Feodor2 / Mypal

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thanks for making mypal! #24

Closed TobyAdd closed 2 years ago

TobyAdd commented 2 years ago

Feodor2 thanks for creating the best browser for windows xp. You are the best man who made a soft for unsupported system. But unfortunately it's over, rip mypal.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Don't forget that there are Chinese builds on the modern Chromium engine, which works on XP. The interface is partly in English, the installer is Chinese. https://browser.kfsafe.cn/ https://browser.360.cn/ee/

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

You are welcome but duplicating is unwanted.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Don't forget that there are Chinese builds on the modern Chromium engine, which works on XP. The interface is partly in English, the installer is Chinese. https://browser.kfsafe.cn/ https://browser.360.cn/ee/

Great dude I'm so happy to use random Chinaware, sounds legt This is the dumbest *** thing and I find the palemoon devs act like manchildren. Never again using anything from them

ghost commented 2 years ago

I think if you are Russian, American or European, you don't need to be afraid of Chinese probes. And a Chinese patriot too, I guess. I would be much more afraid of Microsoft Windows. Well, let's say: Chinese can steal your money, Microsoft can't. But things change if you are Snowden, for example. Manchild ≠ Moonchild