Feodor2 / Mypal68

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Some thing I do not understand #464

Closed Methen closed 2 weeks ago

Methen commented 3 weeks ago

This is something that just makes no sense to me, I keep the Mypal browser folder in my documents folder and a shortcut on the desktop, Now here is where it gets strange I down load the latest version of mypal and unzip it on the desk top I go into the folder and click on the short cut and open the browser I enable the book mart tool bar and guess what the book marks are already in there and that to me simply does not make any sense I did not install them this is a new version and its on the desk top so how did they get in there ?

bluedragon-cairo commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe you are not using the portable version?

RamonUnch commented 2 weeks ago

when you extract anywhere mypal it will look by default in your user profile for his profile, so if you want several independent install of MyPal, you must specify the profile on the command line (-p command) or use the portable mode: https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/wiki/Portable

Methen commented 2 weeks ago

I am using the desktop version and default user profile is in my doculments folder not on the desktop and I not using the portable version

zanud commented 2 weeks ago

and default user profile is in my doculments folder not on the desktop

In non-portable mode Mypal by default places user profile into the <Windows_user_profile_folder>\Application Data\Mypal68\Profiles (on WinXP), or <Windows_user_profile_folder>\AppData\Roaming\Mypal68\Profiles (on Win7+).

Any other location requires either a --profile command line parameter or portable mode.

Methen commented 2 weeks ago

Yes but that would only make sense if you actually installed it what I am using is a zip file that I simply unzipped on the desk top and click on the short cut I did not install it like a regular executable

RamonUnch commented 2 weeks ago

Yes but that would only make sense if you actually installed it what I am using is a zip file that I simply unzipped on the desk top and click on the short cut I did not install it like a regular executable

Any exe can look for %APPDATA% you do not need installation for this and most installers simply extract the file to a directory and add an add/remove option in the program list plus start menu entry and a desktop shortcut. zipped version does not mean portable version.

Type about:profiles in the URL bar of mypal and you will see the profile folders for yourself.

zanud commented 2 weeks ago


You emphasized a few times that existed Mypal profile was in the My Documents folder, whereas it's impossible without a special command line parameter.

JimMP68User commented 2 weeks ago

Type about:profiles in the URL bar of mypal and you will see the profile folders for yourself.

The little known secret - that few know about. +1

zanud commented 2 weeks ago

There is yet one "little known secret": default profile directory name depends on Mypal's directory name.

Try the following:

  1. Run Mypal and look on the about:profiles page the directory name of a currently used profile.
  2. Exit Mypal.
  3. Rename Mypal's directory.
  4. Run Mypal and look on the about:profiles page the directory name of a currently used profile.
  5. Exit Mypal and rename Mypal's directory back.

So Mypal unpacked to the Desktop and Mypal unpacked to the "Program files" will use different profiles. Sometimes this is convenient, sometimes weird.

Feodor2 commented 2 weeks ago

So hope finally it came to understand. Anyway this is not about Mypal only.