Feodor2 / Mypal68

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Set myPal68 as the default browser in the Windows XP #384

Open LuckyTil opened 4 months ago

LuckyTil commented 4 months ago
  1. Now, the option "Set as default browser" does not work in the XP SP3 x86. Can You fix this?

  2. How does mypal check if it is the default browser? That check does not work. What registry key(s) should be modified?

Feodor2 commented 4 months ago

Did it ever worked before? If so you then have already set the default browser I never bothered to fix this because think its useless, i may fix later along with the installer they related, when browser be ready for the installer. If you want to set the default browser everyday, then may create installer yourself. Take any mozilla browser and make it default, search registry, get keys, replace mozilllas with mypals, put this all to cmd or make nsis installer whatever.

etsenberg commented 4 months ago

Did it ever worked before? If so you then have already set the default browser I never bothered to fix this because think its useless, i may fix later along with the installer they related, when browser be ready for the installer. If you want to set the default browser everyday, then may create installer yourself. Take any mozilla browser and make it default, search registry, get keys, replace mozilllas with mypals, put this all to cmd or make nsis installer whatever.

No, it never worked, and it's annoying. I corrected the following keys:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.htm] @="mypalHTML" "Content Type"="text/html" "PerceivedType"="text"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.html] @="mypalHTML" "Content Type"="text/html" "PerceivedType"="text"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MypalHTML\shell\open\command] @="\"C:\Program Files\mypal-68.13.7.en-US.win32\mypal\mypal.exe\" -osint -url \"%1\""

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command] @="\"C:\Program Files\mypal-68.13.7.en-US.win32\mypal\mypal.exe\" -osint -url \"%1\""

But every time I start mypal, it asks me if I want to make it the default browser! I uncheck the box "check if it is default", but it doesn't help. The next time - the same question, and the box is checked again! How to disable this check if it does not work correctly?

Feodor2 commented 4 months ago

Reset browser.shell... settings

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

I don't seem to even have the option to set as default. Why is it gone? How do I set it as default?

Feodor2 commented 3 months ago

The easiest way is to take the old mypal 29 install and set default then replace with the new mypal. So if I am not going fix the thing soon, then try yourself, and the option has been hidden on intent, when will fix may restore it easy.

K4sum1 commented 1 month ago

Made a registry thing to set as default. Kinda broken, control panel set as default doesn't work but if you open a thing and pick Mypal, it gets set as default.

Edit: Forgot to mention, fix the mypal.exe path location. Mine is in a bit of a weird place. (G:\1Misc Stuff for Install\Mypal\mypal.exe or how the path is expressed in the file, G:\\1Misc Stuff for Install\\Mypal\\mypal.exe) Replace this with your Mypal68 path, and don't forget to use double backslashes.
