Feodor2 / Mypal68

web browser
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Script abort #439

Open Anbima opened 1 month ago

Anbima commented 1 month ago

The following page is not built completely and the following error message appears: https://www.amazon.de/AVM-VDSL-Supervectoring-DECT-Basis-deutschsprachige-Version/dp/B09RLYH43B


Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

Do not abort, choose left button.

Anbima commented 1 month ago

Then it takes a long time again and the message appears again. Until I have confirmed it three times. And it has also happened that the browser has crashed. What is the reason for this?

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

To be found the reason, what about other browsers regarding this?

Anbima commented 1 month ago

With 360Chrome 13.5 the page is displayed within 1-2 seconds (very fast) and there is no error. With Mypal 29.3.0, the page takes a while to load, but there is no error.

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

360Chrome 13.5

And do all things work the same?

I recall on the old mypal I disabled this thing at all, yes this is annoying stupid shit, and "don't ask again" never works. The weaker machine you have and more monstrous site like the amazon as well then you get it always. By the way on decent machine it works on mypal 68 and on chrome 109 the same set dom.use_watchdog;false, while I consider set it default next version

Anbima commented 1 month ago

I have a Phenom II X4 945. Is it too slow for Mypal68?

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

For the amazon may be, on the AMD 8730 X8 it is not script abuse. The chrome may not have this feature at all, so suggest disable it.

NS-Clone commented 1 month ago


эта та шняга которая сообщает про зависшие жабоскрипты? конешно она порядошно достает но иногда то она помогает вернуть к жизни полностью зависший браузер можот там есть какой нить threshold? который можно подкрутить

на неккоторых сайтеках жабосккрипты виснут в 100% проца даже на спepмиуме

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

Later I shall take newer fox to weak machine but with win7х64 and 8gb RAM.

@NS-Clone If on single process then yes this feature may be helpful, play with these dom.max_script_run_time dom.max_chrome_script_run_time dom.max_ext_content_script_run_time

Anbima commented 1 month ago

But with 360Chrome 13.5, the Amazon page loads in a very short time. And the processor is the same.

NS-Clone commented 1 month ago

If on single process then yes this feature may be helpful

да квантум в отличаи от геков виснет с 100% загрузкой по всем ядрам да и я давно на мультипроцессе ибо на синглпроцессе глючит сохранение файлов

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

@Anbima And I asked does the site works the same on 360, nothing broken and such.

Anbima commented 1 month ago

With 360Chrome, the page is displayed completely without error or abort.

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

Well I checked it on the similar machine Phenom II X3 3.5 and with both mypal and 360chrome. It loads normally same without an one script abuse, so I don't know. And later as I told shall check on weak machine with win7.

NS-Clone commented 1 month ago

Well I checked it on the similar machine Phenom II X3 3.5 and with both mypal and 360chrome. It loads normally same without an one script abuse, so I don't know. And later as I told shall check on weak machine with win7.

да мало ли может у него там локальная жабореклама вылазит ты и не проверишь

умя подозрение что браузер вешаетсо на страницах где есть webp/webm видео в больших количествах можот они дружно спинлоком ждут наступления сследующего фрейма :)

@Feodor2 а те никак не помогут списки зависающих потоков? их как то можно идентефецировать/определить какой именно это код? чот большая их часть почему то с ucrtbase.dll!o_strcpy_s+0x80 в start address ато с ProcessHacker их видно и можно им дажо прикрутить приоритет чтоб не мешали отзыватсо гую

мало того закрытие тормознутой страницы еще и не всегда отвешивает браузер обратно....

Anbima commented 1 month ago

I have noticed that the CPU load is only 25% when building the page. Please find attached a screenshot. Is this the same for you?

It takes 40 seconds for the page to load completely. With 360Chrome it is 5 seconds. CPU

Addendum: If I deactivate with uBlock Origin Javascript, the page with MyPal68 is also loaded within 5 seconds. Can I find out which Javascript takes so long and block it with uBlock Origin if necessary?

Anbima commented 1 month ago

I have run a network analysis via the console. It works very quickly up to favicon.ico. Then it takes a while for new entries to appear. Further down there is another longer pause.

With Javascript deactivated, the favicon.ico is the last entry in the network analysis. Mypal 68 cannot process the Javascript correctly.

Are there any settings here that I could test?


Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

Pentium dualcore 2.93 - 2gb RAM

Mypal 373 requests 112.62 MB / 86.96 MB transferred Finish: 1.52 min DOMContentLoaded: 9.26 s load: 13.68 s

360 505 requests 27.3 MB transferred 54.1 MB resources Finish: 2.4 min DOMContentLoaded: 18.15 s

Anbima commented 1 month ago

360Chrome 13.5 506 requests 26.1 MB transferred 42.6 MB resources Finish: 30.24 s DOMContentLoaded: 7.38 s Load: 9.62 s

In my test with Mypal68 DOMContentLoaded: 29.21 s. That's much longer than yours. What could be the cause?

I have deactivated uBlock, that's not the reason. I have also deactivated hardware acceleration as a test. No change.