Feodor2 / Mypal68

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Suggesting new forum for Mypal68 since MSFN is down (as of 24/03/22) #412

Closed K4sum1 closed 2 months ago

K4sum1 commented 3 months ago

MSFN was where most of the discussion took place, but it's currently down and for who knows how long. It has been down over 24 hours as of making this issue. I'm wanting to suggest another forum where Mypal discussion can take place on.

My forum, https://board.eclipse.cx/

This was suggested before in the UXP Mypal days, and as a result of that, you already have an account you made with a category just for Mypal. All you need to do is just log in, make a Mypal68 thread, and use it. If you need a new password, email changed, or anything else, just email me at k4sum1@eclipse.cx and I will be more than willing to do it. If you do email me, please provide some sort of proof you are Feodor2 so I know it's not a troll or anything.

I have been a big fan of Mypal68 and I have been using it as my main browser on Windows 8.1 where I don't need to. I want to see this project get better and succeed as the ultimate Windows XP compatible browser. I would really appreciate it if you were to use my forum and post updates, give support, and whatever else you wish. Please, the legacy Windows community needs an alternative forum or new home for Mypal.

The-Freedom-Games commented 3 months ago

this would be a good idea as i don't think anything is changing soon

Feodor2 commented 3 months ago


mserafym commented 3 months ago

MSFN is already working now