Feodor2 / Mypal68

web browser
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Browser doesn't render window, every ~49th day of uptime #235

Open newbie-461 opened 1 year ago

newbie-461 commented 1 year ago

version: Mypal68.13.0b (and older version) system: xpsp_sp3_qfe.180912-060 GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (igxprd32,

Looks like it happened when GetTickCount() > 0xF0000000 safemode 1

then, automatically recover after GetTickCount() overflow ok

newbie-461 commented 1 year ago

Mypal68.13.2b + Windows2003(32bit) in vmware also have the same problem untitled

NS-Clone commented 1 month ago

49 дней без перезагрузки?!?! о_О конешно никто и никогда не тестировал браузер в таких условиях

а так конешно интресно если считать в интах дельту то по идеи никаких глюков быть и не должно при переполнении

Feodor2 commented 3 weeks ago

One tell that roytams browsers don't have the error, who care to confirm, and then fid out.