Feramance / qBitrr

A simple Python script to talk to qBittorrent and Arr's
MIT License
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[REQUEST] Disable tag usage. #85

Open devanteweary opened 2 weeks ago

devanteweary commented 2 weeks ago

This is pretty much in line with my question from earlier...

Requesting a way to have qBitrr NOT use tags.
Two uses for this one.

1) For those of us that have very specific tags and having a few random tags mixed in or added to the bottom of the tag list making it less... I don't know the word... disorganized?

2) More functionality wise, for those of us that use Untagged extensively. In my personal use, I have the view on Untagged like 99% of the time. It gives me a very quick and easy view on what's currently temporary. I have Seeding and Long Search tags. (for those stalled ones I hope kick in sooner or later). So by using Untagged, I can see what's temporary. It just makes it so much easier to see.

Now with qbitrr tags, I can't use Untagged view anymore.

Hope this makes sense!!

Alrighty thank you again.

Feramance commented 2 weeks ago

So just to make sure I understand correctly, you already have tags you make use of and would like qBitrr to use those instead?

devanteweary commented 2 weeks ago

Hey man. Didn't expect such a quick response ha

What I mean is have qbitrr not use tags at all.

Maybe something like a NoTag = true that makes qbitrr simply check stalls, add blocklist, trigger new search? And that's it?

Just spitballing here!

Sidenote, saw on Patreon you're working on qbitrr+ so thanks for the hard work. Hope it comes out how you like it.

Feramance commented 2 weeks ago

Using no tags at all is doable though it will take a while to change up how torrents are working.

Sidenote, yes I am, it's going to be called Managarr to fit the arr suite theme, though it's taking longer than anticipated due to IRL work and life in general.

Feramance commented 1 week ago

I have found an issue in a 'tagless' operation. The pause for free space will either not work or will still need to make use of tags given that the functionality relies on tags to communicate across multiple processes. There are some ways I could get it working, but I cannot guarantee it

devanteweary commented 1 week ago

Don't kill yourself over it though!

devanteweary commented 1 week ago

Hey I was reading over the main page and saw this line:

If it helps, someone like me who uses Unraid (which will monitor free space on all shares itself before writing new files) can do without the free space check. FreeSpaceCheck = false maybe?

Feramance commented 1 week ago

Setting the value to -1 disabled the functionality as described in the config sample