Fermain / -mollify

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Add signpost CTAs as sub navigation #117

Open Fermain opened 1 year ago

Fermain commented 1 year ago

This was done before as the programme nav but various changes knocked that component out.

Ideally each item with children should have a nav.

Fermain commented 10 months ago

The rule:

Every entity file should render a reponsive grid of thumbnails representing the direct child content.

For example, Design course has 4 modules and these 4 modules should be represented at the end of the Design course overview page.

Lessons do not have children, so they will naturally not show any thumbnails.

Lysaker-git commented 9 months ago

The Dir-tree function added as draft in the CLI #115 generates a simple overview and can potentially be used to return the correct data as thumbnails. (Name, and path to content)

It returns all children under selected path with type and url as an object. Type being Directory or file in this case.

Then we can add a if statement saying that if parent has children, and the children is of type directory add a thumbnail element that links to those modules.