FenrirZeroZero / HydrocraftRedux

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Missing Lua functions #37

Open HugoQwerty opened 3 months ago

HugoQwerty commented 3 months ago

I've just been checking my console and found something interesting.

no such function LuaCreate = "recipe_hcget4beakers" in recipe "Make Huge Battery"

Sure enough that lua function is no longer in the mod, even though it was used by two recipes.

My console has the same message lots of other functions as well.

Code below is copied from Hasi's version of Hydrocraft, so it must have been removed recently.

function recipe_hcget4beakers(items, result, player) local inv = player:getInventory() inv:AddItems("Hydrocraft.HCGlassbeaker", 4) end

Not sure whether this was removed intentionally or not.

Personally, I would remove the recipe as I would remove batteries from HC - and make HC items either need a generator or vanilla batteries (e.g. for the metal detector, & maybe need more than 1 battery as well).