Feodor2 / Mypal68

web browser
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Open sirrooster opened 1 year ago

sirrooster commented 1 year ago

Not working site https://www.servustv.com/aktuelles/v/aaelhzxny3jfc491011l/

NS-Clone commented 1 year ago

а это просто аффтар той темы 3aшaдoвбaнeнгнидox00бам без малейшего предупреждения

а вообще можно написать в п00ддержку и пожаловатсо на кривость их гитх00бов ибо в нормальных местах cнocят то чего не понравилось а не 100% инфы от юзыра

я сюда больше ничего заливать не буду возвращаемся к релизам на файлообменниках

Feodor2 commented 1 year ago

Старый список не актуальный всё равно, пусть будет новый до следующейго перехода по явасрипту. А шож ты за такой крименал залевал, и что поодержка, помню так сдлали общеизвесному тобиун, но потом вернуле ему всё взат.

NS-Clone commented 1 year ago

А шож ты за такой крименал залевал, и что поодержка, помню так сдлали общеизвесному тобиун, но потом вернуле ему всё взат.

последднее что заливал были бэкпорты под ХРю :)

атак скорей всего за коменты в issues на инглише даже не у себя гугол говорит что тут вообще автоматические сработки на запрещенные слова

да и вообще в такой форме меня "выкидывают" почему то только англосаксы как и мы это всегда знали и замечали их формальная "приветливоздь" ничего не значит

...так что лучше тут не использовать черный юмор и слова очень любимые СШПЛГБТолерастами в сочетании с названиеми больших забугорных М$-ZОG контор...

mammothred commented 1 year ago

web.whatsapp.com просит версию 60+ https://web.telegram.org/k/ -- крэшится

satmonk commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I have two important sites which don't work :-(

the first one is: https://www.elster.de/eportal/login/softpse (Nothing happens if you select "auswählen" or button "durchsuchen")

the second one is:

www.kleinanzeigen.de (Any attempt to login will be refused, an info which says that the IP is blacklisted appears, but the IP is not the problem, other browsers with the same IP are working fine)

regards, satmonk

rafm5 commented 1 year ago

https://id.atlassian.com/login - more commonly known as Jira. Unable to raise tickets :-(

reapern66 commented 1 year ago

Ups tracking does not display results when entering a tracking number. appears to be stuck.


LEO33SoFo commented 1 year ago

Logging in to Cloudflare main website doesn't work.


hue4 commented 1 year ago

Does this mean that pnc.com it is not reparable?

hue4 commented 1 year ago

I've done online banking for years using MyPal and winXp. But as of last night, despite deleting all cookies and history, I'm getting a Code 18 error message.

Feodor2 commented 1 year ago

You want to know i never would try to fix the site if there login required to check, including any facepook and goolag. If you want to help please try find what feature is missing by yourself.

For now the plan is fix bsod issues, next i want to build x64 and see versions, new features then after.

hue4 commented 1 year ago


RainbowLGBT commented 1 year ago

Hi! I can't open this website. It shows a blank page and the website does not load the content https://www.bancoprovincia.bancainternet.com.ar

Version: mypal-68.13.2b winXP32

hue4 commented 1 year ago


Says.. "Ads Blocker Detected!!!

We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. Please support us by disabling these ads blocker."

There's no type of adblocker. Erased the cookies, same message. It used to work..

Feodor2 commented 1 year ago

@hue4 not for me so image

hue4 commented 1 year ago

works now. problem on other end.

sk8rthug commented 1 year ago

https://sfo.geomonitoring.ru/eis3/ - страница грузится не полностью. Загружается только заголовок, а содержимое не хочет.

NS-Clone commented 1 year ago

походу невозможно пройти яндыкс капчу 2023-08-25_034807_ можно поймать если через проксю в поиск повбивать какое нить "123" натыкиваешь жмешь пподтвердить а тебе даютт новую и так десятки раз...

hue4 commented 1 year ago


When you click 'watch now', it says browser is unsupported.

hue4 commented 1 year ago


Can't sign in despite resetting the password 4 times. My account with Pandora is 15 years old.

It signs in on 29.3.0.... but not on 68.13.0b. Says, 'Incorrect email or password'. They are not incorrect.

Sen-nin commented 11 months ago

cPanel looks funny and is unusable like this:


I hope it could be fixed if possible. Thank you.

Sen-nin commented 11 months ago

cPanel should look like this:

cPanel as displayed by Firefox 52 8 0--trimmed-masked-2

Sen-nin commented 11 months ago

Also, Mypal 68 does not correctly display the following two websites (which seem to be run by the same company):



If possible, please fix Mypal68 so we could see them. They provide resources such as photos free of charge.

pachuco commented 11 months ago

They f-ed up Discord again.

Console says...

AudioWorkletNode not defined Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”).

NS-Clone commented 11 months ago

умя дискорд тожы отвалилсо

MWF2 commented 11 months ago

Discord No Longer Works, It Just White discord no longer works

NS-Clone commented 11 months ago

в серпенте 52 он тоже больше не работает снова и опять...

MWF2 commented 11 months ago

recently, there way to fix discord on mypal 68, just go to about:config, set dom.audioworklet.enabled to true, and that's all image image

Sen-nin commented 11 months ago

Mypal 68.13.3b is still unable to show cPanel properly. Since most people making websites use cPanel worldwide, please consider this issue important.

For the time being, Firefox 52.9.0 still works with cPanel.

The other websites that I brought to your attention do not work with Mypal68 even in the latest 13.3b.

Feodor2 commented 11 months ago

Mypal 68.13.3b is still unable to show cPanel properly

Certainly i was not going to do anything regarding sites yet. Did you look the plan above? So 13.3 13.4 and 13.5 likely be nothing about sites.

If you know the site works good on 52 try poke useragent for that site

NS-Clone commented 11 months ago

If you know the site works good on 52 try poke useragent for that site

это можно сделоть чем то для конкретных сайтов? ато с левым усрагентом не пройти клоунфлару

Sen-nin commented 11 months ago

Certainly i was not going to do anything regarding sites yet. Did you look the plan above?

Do you mean that you are currently working on JavaScript? If so, I know that.

I suspect that the sites which I brought to your attention are not compatible with Mypal 68 most likely because of JavaScript compatibility. Especially cPanel looks like it.

User agents have nothing to do with them. Default UA is English, but I know that these websites work with English as well as Japanese. I can make Mypal switch between several languages, but UA switching does not change anything.

By the way, there may not be many Japanese people who have downloaded Mypal 68. However, so far, at least six thousand Japanese have downloaded Mypal 68 from one of my websites with Japanese instructions I provided.

Can you check Mypal 68's compatibility with cPanel on your own when you start working on it? I am currently talking to the cPanel team. In case you need a place where you could test Mypal 68's compatibility with cPanel, I am happy to further push my inquiry on this issue when I talk to the people developing cPanel next time.

hue4 commented 11 months ago

https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/meaning (or whatever word).

Site doesn't work.

Feodor2 commented 11 months ago

The detailed plan is: Next version 13.4 will be soon where may be fixed the BSOD problem complete and youdupe crash #284 Then supposed before the year end x64 and sse versoins. Only after this, hope nothing bad happen, i shall begin next year to apply new features, microtask thing and further, as rise js to 91.


User agents have nothing to do with them. Default UA is English

Seems you do not get about the user agent at all, please educate.


это можно сделоть чем то для конкретных сайтов?

Ну да general.useragent.override.<сайт>

Sen-nin commented 11 months ago

Seems you do not get about the user agent at all, please educate.

Sorry. I got UA and Browser Language all mixed up. I normally use UA for Firefox 105. At this time, I changed it to the following:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0

It does not work either. Like I said, it is not the question of User Agent.

I hit upon an idea and turned JavaScript off and accessed those sites. They looked normal on the surface. Of course, some important features are gone because they are provided by JavaScript.

So I am now quite certain that this problem is caused by JavaScript.

Attached is the screenshot of cPanel when JavaScript is turned off on Mypal 68.

There is a possibility, though, that cPanel developers made a mistake with their JavaScript code.


NS-Clone commented 11 months ago

~~Virustotal опять анально отгородилсо от старых браузеров? (обе версии) или это в recaptcha-е?~~

liqideqq commented 11 months ago

https://dash.cloudflare.com/login Error reported after login

NS-Clone commented 11 months ago

Virustotal опять анально отгородилсо от старых браузеров? (обе версии) или это в recaptcha-е?

седня recapcha соизволила появитсо (хотя браузор я тожо обновил мало ли чего там изменилось) и light версией получилось воспользоватсо

NS-Clone commented 10 months ago

Discord у всех работает? у меня он каждые полторы секунды возращается обратно к мерзской крутилке...

Lost-Entrepreneur439 commented 10 months ago

Discord is now mostly no longer functional in Mypal68. Everyone appears as offline, server lists in servers don't load and you can't send messages. According to Jazzzny (the developer of Discord Legacy Patcher for macOS), this is because Discord now depends on object.hasOwn, which was introduced in Chromium 93/Firefox 92

Feodor2 commented 10 months ago

Discord now depends on object.hasOwn, which was introduced in Chromium 93/Firefox 92

If it will be okey i shall begin to move javascript futher next year

While today i have added new feature the querymicrotask, so some of sites may be working again.

NS-Clone commented 9 months ago

опять обновлениё ради обновления на гейх00бе? 2023-12-02_170652_ 2023-12-02_171702 2023-12-02_171338

Feodor2 commented 9 months ago

While javascript still the most important there other things to do. The good way is to find the first version where it begins to work. Look what was added or enabled - this may be all different stuff, like audiworklet or querymicrotask, if nothing found you may continue with nightly and others too.

Jarek63 commented 9 months ago

MyPal 68.13.7 works very well with Windows XP SP3 + POS Ready. Installation of add -ons correct. Fast and stable browser. I haven't noticed mistakes so far. It's a pity for the previous MyPal. The language file works with Firefox 69.0.3. So far. Regards

mrkapqa commented 9 months ago

please add www.rumble.com if possible (searchbox not delivering results)

Patreides9 commented 9 months ago

This site: https://port.hu/tv doesn't work anymore with MyPal. They've changed/developed) something (javascript?, CSS?) on the site a few days ago, and it's practically over for me.

vkshaw0807 commented 9 months ago


the above site cannot load.... ^^^^^

pachuco commented 8 months ago

https://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/the-lost-vikings-ibm-pc-at I click Prehistoria, browser crashes.

bushy555 commented 8 months ago


...ebay have gone and changed stuff again! FFS!. v13.7b refuses to correctly upload photos to an already existing ebay listing.
At least with me, it appears to upload new photos to a pre-existing ebay listing ok, but then, it does not correctly save them, and when you finish off the editing, the newly uploaded photos simply disappear. It is as though that the entire finishing process after editing a listing does not correctly save the new pics.

Ebay sucks.

Can anyone else confirm ?

Sen-nin commented 7 months ago

ICANN Lookup


Gives me a totally blank page. Mypal 68.13.7b

68.13.8b had login problems at some websites, so I deleted it.