Feodor2 / Mypal68

web browser
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Browser with Title Bar enabled crashes after locking screen sometimes #437

Open newbie-461 opened 7 months ago

newbie-461 commented 7 months ago

version: Mypal68.14.0b (with refreshed profiles) system: xpsp_sp3_qfe.180912-060, cpu 8 threads GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (igxprd32,

repro steps:

  1. Customize, add the Title Bar
  2. Minimize browser window
  3. Change screen resolution, or WIN+L lock screen
  4. Restore window and Crash (about 50% probability?) crash crash at xul.dll+0AF2AA7h

untitled2 It seems IDirect3DDevice9::GetDeviceCaps reported MaxTextureWidth = 0 and failed with HRESULT D3DERR_INVALIDCALL(0x8876086c) maybe at gfx\layers\d3d9\TextureD3D9.cpp, when DataTextureSourceD3D9::Update() DataTextureSourceD3D9::GetMaxTextureSize() returned 0 GetTileRect/GetRequiredTilesD3D9 raised divison by zero exception

Feodor2 commented 7 months ago

Today I have no time for Direct9, also Intel proved to be buggy itself with Direct9, may be it is better to disable hw accel.