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changing profile location #336

Open jbclem opened 6 months ago

jbclem commented 6 months ago

Is there a way to change the Mypal68 profile location. I'd like to try different profiles on different versions and I don't see how to keep the profiles straight in the regular Documents and Settings location. Can I put the Profile folder in the same folder where I've installed a certain Mypal68 version...and have it read when I start up that version of Mypal68?

JimMP68User commented 6 months ago

Mypal68 profile location.

First, have you read this?

"Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data"


Feodor2 commented 6 months ago

There are several ways, easy one is to drop an empty file inside (you are to make it by yourself). look https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/wiki/Portable#advanced-stuff