Fermat-ORG / fermat-framework

This is the Fermat Framework described on the first Fermat whitepaper. The Java Framework, Android Framework, Linux Framework, and all platforms are here. This project is currently paused until we put the network infraestructure in place. Later this work will be resumed to put this client-side infraestructure to work with the new set of networks.
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Package Nomenclature #2423

Open fuelusumar opened 8 years ago

fuelusumar commented 8 years ago

The actual nomenclature for package name choosing is as it follows:


In more detailed way we have:

I propose the next nomenclature:

Don't think in how is it done and if it would be hard to change, think in what is the more logical and intuitive way to do it, we have to make this easy for new developers willing to contribute. I speak from my own experience, i started to develop new plug-in last week, and the way the packages are named today was totally unlogical to me

@Luis-Fernando-Molina @nelsonalfo @fvasquezjatar @lnacosta @Yayotron @Rart3001

Luis-Fernando-Molina commented 8 years ago

Don't think in how is it done and if it would be hard to change, think in what is the more logical and intuitive way to do it, we have to make this easy for new developers willing to contribute.


fvasquezjatar commented 8 years ago

I am agreed with this proposal but this will be a huge change. This change will affect the whole fermat system (plugins, add-ons, components, etc..).

@Luis-Fernando-Molina With this proposal should be attached the name conventions for internal packages, plugins, add-ons, etc.. because there are to many different way to call classes that are parts of the same functionality. So will be great define the Name conventions for the whole system instead of just nomenclature for each component.

Luis-Fernando-Molina commented 8 years ago

So will be great define the Name conventions for the whole system instead of just nomenclature for each component.

It would be great, buy this is a starting point. To keep the discussion focused, we should agree with @fuelusumar or propose alternatives to that.

@fvasquezjatar do you have any spacific analisys about this to share? It might require it's own issue.

leonacostaok commented 8 years ago

I'm agreed with the point, its a big change, and is now the better moment to do it. I think that it can vary depending on the result of the topic #2418 adding [developer].[version] Another thing, like all the other open source projects, the package structure must start with a org.fermat, and not with com.bitdubai.

fuelusumar commented 8 years ago

If what @lnacosta said is done:

the package structure must start with a org.fermat, and not with the com.bitdubai.

we should put the team that develop the component somewhere like:


So the example package would be:

org.fermat.ccp.basic_wallet.bitdubai.bitcoin_wallet for bitdubai's developed components and org.fermat.ccp.basic_wallet.contrib.bitcoin_wallet for community's developed components

Luis-Fernando-Molina commented 8 years ago

Another thing, like all the other open source projects, the package structure must start with a org.fermat, and not with com.bitdubai.


I'm agreed with the point, its a big change, and is now the better moment to do it.

Even if it is not the right time we still can discuss it and reach an agreement

we should put the team that develop the component somewhere like:

teams are quite volatile as you might have noticed. Members come and go and they change their leaders and names too. Dont think its a good idea.

Luis-Fernando-Molina commented 8 years ago

unless you are talking about organizations like bitdubai

fuelusumar commented 8 years ago

i said it like a way to make a difference between a component developed by bitdubai from one developed by the community of contibutors

Luis-Fernando-Molina commented 8 years ago

en el caso de la Open Source Community we could use OSC

leonacostaok commented 8 years ago

@Luis-Fernando-Molina @fuelusumar what're we doing with this?

Luis-Fernando-Molina commented 8 years ago

Cuando terminemos de apagar el fuego que nos dejo jorge con CBP ahi retomamos el tema para ver que se puede mejorar.