FermiQC / Fermi.jl

Fermi quantum chemistry program
MIT License
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energy difference #136

Open maartenvd opened 1 year ago

maartenvd commented 1 year ago


from pyscf import gto
mol_h2o = gto.M(atom = 'N 0 0 0.2; N 0 0 0', basis = 'sto-3g')

from pyscf import scf
rhf_h2o = scf.RHF(mol_h2o)
e_h2o = rhf_h2o.kernel()

prints converged SCF energy = -52.6419222048247


using Fermi
@molecule {
    N        0.0 0.0 0.2
    N        0.0 0.0 0.0

@set basis "sto-3g"

hfst = @energy rhf

prints -52.51997436116736

Can someone help me understand this energy difference?

gustavojra commented 1 year ago

Hi @maartenvd, sorry about this delay.

I believe that with our standard guess (GWH) we are converging on the wrong state. We are still pending a more robust guess, i.e. SAD.

If you use the bare core guess, you can get the right answer:

using Fermi
@molecule {
    N        0.0 0.0 0.2
    N        0.0 0.0 0.0

@set basis "sto-3g"
@set scf_guess core

hfst = @energy rhf;

returns -52.641922448130714