Feodor2 / Mypal

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Mypal blocked from accessing addons.palemoon.org #19

Closed letmeindude closed 2 years ago

letmeindude commented 3 years ago

I have tried changing the user agent, but it doesn't work. Any solution?

Maybe patching some system file to mask XP as Windows 7 globally?

ghost commented 3 years ago

This page (https://addons.palemoon.org/extensions/) is currently offline. However, because the site uses Cloudflare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by Cloudflare | Hide this Alert

letmeindude commented 3 years ago

If you look at the source of that page you will see an inline script, which looks like this (after decoding):

var _0x373a=['getElementById','oscpu','onload','Windows NT 5.0','Windows NT 5.1','Windows NT 6.0','startsWith','content','cloneNode','body','ydob-niam'];(function(_0x18ee53,_0x698f9e){var _0x7fbd21=function(_0x28890f){while(--_0x28890f){_0x18ee53['push'](_0x18ee53['shift']());}};_0x7fbd21(++_0x698f9e);}(_0x373a,-0x1a3*0x17+0x3*0x20f+-0x38b*-0x9));var _0x3fce=function(_0x18ee53,_0x698f9e){_0x18ee53=_0x18ee53-(-0x1a3*0x17+0x3*0x20f+-0xd4*-0x26);var _0x7fbd21=_0x373a[_0x18ee53];return _0x7fbd21;};function displayContent(){var _0x450ab6=navigator[_0x3fce('0x4')];if(_0x450ab6&&(_0x450ab6[_0x3fce('0x9')](_0x3fce('0x6'))||_0x450ab6[_0x3fce('0x9')](_0x3fce('0x7'))||_0x450ab6[_0x3fce('0x9')]('Windows NT 5.2')||_0x450ab6['startsWith'](_0x3fce('0x8'))))return null;var _0x8e6358=document[_0x3fce('0x3')](_0x3fce('0x2'))[_0x3fce('0xa')][_0x3fce('0x0')](!![]);document['body']['appendChild'](_0x8e6358),document[_0x3fce('0x1')]['id']='main-body';}window[_0x3fce('0x5')]=displayContent();

As you can see Tobin is blocking XP from accessing addons.palemoon.org. That script wasn't there few days ago: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://addons.palemoon.org/

ghost commented 3 years ago

As you can see, Tobin is maliciously blocking for Mypal. There is no problem in new browsers from windows 7. As you can see recently Tobin called those modifying Palemoon on the MSFN forum that they were stealing his rams. This soap foams.

letmeindude commented 3 years ago

Yes, at first he was only blocking Mypal user agent, but then he added that script which blocks all browsers on XP.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Either Tobin so stupid and headstrong, or they paid Tobi to destroy XP. The troll is not beautiful. The reason for his anger may be that Tobi wants tribute and money and got shit.

rereser commented 3 years ago

solution: new string : general.oscpu.override value : Windows NT 6.1

Feodor2 commented 3 years ago

If you want to use the addons.palemoon in spite set general.useragent.override.addons.palemoon.org;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.9 he still not block it for firefox, set palemoon when he block firefox too. Next he is to block synch for sure, i told that is unreliable stuff, fellows who need synch let search free alternative.

letmeindude commented 3 years ago

solution: new string : general.oscpu.override value : 6.1

It works, thank you.

Feodor2 commented 3 years ago

oscpu.override only not works for me

letmeindude commented 3 years ago

You also need to change general.useragent.override.addons.palemoon.org to:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;rv:52.9) Goanna/20170101 PaleMoon/28.12.0

nicolaasjan commented 3 years ago

Same issue with New Moon 28.10.2a1...

I set general.useragent.override.palemoon.org to: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;rv:52.9) Goanna/20170101 PaleMoon/28.12.0 And set general.oscpu.override to: Windows NT 6.1

Now it works again. Thanks!

I only fear, that for the less tech-savvy people this will be a showstopper...

Now we wait for his next move...

nicolaasjan commented 3 years ago

I only fear, that for the less tech-savvy people this will be a showstopper...

Maybe it's possible to apply the workarounds in the source code of a next build?

nicolaasjan commented 3 years ago

About an hour ago I had the same issue with the Serpent browser (Basilisk fork). There was this script in the source of addons.basilisk-browser.org:

var f = ['eSklnmk0uKFcM2vW', 'WOlcRMirtq==', 'zSo8W51OoCoSl8omW58=', 'kc7cO8oXWO4wWPpcO8kUCW==', 'FYasyLiAWOmOfCoWC8o6W5Xd', 'W5tdUbtcPmohWQ5kW69h', 'stNcTeldKmolW4O0z8ob', 'W63cSh3dVmo+l8kubCkx', 'hxJcMfK=', 'W6/dS8kTWOK=', 'W6XiuCk+F8ksWPXCW7hdHxVcIsKV', 'WROQWRRdTCkVWP4tWQ/dPLWuWOPfBq==', 'W5BdPaVcR8omWOrMW6nlW7ldVW==', 'WOZdLqhcK8kkWONdUeGHmG==', 'WOC1FuLOEmkHWQfraG==', 'x8k6A8kpEq==', 'r8k9W69XWPxdKSoJvspdNSk9WQ3cPSoz', 't8k2W7DBWPJdKW==', 'lLddPJ1c', 'W5Drpd1PWRvPWQhdOa==', 'W5/dNbpcK8kgC8kHuG==', 'WOSEWQpdGCoM', 'DvhcJ8oTWQNdMCop', 'WOZcTwPDpSo2', 'z8kGzSkBy8k1vSknDtOEW7a3WO4='];
(function (m, K) {
    var x = function (V) {
        while (--V) {
}(f, 0x79));
var m = function (c, p) {
    c = c - 0x0;
    var K = f[c];
    if (m['rNLlBS'] === undefined) {
        var x = function (a) {
            var R = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=',
                o = String(a)['replace'](/=+$/, '');
            var B = '';
            for (var S = 0x0, M, w, i = 0x0; w = o['charAt'](i++); ~w && (M = S % 0x4 ? M * 0x40 + w : w, S++ % 0x4) ? B += String['fromCharCode'](0xff & M >> (-0x2 * S & 0x6)) : 0x0) {
                w = R['indexOf'](w);
            return B;
        var g = function (a, R) {
            var o = [],
                B = 0x0,
                S, M = '',
                w = '';
            a = x(a);
            for (var Z = 0x0, O = a['length']; Z < O; Z++) {
                w += '%' + ('00' + a['charCodeAt'](Z)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);
            a = decodeURIComponent(w);
            var z;
            for (z = 0x0; z < 0x100; z++) {
                o[z] = z;
            for (z = 0x0; z < 0x100; z++) {
                B = (B + o[z] + R['charCodeAt'](z % R['length'])) % 0x100, S = o[z], o[z] = o[B], o[B] = S;
            z = 0x0, B = 0x0;
            for (var P = 0x0; P < a['length']; P++) {
                z = (z + 0x1) % 0x100, B = (B + o[z]) % 0x100, S = o[z], o[z] = o[B], o[B] = S, M += String['fromCharCode'](a['charCodeAt'](P) ^ o[(o[z] + o[B]) % 0x100]);
            return M;
        m['oOsLPL'] = g, m['WbxHzd'] = {}, m['rNLlBS'] = !![];
    var V = m['WbxHzd'][c];
    return V === undefined ? (m['HpLrnG'] === undefined && (m['HpLrnG'] = !![]), K = m['oOsLPL'](K, p), m['WbxHzd'][c] = K) : K = V, K;

function displayContent() {
    if (m('0x16', 'X^NV') in navigator) {
        var c = navigator[m('0x13', 'jSRE')],
            p = navigator[m('0x17', '[8Xe')];
        p[m('0x18', 'lQuP')](m('0xc', 'YGBb')) && (c = m('0x0', '6BH3') + c);
        uaPrefix = navigator['appCodeName'] + m('0x2', '$pr4') + c + ';';
        if (!navigator[m('0x4', '*oGR')][m('0x7', 'WLt7')](uaPrefix)) return;
        if (navigator[m('0x5', 'Oe[7')] && (c[m('0x11', 'x]g1')](m('0xf', 'IoRy')) || c[m('0x12', 'J)Qy')](m('0x8', '2Y76')) || c[m('0x11', 'x]g1')](m('0x3', 'jSRE')) || c[m('0xa', 'slWI')](m('0xe', 'Tf(C')))) return null;
    var K = document[m('0x14', '#vP$')](m('0xb', 'sGko'))[m('0x1', 'AFE0')][m('0x9', 'dzAO')](!![]);
    document[m('0xd', 'hnwX')][m('0x10', 'dzAO')](K), document['body']['id'] = m('0x6', 'c%xO'), console['log'](c);
window[m('0x15', '#vP$')] = displayContent();

Now I checked again and the script is gone!

The script has vanished from addons.palemoon.org as well...

[Edit] There are topics about this on the Pale Moon forum: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=25084 https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=25091

letmeindude wrote: 2020-08-26, 11:05 Basically, this started after Tobin got banned from MSFN for insulting people. That anti-XP/Vista script is low, even from you Tobin.

letmeindude commented 3 years ago

I'm gonna close this issue, no need for tweaks anymore.

AroKol78 commented 2 years ago

for your own safety it is a good idea to block inline-script, script, xhr from accessing their pages the worst can be expected on their part