Fermat-ORG / fermat-framework

This is the Fermat Framework described on the first Fermat whitepaper. The Java Framework, Android Framework, Linux Framework, and all platforms are here. This project is currently paused until we put the network infraestructure in place. Later this work will be resumed to put this client-side infraestructure to work with the new set of networks.
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DAP - Identity help screens #4522

Open acostarodrigo opened 8 years ago

acostarodrigo commented 8 years ago

Identity creation help screens:

Asset Issuer Identity creation help screen

Welcome to the Asset Issuer Wallet. The wallet that will store all the assets created by you.

From this wallet you will be able to distribute your assets to the world and collect statistics of their usage.

First things first!. We will be creating an avatar for you in order to identify you in the system as an Asset Issuer. You will be able to add your picture, name and more details later in the Asset Issuer Identity sub app.

Asset User Identity creation help screen

Welcome to the Asset User Wallet. The wallet that will store all the assets that you will receive in the future.

From this wallet you will be able to redeem your assets or even get the monetary value associated with them.

First things first!. We will be creating an avatar for you in order to identify you in the system as an Asset User. You will be able to add your picture, name and more details later in the Asset Issuer Identity sub app.

Redeem Point Identity creation help screen

Welcome to the RedeemPoint Wallet. The wallet that will store all the assets that your users redeem with you!

From this wallet you will be able to verify the assets that users redeem with you and get statistic from them. 

First things first!. We will be creating an avatar for you in order to identify you in the system as a Redeem Point. You will be able to add your picture, name and more details later in the Redeem Point Identity sub app.

Asset Factory Identity creation help screen

Welcome to the Asset Factory application. From here you will be able to create, define and publish all your assets.

From this application you will be able to create, define the asset properties and publish it to you Issuer Wallet.

First things first!. We will be creating an avatar for you in order to identify you in the system as an Asset Issuer. You will be able to add your picture, name and more details later in the Asset Issuer Identity sub app.
acostarodrigo commented 8 years ago

@javafrank @nindriago @Neoperol @bitDubai/skynet-team