Feodor2 / Mypal68

web browser
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Duplicate #367

Closed RoozerXC closed 5 months ago

RoozerXC commented 5 months ago

I am using Windows XP Service Pack 3, and the latest version of Mypal (68.13.8b). I am not running on a virtual machine as I'm using this on real hardware (Dell Inspiron 1501)

After scanning the QR code in the discord login page, the browser simply crashes

To reproduce:

  1. Visit https://discord.com/app on Mypal
  2. Go to your phone, and in the Discord app click on "Scan QR Code"
  3. Scan the QR code. DO NOT LOG IN.
  4. Mypal will crash


JeanPaulLucien commented 5 months ago

Check https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/358 also.

Feodor2 commented 5 months ago

not related and duplicate