FernetMenta / vdr-plugin-vnsiserver

VDR plugin to handle XBMC clients.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Often emty Recording List on Kodi #119

Open gtrdriver opened 5 years ago

gtrdriver commented 5 years ago


Here i have a fresh installation:

Fresh 2.4.0 VDR with Plugin from Github (yesterday) First of all - i have Tryed Kodi and VDR first 2 Years ago - but had problem that i have too much Recordings so i think there was a Timeout during transfer Record List to Kodi (29TB VDR REcordings)

With the Current Version of Plugin and Kodi Addon (Kodi 18 RC4) it works pretty good but i have still 3 Issues:


Sometimes i have a emty Record List on Kodi Side - the only way to get Recordings again is to Restart Kodi or to Restart the VDR - then Kodi loose Connection and after Connection it reload the Recording List again

On VNSI VDR Side i often get this in Logfile:

`Jan 17 13:51:15 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Jan 17 13:52:03 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list`

I Also see:

Jan 17 13:18:00 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Jan 17 13:18:03 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list (1)

But even wit this i often have a emty List...

Best regards

FernetMenta commented 5 years ago

Not sure what issue you want to address with this report. Please limit a single ticket to a single issue.

gtrdriver commented 5 years ago


Ok - sorry - for it ... Then for This Ticket:

Sometimes i have a emty Record List on Kodi Side - the only way to get Recordings again is to Restart Kodi or to Restart the VDR - then Kodi loose Connection and after Connection it reload the Recording List again

On VNSI VDR Side i often get this in Logfile:

Jan 17 13:51:15 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers Jan 17 13:52:03 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload channel list

I Also see:

Jan 17 13:18:00 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers Jan 17 13:18:03 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list (1) But even wit this i often have a emty List...

FernetMenta commented 5 years ago

the only way to get Recordings again is to Restart Kodi or to Restart the VDR

are you saying that it doesn't matter if you restart Kodi or vdr?

FernetMenta commented 5 years ago

please pastebin entire kodi debug log for such a case + vdr log

gtrdriver commented 5 years ago


i will try to post a log as soon as possible !

Yes - i can restart Kodi - or restart VDR - OR only Restart Addon - all will force a Reload of Cannels, Recordings and Timers.

gtrdriver commented 5 years ago


Just had this issue on Windows Client

Here is Kodi log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wxgrb3eb4uf6et4/kodi.log?dl=0 Here is VDR log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3gmtog9lhixep1/messages.log.txt?dl=0

This Time it happens on Opening kodi and starting PVR Manager - often it happens during Runtime of Kodi - if i find syslog when it happens on Runtime i will post it too

Additional Information:

Here I have 3 Clients for Testing (Windows, Android and Linux)

When a Client has no Recordings List - it stay black (until you restart VDR or Kodi) -

But it seem that when the VDR Plugin want to inform the Clients that there are new Recordings then i find in the log of VDR this:

Jan 18 20:13:22 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Jan 18 20:13:25 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list (1)

Then all Clients have a Recording List again !

Also just found this part in VDR Logfile: exactly after VDR had no Recording List:

Jan 18 21:07:52 vdrserver vdr: [19379] VNSI: file closed
Jan 18 21:07:52 vdrserver vdr: [19379] VNSI: cxSocket::read(fd=100): eof, connection closed
Jan 18 21:07:52 vdrserver vdr: [17442] VNSI: removing client with ID 102 from client list
Jan 18 21:08:24 vdrserver vdr: [17433] frontend 9/0 timed out while tuning to channel 108 (Eurosport 2 Ger), tp 112721
Jan 18 21:08:31 vdrserver vdr: [19368] VNSI: file closed
Jan 18 21:08:31 vdrserver vdr: [19368] VNSI: cxSocket::read(fd=98): eof, connection closed
FernetMenta commented 5 years ago

busy atm with real life. I will look into it and get back to you

gtrdriver commented 5 years ago


i just want to ask you if there are any News regarding this Issue ?

ccb23 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm, this bug.


2020-11-18 20:00:08.426 T:140243934672640   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds
2020-11-18 20:00:08.426 T:140243934672640   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetRecordingsList - Can't get response packed
2020-11-18 20:00:08.431 T:140243934672640   ERROR: GetRecordings: Add-on 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server:' returned an error: unknown error
2020-11-18 20:00:08.432 T:140243934672640   ERROR: GetRecordings: PVR client 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server:' returned an error: unknown error
2020-11-18 20:00:11.433 T:140243934672640   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds
2020-11-18 20:00:11.433 T:140243934672640   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetDeletedRecordingsList - Can't get response packed
2020-11-18 20:00:11.433 T:140243934672640   ERROR: GetRecordings: Add-on 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server:' returned an error: unknown error
2020-11-18 20:00:11.433 T:140243934672640   ERROR: GetRecordings: PVR client 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server:' returned an error: unknown error
2020-11-18 20:15:00.922 T:140247840007936  NOTICE: PulseAudio: Opened device Default in pcm mode with Buffersize 199 ms
2020-11-18 20:47:03.956 T:140244864182016  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
2020-11-18 20:47:03.956 T:140244864182016   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: SignalConnectionLost - connection lost !!!
2020-11-18 20:47:04.718 T:140244864182016   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: Login - failed to read greeting from server
2020-11-18 20:47:05.720 T:140244864182016  NOTICE: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: Logged in at '1605728825+3600' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version: '1.8.0' with protocol version '13'
2020-11-18 20:47:05.754 T:140247384459008  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopping
2020-11-18 20:47:05.762 T:140243934672640   ERROR: GetRecordings: PVR client 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server:' returned an error: server error
2020-11-18 20:47:05.775 T:140247384459008   ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
2020-11-18 20:47:05.775 T:140247384459008  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopped
2020-11-18 20:47:05.802 T:140247384459008  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Starting
2020-11-18 20:47:08.859 T:140243934672640   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: ReadResult - request timed out after 3 seconds
2020-11-18 20:47:08.859 T:140243934672640   ERROR: AddOnLog: VDR VNSI Client: GetRecordingsList - Can't get response packed
2020-11-18 20:47:08.859 T:140243934672640   ERROR: GetRecordings: Add-on 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server:' returned an error: unknown error

Corresponding vdr.log:

Nov 17 20:05:23 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [2206405] VNSI: openFile called for index 0 string:/mnt/vdr/Tagesschau/_/2020-11-
Nov 17 20:15:01 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Nov 17 20:19:14 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Nov 17 20:20:20 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [2206405] VNSI: file closed
Nov 17 20:20:20 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [2206405] VNSI: cxSocket::read(fd=27): eof, connection closed
Nov 17 20:20:20 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [2206405] VNSI Client 24-> thread ended (pid=1123324, tid=2206405)
Nov 17 20:20:20 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: removing client with ID 24 from client list
Nov 17 20:20:32 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [2206395] VNSI: cxSocket::read(fd=54): eof, connection closed
Nov 17 20:20:32 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [2206395] VNSI Client 23-> thread ended (pid=1123324, tid=2206395)
Nov 17 20:20:33 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: removing client with ID 23 from client list
Nov 18 20:00:00 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Nov 18 20:00:05 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload recordings list (2)
Nov 18 20:15:00 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Nov 18 20:18:54 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSI: Requesting clients to reload timers
Nov 18 20:47:03 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123346] VNSIStatus thread ended (pid=1123324, tid=1123346)
Nov 18 20:47:03 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123348] VNSI: cxSocket::read(fd=4): eof, connection closed
Nov 18 20:47:03 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123348] VNSI Client 0-> thread ended (pid=1123324, tid=1123348)
Nov 18 20:47:04 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123347] VNSITimers thread ended (pid=1123324, tid=1123347)
Nov 18 20:47:04 downtempo vdr[1123324]: [1123324] VNSI: VNSI Server stopped