Feodor2 / Mypal68

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Visual Problem on Github Sites #335

Closed IP-CAM closed 6 months ago

IP-CAM commented 6 months ago

On Github, I have a visual Problem, as shown on the image enclosed: Mypal Version: 68.13.7b After several Reload attempts, it sometimes disappears again. mypal_error visual_problem

NS-Clone commented 6 months ago

ага значит не у одного меня

а еще теперь гитхаб превратили в чатик псты появляютсо без обновления страницы... с одной стороны это хорошо с друг мать бы его за ногу сколько это теперь вызовет проблем

Feodor2 commented 6 months ago

Already reported Does it worthy the separate thread, i think not, and the error is not interfere so much. Also i described how you can help me, as i shalll move the javascript but this may be not about it.

IP-CAM commented 6 months ago

No problem, I now use the Serpent Browser, to get clean Pages.