Feodor2 / Mypal68

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On outlook.live.com, links started to open new windows instead of new tabs #447

Open etsenberg opened 1 month ago

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

Recently, links in the messages at https://outlook.live.com/ began opening in new windows instead of new tabs, overriding the browser settings (which I did not change and which I rechecked, they are correct). Other sites work OK, I tried 14.1b and earlier versions - no difference, worked correctly before and doesn't work now. I tried cleaning cash and cookies and running from a new clean profile with no add-ons, Nothing helped, In Chrome there is no problem. I looked at the page source at outlook and did not find anything weird in the link code: a style="text-decoration: none;" target="_blank" href=... rel="noopener noreferrer" data-auth="NotApplicable" data-linkindex="0" style="color: rgb(219, 151, 255) !important;" data-ogsc="" When I copied such a link to my own website, it opens correctly from there. I complained to outlook as well.

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

Most likely they put new script shit which mypal does not support. To help fix this faster please find the first firefox version where it works good, begin with 78

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

I cannot check it on my computer under XP (that's why I need Mypal instead of native FF), but I found a computer with Windows 7, and the problem exists in FF 78 and does not exist in FF 115 there. If someone can check versions in the middle to find the first working, please help!

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

Most likely they put new script shit which mypal does not support. To help fix this faster please find the first firefox version where it works good, begin with 78

works in 98 doesn't work in 96, not sure about 97.

IPeluchito commented 1 month ago

No offense, wouldn't it be better to use the latest version of Firefox and do the same as what you do with mypal68?