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68.14.1b does not recognize the copied user profile #441

Closed erjot111 closed 3 weeks ago

erjot111 commented 1 month ago

I copied the Profiles folder from 68.12.5b but 68.14.1b does not recognize it. After starting the browser, there is no changes.

RamonUnch commented 1 month ago

Have a look in about:profiles (type it in the url bar) you might have the old profile listed here and if it is the case you will be able to enable it from there.

Anyway there are a lot of difference between 68.12.5b and 68.14.1b so maybe a clean profile is a good idea to avoid configuration problems.

erjot111 commented 1 month ago

Thank you. I copied the Profiles folder from 68.12.5b to 68.14.1b and then created a new profile in it. At the moment, everything seems to work properly.