Fenrirthviti / stream-site

Rachni - nginx RTMP streaming front end
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Migrate to nginx-http-flv-module and flv.js #35

Open TinkoLiu opened 5 years ago

TinkoLiu commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/winshining/nginx-http-flv-module is another nginx extension, based on nginx-rtmp-module, with full nginx-rtmp-module function and same api, but supports HTTP-FLV delivering which has low latency as RTMP. HTTP-FLV could be played with https://github.com/Bilibili/flv.js without Flash Player.

Fenrirthviti commented 5 years ago

Apologies for taking so long to respond to this, missed the email notification. This is very curious indeed! I will be investigating as the only reason the site is still using the flash player is the latency concerns.

HeyJupiter commented 5 years ago

@TinkoLiu I've been using nginx-http-flv-module for a long time with flv.js too. @Fenrirthviti The UI is fantastic! Wish you to do something on nginx-http-flv-module, thanks in advance.

Fenrirthviti commented 5 years ago

Trying to get this running, but hitting some obscure issues on the server side.

Client side should be pretty much complete: https://github.com/Fenrirthviti/stream-site/commit/a3876661a9d48f1462f5ad6c1dd2dd74398e0fe1

Fenrirthviti commented 5 years ago

After working with the developer here: https://github.com/winshining/nginx-http-flv-module/issues/86

Bug with IPv6 is solved, and this should be ready to deploy. The changes made are very minor, and I've updated the deps to include the proper files needed to get this running.

TinkoLiu commented 5 years ago


Fenrirthviti commented 5 years ago

I have not yet updated the nginx config for what is required, but it's pretty much the default additions from the nginx-http-flv-module readme. Should be enough to get things working. Will update the included configs when time allows. I am also working on providing a docker or install script which would make deployment easier.

HeyJupiter commented 5 years ago

A great job!