Feodor2 / Mypal

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Copy trick no longer working #56

Open Methen opened 2 years ago

Methen commented 2 years ago

I just went to talk to a friend on messenger as always I could not type, so I tried that copy and paste trick that usually works and I could not get that to work now can someone tell me when these problems are going to be fixed ?

chrischris888 commented 2 years ago

You need to do this: first select what you wish to copy, press ctrl+C then go to where you wish to paste and press SIMULTANEOUSLY ctrl+V+mouse left click. After that, press enter, or you may even continue to type normally ... Even better than this, you may select copy a blank space or a dot or any single character, then press SIMULTANEOUSLY ctrl+V+mouse left click and then you just continue to type normally ... this is how I am doing since January ... well, about when it is going to be fixed ?... Feodor suggested that February will be ready with a new upgrade, but it seems he is not ready yet. Maybe in March or the end of March...

Methen commented 2 years ago

It no longer works for me when I right click I can see the paste option but when I try to paste nothing appears tried several times and I also press the enter key

chrischris888 commented 2 years ago

After pressing SIMULTANEOUSLY ctrl+V+mouse left click ... make a click AFTER the blank or copied character,... because the course will always automatically move on the first position where you cannot write. Move to the right one position and then you can write.