {'allow_stdin': True, 'code': "# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))", 'silent': False, 'stop_on_error': True, 'store_history': True, 'user_expressions': {}}, 'header': {'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 30, 4, 19, 48, 623932, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'msg_id': '3F664F4DF8994E9980115EFD76A70918', 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'session': '1DCE294733F74AD0BBF17671DE4E5820', 'username': 'username', 'version': '5.2'}, 'metadata': {}, 'msg_id': '3F664F4DF8994E9980115EFD76A70918', 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'parent_header': {}}) 230 self.log.warn("Unknown message type: %r", msg_type) 231 else: 232 self.log.debug("%s: %s", msg_type, msg) 233 self.pre_handler_hook() 234 try: --> 235 handler(stream, idents, msg) handler = > stream = idents = [b'1DCE294733F74AD0BBF17671DE4E5820'] msg = {'buffers': [], 'content': {'allow_stdin': True, 'code': "# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))", 'silent': False, 'stop_on_error': True, 'store_history': True, 'user_expressions': {}}, 'header': {'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 30, 4, 19, 48, 623932, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'msg_id': '3F664F4DF8994E9980115EFD76A70918', 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'session': '1DCE294733F74AD0BBF17671DE4E5820', 'username': 'username', 'version': '5.2'}, 'metadata': {}, 'msg_id': '3F664F4DF8994E9980115EFD76A70918', 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'parent_header': {}} 236 except Exception: 237 self.log.error("Exception in message handler:", exc_info=True) 238 finally: 239 self.post_handler_hook() ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/kernelbase.py in execute_request(self=, stream=, ident=[b'1DCE294733F74AD0BBF17671DE4E5820'], parent={'buffers': [], 'content': {'allow_stdin': True, 'code': "# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))", 'silent': False, 'stop_on_error': True, 'store_history': True, 'user_expressions': {}}, 'header': {'date': datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 30, 4, 19, 48, 623932, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'msg_id': '3F664F4DF8994E9980115EFD76A70918', 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'session': '1DCE294733F74AD0BBF17671DE4E5820', 'username': 'username', 'version': '5.2'}, 'metadata': {}, 'msg_id': '3F664F4DF8994E9980115EFD76A70918', 'msg_type': 'execute_request', 'parent_header': {}}) 394 if not silent: 395 self.execution_count += 1 396 self._publish_execute_input(code, parent, self.execution_count) 397 398 reply_content = self.do_execute(code, silent, store_history, --> 399 user_expressions, allow_stdin) user_expressions = {} allow_stdin = True 400 401 # Flush output before sending the reply. 402 sys.stdout.flush() 403 sys.stderr.flush() ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/ipkernel.py in do_execute(self=, code="# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))", silent=False, store_history=True, user_expressions={}, allow_stdin=True) 191 192 self._forward_input(allow_stdin) 193 194 reply_content = {} 195 try: --> 196 res = shell.run_cell(code, store_history=store_history, silent=silent) res = undefined shell.run_cell = > code = "# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))" store_history = True silent = False 197 finally: 198 self._restore_input() 199 200 if res.error_before_exec is not None: ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/zmqshell.py in run_cell(self=, *args=("# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))",), **kwargs={'silent': False, 'store_history': True}) 528 ) 529 self.payload_manager.write_payload(payload) 530 531 def run_cell(self, *args, **kwargs): 532 self._last_traceback = None --> 533 return super(ZMQInteractiveShell, self).run_cell(*args, **kwargs) self.run_cell = > args = ("# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))",) kwargs = {'silent': False, 'store_history': True} 534 535 def _showtraceback(self, etype, evalue, stb): 536 # try to preserve ordering of tracebacks and print statements 537 sys.stdout.flush() ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py in run_cell(self=, raw_cell="# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))", store_history=True, silent=False, shell_futures=True) 2723 self.displayhook.exec_result = result 2724 2725 # Execute the user code 2726 interactivity = "none" if silent else self.ast_node_interactivity 2727 has_raised = self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name, -> 2728 interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result) interactivity = 'last_expr' compiler = 2729 2730 self.last_execution_succeeded = not has_raised 2731 self.last_execution_result = result 2732 ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py in run_ast_nodes(self=, nodelist=[<_ast.ImportFrom object>, <_ast.Assign object>, <_ast.Assign object>, <_ast.Assign object>, <_ast.Expr object>, <_ast.Expr object>, <_ast.Expr object>, <_ast.Expr object>], cell_name='', interactivity='last', compiler=, result=) 2845 2846 try: 2847 for i, node in enumerate(to_run_exec): 2848 mod = ast.Module([node]) 2849 code = compiler(mod, cell_name, "exec") -> 2850 if self.run_code(code, result): self.run_code = > code = at 0x1a1f3f18a0, file "", line 8> result = 2851 return True 2852 2853 for i, node in enumerate(to_run_interactive): 2854 mod = ast.Interactive([node]) ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py in run_code(self=, code_obj= at 0x1a1f3f18a0, file "", line 8>, result=) 2905 outflag = True # happens in more places, so it's easier as default 2906 try: 2907 try: 2908 self.hooks.pre_run_code_hook() 2909 #rprint('Running code', repr(code_obj)) # dbg -> 2910 exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns) code_obj = at 0x1a1f3f18a0, file "", line 8> self.user_global_ns = {'FSGNN': , 'Fsgnn': , 'In': ['', '#Import libraries\nimport cdt\nfrom cdt import SET...pandas as pd\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt', '#Import libraries\nimport cdt\nfrom cdt import SET...pandas as pd\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt', '# Load data and graph solution\ndata = pd.read_cs...sualization of the graph. \nplt.show()\ndata.head()', 'solution', "# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))"], 'Out': {3: Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure ... -0.733240 -0.149308 0.854195 -0.633940 , 4: }, 'SETTINGS': , '_': , '_3': Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure ... -0.733240 -0.149308 0.854195 -0.633940 , '_4': , '__': Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure ... -0.733240 -0.149308 0.854195 -0.633940 , '___': '', ...} self.user_ns = {'FSGNN': , 'Fsgnn': , 'In': ['', '#Import libraries\nimport cdt\nfrom cdt import SET...pandas as pd\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt', '#Import libraries\nimport cdt\nfrom cdt import SET...pandas as pd\nfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt', '# Load data and graph solution\ndata = pd.read_cs...sualization of the graph. \nplt.show()\ndata.head()', 'solution', "# So the question is, if you only have the data ...s\npd.DataFrame(list(ugraph.edges(data='weight')))"], 'Out': {3: Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure ... -0.733240 -0.149308 0.854195 -0.633940 , 4: }, 'SETTINGS': , '_': , '_3': Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure ... -0.733240 -0.149308 0.854195 -0.633940 , '_4': , '__': Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure ... -0.733240 -0.149308 0.854195 -0.633940 , '___': '', ...} 2911 finally: 2912 # Reset our crash handler in place 2913 sys.excepthook = old_excepthook 2914 except SystemExit as e: ........................................................................... /Volumes/extra/FirmAI/Causal Inference/CausalDiscoveryToolbox-master/examples/ in () 3 from cdt.independence.graph import FSGNN 4 5 Fsgnn = FSGNN() 6 7 start_time = time.time() ----> 8 ugraph = Fsgnn.predict(data, train_epochs=2000, test_epochs=1000, threshold=5e-4, l1=0.01) 9 print("--- Execution time : %4.4s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) 10 nx.draw_networkx(ugraph, font_size=8) # The plot function allows for quick visualization of the graph. 11 plt.show() 12 # List results ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/model.py in predict(self=, df_data= Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579 [500 rows x 11 columns], threshold=0.0005, **kwargs={'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000}) 50 nb_jobs = kwargs.get("nb_jobs", SETTINGS.NB_JOBS) 51 list_nodes = list(df_data.columns.values) 52 if nb_jobs != 1: 53 result_feature_selection = Parallel(n_jobs=nb_jobs)(delayed(self.run_feature_selection) 54 (df_data, node, idx, **kwargs) ---> 55 for idx, node in enumerate(list_nodes)) idx = undefined node = undefined list_nodes = ['Allergy', 'Anxiety', 'Genetics', 'Peer_Pressure', 'Attention_Disorder', 'Smoking', 'Lung_Cancer', 'Yellow_Fingers', 'Coughing', 'Fatigue', 'Car_Accident'] 56 else: 57 result_feature_selection = [self.run_feature_selection(df_data, node, idx, **kwargs) for idx, node in enumerate(list_nodes)] 58 for idx, i in enumerate(result_feature_selection): 59 try: ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in __call__(self=Parallel(n_jobs=4), iterable=.>) 784 if pre_dispatch == "all" or n_jobs == 1: 785 # The iterable was consumed all at once by the above for loop. 786 # No need to wait for async callbacks to trigger to 787 # consumption. 788 self._iterating = False --> 789 self.retrieve() self.retrieve = 790 # Make sure that we get a last message telling us we are done 791 elapsed_time = time.time() - self._start_time 792 self._print('Done %3i out of %3i | elapsed: %s finished', 793 (len(self._output), len(self._output), --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-process traceback: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Sat Jun 30 16:19:48 2018 PID: 92373 Python 3.6.3: /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/bin/python ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in __call__(self=) 126 def __init__(self, iterator_slice): 127 self.items = list(iterator_slice) 128 self._size = len(self.items) 129 130 def __call__(self): --> 131 return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] self.items = [(>, ( Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579 [500 rows x 11 columns], 'Allergy', 0), {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000})] 132 133 def __len__(self): 134 return self._size 135 ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in (.0=) 126 def __init__(self, iterator_slice): 127 self.items = list(iterator_slice) 128 self._size = len(self.items) 129 130 def __call__(self): --> 131 return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] func = > args = ( Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579 [500 rows x 11 columns], 'Allergy', 0) kwargs = {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000} 132 133 def __len__(self): 134 return self._size 135 ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/model.py in run_feature_selection(self=, df_data= Allergy Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure...0.858699 -1.037579 [500 rows x 11 columns], target='Allergy', idx=0, **kwargs={'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000}) 38 list_features = list(df_data.columns.values) 39 list_features.remove(target) 40 df_target = pd.DataFrame(df_data[target], columns=[target]) 41 df_features = df_data[list_features] 42 ---> 43 return self.predict_features(df_features, df_target, **kwargs) self.predict_features = > df_features = Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure Attentio...0.858699 -1.037579 [500 rows x 10 columns] df_target = Allergy 0 -0.266076 1 -0.579084 2 -0...8 -0.064685 499 -0.638704 [500 rows x 1 columns] kwargs = {'l1': 0.01, 'test_epochs': 1000, 'train_epochs': 2000} 44 45 def predict(self, df_data, threshold=0.05, **kwargs): 46 """Get the skeleton of the graph from raw data. 47 ........................................................................... /Users/dereksnow/anaconda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cdt/independence/graph/FSGNN.py in predict_features(self=, df_features= Anxiety Genetics Peer_Pressure Attentio...0.858699 -1.037579 [500 rows x 10 columns], df_target= Allergy 0 -0.266076 1 -0.579084 2 -0...8 -0.064685 499 -0.638704 [500 rows x 1 columns], nh=20, idx=0, dropout=0.0, activation_function=, lr=0.01, l1=0.01, train_epochs=2000, test_epochs=1000, device='cpu', verbose=False, nb_runs=3) 74 activation_function=th.nn.ReLU, lr=0.01, l1=0.1, # batch_size=-1, 75 train_epochs=1000, test_epochs=1000, device=None, 76 verbose=None, nb_runs=3): 77 """For one variable, predict its neighbours.""" 78 device, verbose = SETTINGS.get_default(('device', device), ('verbose', verbose)) ---> 79 x = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_features.as_matrix())).to(device) x = undefined df_features.as_matrix.to = undefined device = 'cpu' 80 y = th.FloatTensor(scale(df_target.as_matrix())).to(device) 81 out = [] 82 for i in range(nb_runs): 83 model = FSGNN_model([x.size()[1], nh, 1], AttributeError: 'torch.FloatTensor' object has no attribute 'to' ___________________________________________________________________________`