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14 crashes after restoring from sleep mode in XP. It did not happen in 13. #452

Open etsenberg opened 1 month ago

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

I hoped 14b would fix this 14,0 issue, but it didn't, In happens not after every restore but about every 4 or 5 restore. The most common error reported in application events is either error ID 1000, mypal.exe, version, module xul.dll, version, address 0x00af2dc7. or error ID 1000, mypal.exe, version, module d3d9.dll, version 5.3.2600.5512, address 0x000858c3.

I don't know why it says version while I run 68.14.1b.

RamonUnch commented 1 month ago

I think this is simply related to hardware acceleration, in previous release d3d9 was probably not used with your config, try disabling it as explained in the release page: https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/releases/tag/68.14.0b

Feodor2 commented 1 month ago

Yes, disable hardware acceleration. Also please tell you videocard model and give the drwatson.log

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

No, my graphic settings are the same as in 13 because it's the same profile. And I don't want to make my slow computer even slower in graphic pages by turning hardware acceleration off. I can do for test purpose (the result will be clear in several days), but it cannot be a permanent solution, My card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 drwtsn32.log is a 21M file with lots of entries mentioning mypal, which parts of it do you need? I tried to extract the part related to the last crash, but I am not sure if I did it correctly. Sorry for non-English words in the log. In the very beginning, it says "exception c0000094 (division by zero)" drwatson.txt

I also attached my dxdiag info, may it help. DxDiag.txt

RamonUnch commented 1 month ago

You can check in about:support if hardware composition was enabled with the default config of older versions, but I think that thelayers.allow-d3d9-fallback was off by default before.

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

You can check in about:support if hardware composition was enabled with the default config of older versions, but I think that thelayers.allow-d3d9-fallback was off by default before.

I don't see any parameter named layers.allow-d3d9-fallback there. I see only layers.acceleration.disabled true (no wonder after I disabled it in about:config) and layers.mlgpu.sanity-test-failed false

RamonUnch commented 1 month ago

layers.allow-d3d9-fallback is an about:config option I was proposing you checked the old version of MyPal with a clean profile and then check in about:support to see if the hardware acceleration was enabled.

etsenberg commented 1 month ago

layers.allow-d3d9-fallback is an about:config option I was proposing you checked the old version of MyPal with a clean profile and then check in about:support to see if the hardware acceleration was enabled.

Indeed, false in 13.7, true in 14.

zanud commented 1 month ago

On my notebook (with Intel integrated video) Mypal 68.14.1 crashed after restoring from hibernation (I do not use sleep mode).

The culprit was layers.acceleration.force-enabled = true.

(Other currently used settings are: layers.allow-d3d9-fallback = true, layers.acceleration.disabled = false)