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Problem with Youtube videos #31

Closed NoNameNeeded2 closed 4 months ago

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

Youtube videos play just fine in general, BUT after a while the video just freezes (audio part continues) and all you can do is to kill the process using Windows task manager.

I've tried different settings (how many processes Mypal will use etc.) but to no avail, the problems persist.

AroKol78 commented 2 years ago

Youtube videos play just fine in general, BUT after a while the video just freezes (audio part continues)

sounds familiar https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal/issues/13 (I do not know if mypal68 contains this fix, I did not check the source code)

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago


But I kinda doubt that Mypal68 has exactly the same or at least a very similar problem.

I mean, the problem does exist, but I think the reason is probably a different one.

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

@NoNameNeeded2 Does it happen with other videos, also check what time The error mentioned Mypal#13 was fixed already including 68. Though i do not use youtube anymore, the error does not happen on invidius.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

I will check the time, all I can say right now is that it happens after a few minutes of playing.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

There is no certain time when it freezes. Sometimes the video freezes after 10 minutes, right now it froze after only 1 minute.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

Now the video ran for about ten minutes, then it froze but the audio kept on playing until it also stopped after about an additional minute.

So maybe it's a similar problem to the one described above?

AroKol78 commented 2 years ago

Could use more information to fix the problem.

So maybe it's a similar problem to the one described above?

xp ? about:support --> Graphics --> Hardware H264 Decoding/Audio Backend ? whether the problem occurs all videos youtube ? - url of the video playing with the problem ? what movie format, video and audio codec - youtube debug info ?

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

One last question: if this happened can you do other things on the page or it freezes completely.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

It happens with all the videos I watch on youtube, so posting a link to a specific video probably won't help much. I couldn't find anything that says Hardware H264 Decoding/Audio Backend on the about:support page...

I can provide the debug info of a video the next time it freezes.

No, the video freezes completely which renders the browser and Windows inoperable. I can't even switch back to normal mode when I'm in full screen mode (the audio goes on for about a minute, though) I have to kill the process in task manager in order to use Windows again.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

Ok, that's the debug info of a video that froze yesterday:

{ "ns": "yt", "el": "detailpage", "cpn": "oUXqg7xvKmX_KEQE", "ver": 2, "cmt": "3.345", "fmt": "242", "fs": "0", "rt": "8.306", "euri": "", "lact": 0, "cl": "441587635", "mos": 0, "state": "4", "volume": 41, "cbr": "Firefox", "cbrver": "95.0", "c": "WEB", "cver": "2.20220413.05.00", "cplayer": "UNIPLAYER", "cos": "Windows", "cosver": "10.0", "cplatform": "DESKTOP", "hl": "de_DE", "cr": "AT", "len": "702.221", "fexp": "23748147,23983296,23986034,24001373,24002022,24002025,24004644,24007246,24062268,24080738,24082661,24135310,24148483,24169501", "afmt": "251", "muted": "0", "docid": "ccvMvQAzvtY", "ei": "UPdbYt22DJSD8gPEnISABw", "plid": "AAXc18p0vSDmV8Rg", "of": "ujzmkcKUlhenC4P0jD1fig", "vm": "CAEQABgEOjJBS1JhaHdCNTZFQllGZHJoLTV2MGRyRlZrODJJX1d3RzctN29jQ3ZTcnNkX2lkWGdOd2JSQVBta0tESjBROVdyaHJGWmFkTE9hWVotTS1zWFViUUJmX0pkdHlnb1NMeEFMa3dhNFFaU0k5bENsSUsyUFlheVloYUpsRTN3SjFxRExPM2RlUQ", "vct": "3.345", "vd": "702.221", "vpl": "0.000-3.345", "vbu": "0.000-39.701", "vpa": "1", "vsk": "0", "ven": "0", "vpr": "1", "vrs": "4", "vns": "2", "vec": "null", "vemsg": "", "vvol": "0.41", "vdom": "1", "vsrc": "1", "vw": "640", "vh": "360", "lct": "3.345", "lsk": false, "lmf": false, "lbw": "981990.868", "lhd": "0.289", "lst": "0.000", "laa": "itag_251_type_3_seg_3_range_472202-629218_time_30.0-39.7_off_0_len_157017", "lva": "itag_242_type_3_seg_7_range_900817-1031126_time_35.8-41.0_off_0_len_130310_end_1", "lar": "itag_251_type_3_seg_3_range_472202-629218_time_30.0-39.7_off_0_len_157017", "lvr": "itag_242_type_3_seg_7_range_900817-1031126_time_35.8-41.0_off_0_len_130310_end_1", "laq": "0", "lvq": "0", "lab": "0.000-39.701", "lvb": "0.000-40.960", "ismb": 13100000, "relative_loudness": "-7.970", "optimal_format": "240p", "user_qual": 240, "release_version": "youtube.player.web_20220413_01_RC00", "debug_videoId": "ccvMvQAzvtY", "0sz": "false", "op": "", "yof": "false", "dis": "", "debug_playbackQuality": "small", "debug_date": "Sun Apr 17 2022 12:17:43 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)" }

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

BTW: It's not Firefox 95 on Windows 10 I use, that's just a general.useragent.override I use. It's Mypal68 on Windows XP.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

What I also experience are audio problems. Sometimes the audio gets distorted, only for a few seconds every now and then, though.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

The next video that just froze: { "ns": "yt", "el": "detailpage", "cpn": "msYLaXAi3DJ1-frQ", "ver": 2, "cmt": "14.204", "fmt": "248", "fs": "1", "rt": "16.713", "euri": "", "lact": 1, "cl": "441587635", "mos": 0, "state": "8", "volume": 87, "cbr": "Firefox", "cbrver": "95.0", "c": "WEB", "cver": "2.20220413.05.00", "cplayer": "UNIPLAYER", "cos": "Windows", "cosver": "10.0", "cplatform": "DESKTOP", "hl": "de_DE", "cr": "AT", "len": "2415.861", "fexp":


080738,24082661,24135310,24148483,24169501", "feature": "related", "afmt": "251", "muted": "0", "vis": "2", "docid": "gUfWXLQmJn8", "ei": "biZcYonDBdqpx_AP--qJ2Ao", "plid": "AAXc2plmg857I3_Z", "referrer": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhB20SdnkA4", "sdetail": "rv:EhB20SdnkA4", "sourceid": "yw", "of": "izJ_Rw_ZtjAk7VMvZoPD_A", "vm":



DMU1ueWtxV2VxRF81clZvdw", "vct": "14.204", "vd": "2415.861", "vpl": "0.000-14.204", "vbu": "0.000-31.368", "vpa": "0", "vsk": "0", "ven": "0", "vpr": "1", "vrs": "4", "vns": "2", "vec": "null", "vemsg": "", "vvol": "0.8666666666666667", "vdom": "1", "vsrc": "1", "vw": "1473", "vh": "829", "lct": "14.129", "lsk": false, "lmf": false, "lbw": "2973049.123", "lhd": "0.080", "lst": "0.000", "laa":

"itag_251_type_3_seg_4_range_639471-797533_time_40.0-50.0_off_0_len_158063_end_1", "lva":

"itag_248_type_3_seg_5_range_8016664-8920589_time_27.2-31.4_off_0_len_903926_end_1", "lar":

"itag_251_type_3_seg_4_range_639471-797533_time_40.0-50.0_off_0_len_158063_end_1", "lvr":

"itag_248_type_3_seg_5_range_8016664-8920589_time_27.2-31.4_off_0_len_903926_end_1", "laq": "0", "lvq": "0", "lab": "0.000-50.001", "lvb": "0.000-31.368", "ismb": 15560000, "relative_loudness": "-7.800", "optimal_format": "1080p", "user_qual": 1080, "release_version": "youtube.player.web_20220413_01_RC00", "debug_videoId": "gUfWXLQmJn8", "0sz": "false", "op": "", "yof": "false", "dis": "", "debug_playbackQuality": "hd1080", "debug_date": "Sun Apr 17 2022 15:38:35 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)" }

bushy555 commented 2 years ago

...Every version of MyPal that Ive used over the past ~three(?) years freezes exactly after every 23 minutes for me. I dont know why, but it has always been exactly 23 minutes and some seconds. Just rewind or fastforward 10 seconds, and it unfreezes. Simple fix.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

If I had this problem, it would be a fix. But my problem is different. At some point Mypal freezes (can be 1 minute or 20 minutes into the video) and this renders Mypal and Windows totally unresponsive. After a while the audio part of the video also stops.

The only way to tackle this problem is to open task manager and kill the mypal.exe process.

lordpeluca commented 2 years ago

I'm the same as "NoNameNeeded2". When I start a video on youtube, I can watch it perfectly without any problems, I have even watched two videos in a row, but, as the minutes go by, it just freezes. It is not that the video freezes and I can go back a few seconds to continue watching it (as it happened in the other version of mypal), but rather the browser freezes, so it is impossible to open new tabs or close the browser normally and I have to resort to close the process from the windows task manager.

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

@NoNameNeeded2 That data is useless no was need to post such stuff. I asked about particular thing, and here one more right answer i got and continue to fix the error.

NoNameNeeded2 commented 2 years ago

I just deleted the long post since I already thought that it's not very useful.

But you need to tell me what kind of information you need.

I think I answered all your questions. But once again: Yes, it happens to all kinds of videos on youtube. At no particular time.

And it renders Windows inoperable, not only the browser.

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

@NoNameNeeded2 For now no more information needed.

chrischris888 commented 2 years ago

@Feodor2 I am still having crash problems with MyPal 68 and it crashes the windows into bluescreen. I can't reduce the huge amount of memory consumption of this browser. MyPal 29.3 was slower but much safer and it did not crash the windows XP, however it needed restart only of the browser after dozens of tab closings and openings. But the sad thing is that it cannot have any ad blocks, and does no longer working with Facebook Messenger. I have installed a blue screen viewer and I hope to provide more info about. After watching a clip on youtube, MyPal crashes the windows into blue screen. Is it possible a future MyPal 68 upgrade to solve this huge problem ? I 'd prefer a slower browser for my XP than one which crashes so many times. I thank you Feodor2 for the hard work.

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

I am doing to fix the crash and you now are nothing to do but only wait.

chrischris888 commented 2 years ago


Thank you again greatly ! I'll wait for the new MyPal 68 upgrade !

By the way, until then I have just observed that I can use both versions of MyPal simultaneously.

So, after working few days ONLY WITH 68 version which crashes very quickly, I revert back to 29.3 version.

But I just had an ideea. I used the portable 68 (the only one which exist until now) only for Facebook and for everything else I am using 29.3 ... which in the past 4 years it did not crash the windows into blue screen.

Thank you greatly !!

Feodor2 commented 2 years ago

I was running many youtube recently and on several different machines, including very poor Intel Celeron M 350. Actually this is my first experience of the youtube on mypal68, because i abandoned youtube long ago and moved to invidius. I impressed, the youtube runs mach better here, i would say that on mypal68 the yuotube became usable again.

I have an idea what about problems, for all time got few similar with the invidius, yet i did not get any with the youtube. So i shall continue use the youtube for catch the error.

INVorig commented 2 years ago

I would just kindly like to confirm this error. I had it two times recently. And it was exactly as described and it is NOT the '23' minutes bug. It happened in full-screen-mode and rendered the browser completely unresponsive. I was able to call the task-manager and end the process. Windows was unaffected and I could start the browser again and continue watching for some time.

INVorig commented 2 years ago

@chrischris888 https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/49#issuecomment-1109777664

avaxx commented 2 years ago

It happens to me too, sometimes even during not watching any video but that's very rare. I experimented with Mypal v68.12.1 using Process Hacker and found out that the freezing problem is less frequent on my 2 cores machine if I set its main thread's (right mouse click->Properties->Threads) Priority to Time critical (aka Realtime) and Affinity to use only the second core. So I made a simple proggy which starts Mypal68 and does all that automatically, it may or may not work for somebody else:


You just need to rename original Mypal.exe to Mypal1.exe (also the manifest file I mentioned in another topic about SP2 if you use it) and put my Mypal.exe in the same folder. (It would be even easier to modify original Mypal.exe a bit, anyway this solution may be more universal.) I also tried the newest v68.12.3b and haven't seen the problem yet although I haven't used it much, so this workaround is maybe unnecessary.

avaxx commented 2 years ago

After all I think my workaround is not much useful, but newer versions of Mypal68 work nicely for me, big thank to Feodor2!