Feodor2 / Mypal

132 stars 12 forks source link

1. Dissussionsforum, 2. not by modern Windows Versions.. just read.. #127

Open blackcrack opened 7 months ago

blackcrack commented 7 months ago


but would be bogged down by modern operating systems like Windows 10

nope, it is by Factory who whant bring the peoples to the next Ordering system, any new Version , and earn therewith every more money, and whant bring the peoples more and more to a clouversion what told at the big hearing infront of the Headcourt in the States before a couples Years.. therewith can you say "bogged down by the Factory" without say MS ... because the plan is, all hardcored users of WinNT bring into the Cloud for overwaching also for FBI and other fasilitys of the US-State and all work an extraneous Servers and no more at singles computers at home where is many harder for overwaching .. And who is also in the states.. Mozilla .. in the law be also a couples line for software overwaching and code produsing.. (point point point) i like your plan for bring up mypal, but the name is a but chosen unhappy,
why not more specific.. "OldCompBrowser" or "Evergreen Browser" ...
so, use the "Evergreen" for browsing or something.. is maybe not the wrong name but targeting, for what it is ..

And please open the Dissusions forum by side of this repo to have a conversions platform for speek together.. On the Homepage is not a Conatct-page and also is no possibility to speak with you or together.. so, please open the DissusionsBoard heare ..

best regards