FernetMenta / vdr-plugin-vnsiserver

VDR plugin to handle XBMC clients.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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VNSIServer re-injecting EIT info into stream which triggers PIN request on scrambled channels #125

Closed Paulemann closed 4 years ago

Paulemann commented 4 years ago

Hey FernetMenta,

not sure if you're still working on this plugin. There is a discussion in the German vdr-forum and it seems that on scrambled channels VNSI server is reinjecting EIT info into the stream thus triggering a PIN request that was supposed to be suppressed by VDR hiding this EIT info to the CAM.

I have no detailed understanding of the related processes in VDR and VNSI Server and was hoping to raise your attention to the post at https://www.vdr-portal.de/forum/index.php?thread/132008-patch-cam-tweaks-f%C3%BCr-multi-channel-decryption/&postID=1322481#post1322481.

The author proposes a seemingly harmless fix and I hope you would be able to validate his request and update VNSI server accordingly.

Thank you.

FernetMenta commented 4 years ago

Hi @Paulemann,

Right, I don't maintain this plugin anymore, VDR is dead end IMO. Not even a public repository where others can contribute in an acceptable way.

I had a brief look into this topic. vnsiserver does inject nothing, it just requests pre-set PIDs form the receiver. If PID 18 is not desired it can be easily removed with DelPids right after this line:


Paulemann commented 4 years ago

Hey @FernetMenta,

thank you for your quick response and for looking into this request. Maybe some skilled programmer can pick up your proposal and apply the change - or even continue your work as a maintainer of this plugin.

Of course, I respect you decision to discontinue your work on vnsiserver and the kodi vnsi pvr addon but I also feel sad about it, since VDR is still relevant to a lot of people - including myself. TVH just never gave me the sort of experience I had with VDR.

As I'm still gladly using this plugin and kodi addon, I thank you for creating those (and for still replying to requests ;) )

FernetMenta commented 4 years ago

np. Do you know how to compile the plugin? The fix is very simple. Just insert: m_Receiver->DelPid(18);

after the line mentioned above.

Paulemann commented 4 years ago

Yes, I build all my addons and plugins as well as vdr and kodi. I will insert the extra line and re-build the plugin. Thanks for guiding me.