FenrirZeroZero / HydrocraftRedux

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Intelligence - a replacement for all those recipe magazines? #14

Open HugoQwerty opened 3 months ago

HugoQwerty commented 3 months ago

Wacky idea.

Add an Intelligence skill, defaults to 5, maybe adjusted with Fast/Slow Learner, maybe add other traits too (e.g. Moron, Slow, Smart, Genius).

Once spawned there is no way to increase the skill.

Each day your character earns research points based on their level of intelligence. Maybe add some books that reward research points too?

Research points can be used to unlock recipes, perhaps on a skill tree, i.e. some unlocks are only available after other recipes have been unlocked already. Or, to make it easier to code, have the unlock recipes behind higher levels of new skills (Smithing, Animal Husbandry, Chemistry, etc.)

Then remove most of the recipe magazines, so players can focus on unlocking the recipes they are most interested in, rather than relying on finding that one book that is preventing their progress.

Sandbox option to adjust the rate at which research points are gained.

Just a thought.

FenrirZeroZero commented 3 months ago

I really like the idear but i think that's more something of an Extension? In the moment there is still a lot of work to reduce the bloat (not that this is bloat!) and testing/playing with the current changes. Literally killed my test world yesterday my co "testers" where stoked.