Ferrite-FEM / Ferrite.jl

Finite element toolbox for Julia
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Dof ordering for multi-field dof handlers #365

Closed bhaveshshrimali closed 3 years ago

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago


In trying to debug #364, I am trying to understand the dof ordering for dof handlers that have more than one field. Consider the classical Taylor-Hood approximation for incompressible elasticity (displacement-pressure). From what I understand by taking a look at the incompressible elasticity and DOFs the dofs for each element are ordered as, all displacement (u) and then all pressure (p) in the order: nodes -> facets -> cells, which also explains the block structure of the element matrices.

Since my problem is nonlinear I need the dofs at each newton iterate to reassemble the jacobian and residual. My current idea is: get all the dofs for the corresponding cell by celldofs(cell) and then index into the dofs based on the ordering explained above, namely

@timeit "assemble" for cell in CellIterator(dh)
        global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
        global_dofsu = global_dofs[1:nu]; # first nu dofs are displacement
        global_dofsp = global_dofs[nu + 1:end]; # last np dofs are pressure
        @assert size(global_dofs, 1) == nu + np # sanity check
        ue = w[global_dofsu] # element dofs displacement
        pe = w[global_dofsp] # element dofs pressure
        @timeit "element assemble" assemble_element!(ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, mp, ue, pe)
        assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, fe, ke)

where w is my global dofs-vector. Is this correct? Thanks!

kimauth commented 3 years ago

Hi Bhavesh, this indeed sounds correct to me! You can trust the dofs of one field to be a "block", there even is a function to get the dof-offset to a given field here. (Though considering that this goes looking for the fieldname every time, it might be worth to compute it once and store it. If you're working with the DofHandler it won't ever change.) Regarding the ordering within each field: You're correct, but in 3D there also is edgedofs, which come after vertexdofs (so in general we have vertexdofs - edgedofs - facedofs- celldofs). You can find the vertex/edge/face definitions for the defined celltypes here.

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

Thanks Kim! Things seem to be working now. I had to print the assembled jacobian to notice that I wasn't assembling the jacobian properly and hence the singular system in #364. In fact except for this bit (element dofs for displacement and pressure) I don't think I had to change anything to merge together two examples to come up with the code.

Here is the code for incompressible hyperelasticity (and in the process my first successful attempt at using Ferrite :) ), for anyone who might find it useful to start off with in the future.

using Ferrite, Tensors, TimerOutputs, ProgressMeter
import KrylovMethods, IterativeSolvers
using BlockArrays, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using FerriteGmsh, BenchmarkTools

struct NeoHooke

function importTestGrid()
    grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, (6, 6, 6), zero(Vec{3}), ones(Vec{3}))
    addfaceset!(grid, "myBottom", x -> norm(x[2]) ≈ 0.0);
    addfaceset!(grid, "myBack", x -> norm(x[3]) ≈ 0.0);
    addfaceset!(grid, "myRight", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 1.0);
    addfaceset!(grid, "myLeft", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 0.0);
    return grid

function create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
    # quadrature rules
    qr      = QuadratureRule{3,RefTetrahedron}(4)
    face_qr = QuadratureRule{2,RefTetrahedron}(4)

    # geometric interpolation
    interpolation_geom = Lagrange{3,RefTetrahedron,1}()

    # cell and facevalues for u
    cellvalues_u = CellVectorValues(qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)
    facevalues_u = FaceVectorValues(face_qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)

    # cellvalues for p
    cellvalues_p = CellScalarValues(qr, interpolation_p, interpolation_geom)

    return cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u

function Ψ(F, p, mp::NeoHooke)
    μ = mp.μ
    λ = mp.λ
    Ic = tr(tdot(F))
    J = det(F)
    Js = (λ + p + sqrt((λ + p)^2. + 4. * λ * μ ))/(2. * λ)
    return p * (Js - J) + μ / 2 * (Ic - 3) - μ * log(Js) + λ / 2 * (Js - 1)^2

function create_dofhandler(grid, ipu, ipp)
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    push!(dh, :u, 3, ipu) # displacement dim = 3
    push!(dh, :p, 1, ipp) # pressure dim = 1
    return dh

function create_bc(dh)
    dbc = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myLeft"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{1}), [1]))
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myBottom"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{1}), [2]))
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myBack"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{1}), [3]))
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myRight"), (x,t) -> t*ones(Vec{1}), [1]))
    t = 1.0
    Ferrite.update!(dbc, t)
    return dbc

function constitutive_driver(F, p, mp::NeoHooke)
    ## Compute all derivatives in one function call
    ∂²Ψ∂F², ∂Ψ∂F = Tensors.hessian(y -> Ψ(y, p, mp), F, :all)
    ∂²Ψ∂p², ∂Ψ∂p = Tensors.hessian(y -> Ψ(F, y, mp), p, :all)
    ∂²Ψ∂F∂p = Tensors.gradient(q -> Tensors.gradient(y -> Ψ(y, q, mp), F), p)
    return ∂Ψ∂F, ∂²Ψ∂F², ∂Ψ∂p, ∂²Ψ∂p², ∂²Ψ∂F∂p

function assemble_element!(Ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, mp, ue, pe)
    ## Reinitialize cell values, and reset output arrays
    ublock, pblock = 1, 2
    reinit!(cellvalues_u, cell)
    reinit!(cellvalues_p, cell)
    fill!(Ke, 0.0)
    fill!(fe, 0.0)

    n_basefuncs_u = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
    n_basefuncs_p = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)

    @inbounds for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_u)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues_u, qp)

        ## Compute deformation gradient F and right Cauchy-Green tensor C
        ∇u = function_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, ue)
        p = function_value(cellvalues_p, qp, pe)
        F = one(∇u) + ∇u

        ## Compute first Piola-Kirchhoff stress and tangent
        ∂Ψ∂F, ∂²Ψ∂F², ∂Ψ∂p, ∂²Ψ∂p², ∂²Ψ∂F∂p = constitutive_driver(F, p, mp)

        ## Loop over test functions
        @inbounds for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
            ## Test function gradient
            ∇δui = shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, i)
            ## Add contribution to the residual from this test function

            fe[BlockIndex((ublock), (i))] += ( ∇δui ⊡ ∂Ψ∂F) * dΩ

            ∇δui∂S∂F = ∇δui ⊡ ∂²Ψ∂F² # Hoisted computation
            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_u
                ∇δuj = shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, j)

                ## Add contribution to the tangent
                Ke[BlockIndex((ublock, ublock), (i, j))] += ( ∇δui∂S∂F ⊡ ∇δuj ) * dΩ

            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_p
                δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, qp, j)
                ## Add contribution to the tangent
                Ke[BlockIndex((ublock, pblock), (i, j))] += ( ∂²Ψ∂F∂p ⊡ ∇δui ) * δp * dΩ                

        @inbounds for i in 1:n_basefuncs_p
            δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, qp, i)
            fe[BlockIndex((pblock), (i))] += ( δp * ∂Ψ∂p) * dΩ

            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_u
                ∇δuj = shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, j)
                Ke[BlockIndex((pblock, ublock), (i, j))] += ∇δuj ⊡ ∂²Ψ∂F∂p * δp * dΩ
            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_p
                δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, qp, j)
                Ke[BlockIndex((pblock, pblock), (i, j))] += δp * ∂²Ψ∂p² * δp * dΩ

    # symmetrize_lower!(Ke)

function symmetrize_lower!(K)
    for i in 1:size(K,1)
        for j in i+1:size(K,1)
            K[i,j] = K[j,i]

# Assembling global residual and tangent
function assemble_global!(K::SparseMatrixCSC, f, cellvalues_u::CellVectorValues{dim}, 
    cellvalues_p::CellScalarValues{dim}, dh::DofHandler, mp::NeoHooke, w) where {dim}

    nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
    np = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)

    ## start_assemble resets K and f
    fe = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np), [nu, np]) # local force vector
    ke = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np, nu + np), [nu, np], [nu, np]) # local stiffness matrix

    assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
    ## Loop over all cells in the grid
    @timeit "assemble" for cell in CellIterator(dh)
        global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
        global_dofsu = global_dofs[1:nu]; # first nu dofs are displacement
        global_dofsp = global_dofs[nu + 1:end]; # last np dofs are pressure
        @assert size(global_dofs, 1) == nu + np # sanity check
        ue = w[global_dofsu] # element dofs displacement
        pe = w[global_dofsp] # element dofs pressure
        @timeit "element assemble" assemble_element!(ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, mp, ue, pe)
        assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, fe, ke)
        # return K, f;
        # break

# Define a main function, with a loop for Newton iterations

function solve(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
    grid = importTestGrid()

    ## Material parameters
    μ = 1.
    λ = 1.E3 * μ
    mp = NeoHooke(μ, λ)

    ## Finite element base
    dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
    cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u = create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)

    dbc = create_bc(dh)

    ## Pre-allocation of vectors for the solution and Newton increments
    _ndofs = ndofs(dh)
    wn = zeros(_ndofs) # previous solution vector
    w  = zeros(_ndofs)
    Δw = zeros(_ndofs)
    ΔΔw = zeros(_ndofs)
    apply!(wn, dbc)

    ## Create sparse matrix and residual vector
    K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
    f = zeros(_ndofs)

    ## Perform Newton iterations
    newton_itr = -1
    NEWTON_TOL = 1e-12
    prog = ProgressMeter.ProgressThresh(NEWTON_TOL, "Solving:")

    while true; newton_itr += 1
        w .= wn .+ Δw # Current guess
        assemble_global!(K, f, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, dh, mp, w)
        # return K, f;
        # break;
        norm_res = norm(f[Ferrite.free_dofs(dbc)])
        apply_zero!(K, f, dbc)
        ProgressMeter.update!(prog, norm_res; showvalues = [(:iter, newton_itr)])

        if norm_res < NEWTON_TOL
        elseif newton_itr > 30
            error("Reached maximum Newton iterations, aborting")

        ## Compute increment using cg! from IterativeSolvers.jl
        # @timeit "linear solve (KrylovMethods.cg)" ΔΔw′, flag, relres, iter, resvec = KrylovMethods.cg(K, f; maxIter = 1000)
        # @assert flag == 0
        # @timeit "linear solve (IterativeSolvers.cg!)" IterativeSolvers.cg!(ΔΔw, K, f; maxiter=1000)
        ΔΔw .= K\f;

        apply_zero!(ΔΔw, dbc)
        Δw .-= ΔΔw

    ## Save the solution
    @timeit "export" begin
        vtk_grid("hyperelasticity_incomp_mixed", dh) do vtkfile
            vtk_point_data(vtkfile, dh, w)

    print_timer(title = "Analysis with $(getncells(grid)) elements", linechars = :ascii)
    return w

quadratic = Lagrange{3, RefTetrahedron, 2}()
linear = Lagrange{3, RefTetrahedron, 1}()
dofs = solve(quadratic, linear)



termi-official commented 3 years ago

Hi @bhaveshshrimali , do you mind if I recycle your code either for a new Ferrite example or to update the current Hyperelasticity example?

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

Hi @termi-official. Sure, please feel free to. I just need to add some comments on the formulation, and a meaningful test (like computing the deformed volume). Will do so in this tomorrow, if that suits you. In fact, much of it would carry in a straightforward manner from ex36 in scikit-fem which I wrote quite sometime back.

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

Hi @termi-official . Here are the two helper functions

function calculate_element_volume(cell, cellvalues_u, ue)
    reinit!(cellvalues_u, cell)
    @inbounds for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_u)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues_u, qp)
        ∇u = function_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, ue)
        F = one(∇u) + ∇u
        J = det(F)
        evol += J * dΩ
    return evol;

function calculate_volume_deformed_mesh(w, dh::DofHandler, cellvalues_u)
    evol::Float64 = 0.0
    @inbounds for cell in CellIterator(dh)
        global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
        nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
        global_dofs_u = global_dofs[1:nu]
        ue = w[global_dofs_u]
        δevol = calculate_element_volume(cell, cellvalues_u, ue)
        evol += δevol;
    return evol

and doing

isapprox(vol_def, 1.0, atol=1E-3)

gives true. Let me check things again just to be completely sure about it. And rewrite the formulation a little bit. It should be good to go from thereon. If you want, I can also open a PR for the same.

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

^ The mesh is that of a unit cube (undeformed volume = 1.0). And the formulation is "nearly incompressible" hyperelasticity. I will write things down and post here for explicitness.

termi-official commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick anwser @bhaveshshrimali ! Sure, if you want then just go ahead and open a PR. Then we have the code saved in the docs, which should be easier to find for everyone. :)

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Sounds good. Let me put together a rough template and then we can just take it from there.

bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

This is a rough template of the code @termi-official . Still some cleaning required. I was traveling over the last week, will update with a PR this weekend, with proper comments and a formulation. I added the bit with incrementally solving the equations (with a pseudo time-step like parameter) as is usually done with nonlinear problems.


using Ferrite, Tensors, TimerOutputs, ProgressMeter
import KrylovMethods, IterativeSolvers
using BlockArrays, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools

struct NeoHooke

function importTestGrid()
    grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, (5, 5, 5), zero(Vec{3}), ones(Vec{3}))
    addfaceset!(grid, "myBottom", x -> norm(x[2]) ≈ 0.0);
    addfaceset!(grid, "myBack", x -> norm(x[3]) ≈ 0.0);
    addfaceset!(grid, "myRight", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 1.0);
    addfaceset!(grid, "myLeft", x -> norm(x[1]) ≈ 0.0);
    return grid

function create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
    # quadrature rules
    qr      = QuadratureRule{3,RefTetrahedron}(4)
    face_qr = QuadratureRule{2,RefTetrahedron}(4)

    # geometric interpolation
    interpolation_geom = Lagrange{3,RefTetrahedron,1}()

    # cell and facevalues for u
    cellvalues_u = CellVectorValues(qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)
    facevalues_u = FaceVectorValues(face_qr, interpolation_u, interpolation_geom)

    # cellvalues for p
    cellvalues_p = CellScalarValues(qr, interpolation_p, interpolation_geom)

    return cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u

function Ψ(F, p, mp::NeoHooke)
    μ = mp.μ
    λ = mp.λ
    Ic = tr(tdot(F))
    J = det(F)
    Js = (λ + p + sqrt((λ + p)^2. + 4. * λ * μ ))/(2. * λ)
    return p * (Js - J) + μ / 2 * (Ic - 3) - μ * log(Js) + λ / 2 * (Js - 1)^2

function create_dofhandler(grid, ipu, ipp)
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    push!(dh, :u, 3, ipu) # displacement dim = 3
    push!(dh, :p, 1, ipp) # pressure dim = 1
    return dh

function create_bc(dh)
    dbc = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myLeft"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{1}), [1]))
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myBottom"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{1}), [2]))
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myBack"), (x,t) -> zero(Vec{1}), [3]))
    add!(dbc, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(dh.grid, "myRight"), (x,t) -> t*ones(Vec{1}), [1]))
    Ferrite.update!(dbc, 0.0)
    return dbc

function constitutive_driver(F, p, mp::NeoHooke)
    ## Compute all derivatives in one function call
    ∂²Ψ∂F², ∂Ψ∂F = Tensors.hessian(y -> Ψ(y, p, mp), F, :all)
    ∂²Ψ∂p², ∂Ψ∂p = Tensors.hessian(y -> Ψ(F, y, mp), p, :all)
    ∂²Ψ∂F∂p = Tensors.gradient(q -> Tensors.gradient(y -> Ψ(y, q, mp), F), p)
    return ∂Ψ∂F, ∂²Ψ∂F², ∂Ψ∂p, ∂²Ψ∂p², ∂²Ψ∂F∂p

function calculate_element_volume(cell, cellvalues_u, ue)
    reinit!(cellvalues_u, cell)
    @inbounds for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_u)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues_u, qp)
        ∇u = function_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, ue)
        F = one(∇u) + ∇u
        J = det(F)
        evol += J * dΩ
    return evol;

function calculate_volume_deformed_mesh(w, dh::DofHandler, cellvalues_u)
    evol::Float64 = 0.0
    @inbounds for cell in CellIterator(dh)
        global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
        nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
        global_dofs_u = global_dofs[1:nu]
        ue = w[global_dofs_u]
        δevol = calculate_element_volume(cell, cellvalues_u, ue)
        evol += δevol;
    return evol

function assemble_element!(Ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, mp, ue, pe)
    ## Reinitialize cell values, and reset output arrays
    ublock, pblock = 1, 2
    reinit!(cellvalues_u, cell)
    reinit!(cellvalues_p, cell)
    fill!(Ke, 0.0)
    fill!(fe, 0.0)

    n_basefuncs_u = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
    n_basefuncs_p = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)

    @inbounds for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_u)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues_u, qp)

        ## Compute deformation gradient F and right Cauchy-Green tensor C
        ∇u = function_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, ue)
        p = function_value(cellvalues_p, qp, pe)
        F = one(∇u) + ∇u

        ## Compute first Piola-Kirchhoff stress and tangent
        ∂Ψ∂F, ∂²Ψ∂F², ∂Ψ∂p, ∂²Ψ∂p², ∂²Ψ∂F∂p = constitutive_driver(F, p, mp)

        ## Loop over test functions
        @inbounds for i in 1:n_basefuncs_u
            ## Test function gradient
            ∇δui = shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, i)
            ## Add contribution to the residual from this test function

            fe[BlockIndex((ublock), (i))] += ( ∇δui ⊡ ∂Ψ∂F) * dΩ

            ∇δui∂S∂F = ∇δui ⊡ ∂²Ψ∂F² # Hoisted computation
            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_u
                ∇δuj = shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, j)

                ## Add contribution to the tangent
                Ke[BlockIndex((ublock, ublock), (i, j))] += ( ∇δui∂S∂F ⊡ ∇δuj ) * dΩ

            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_p
                δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, qp, j)
                ## Add contribution to the tangent
                Ke[BlockIndex((ublock, pblock), (i, j))] += ( ∂²Ψ∂F∂p ⊡ ∇δui ) * δp * dΩ                

        @inbounds for i in 1:n_basefuncs_p
            δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, qp, i)
            fe[BlockIndex((pblock), (i))] += ( δp * ∂Ψ∂p) * dΩ

            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_u
                ∇δuj = shape_gradient(cellvalues_u, qp, j)
                Ke[BlockIndex((pblock, ublock), (i, j))] += ∇δuj ⊡ ∂²Ψ∂F∂p * δp * dΩ
            @inbounds for j in 1:n_basefuncs_p
                δp = shape_value(cellvalues_p, qp, j)
                Ke[BlockIndex((pblock, pblock), (i, j))] += δp * ∂²Ψ∂p² * δp * dΩ

    # symmetrize_lower!(Ke)

# Assembling global residual and tangent
function assemble_global!(K::SparseMatrixCSC, f, cellvalues_u::CellVectorValues{dim}, 
    cellvalues_p::CellScalarValues{dim}, dh::DofHandler, mp::NeoHooke, w) where {dim}

    nu = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_u)
    np = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_p)

    ## start_assemble resets K and f
    fe = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np), [nu, np]) # local force vector
    ke = PseudoBlockArray(zeros(nu + np, nu + np), [nu, np], [nu, np]) # local stiffness matrix

    assembler = start_assemble(K, f)
    ## Loop over all cells in the grid
    @timeit "assemble" for cell in CellIterator(dh)
        global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
        global_dofsu = global_dofs[1:nu]; # first nu dofs are displacement
        global_dofsp = global_dofs[nu + 1:end]; # last np dofs are pressure
        @assert size(global_dofs, 1) == nu + np # sanity check
        ue = w[global_dofsu] # element dofs displacement
        pe = w[global_dofsp] # element dofs pressure
        @timeit "element assemble" assemble_element!(ke, fe, cell, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, mp, ue, pe)
        assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, fe, ke)
        # return K, f;
        # break

# Define a main function, with a loop for Newton iterations

function solve(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
    grid = importTestGrid()

    ## Material parameters
    μ = 1.
    λ = 1.E3 * μ
    mp = NeoHooke(μ, λ)

    ## Finite element base
    dh = create_dofhandler(grid, interpolation_u, interpolation_p)
    cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, facevalues_u = create_values(interpolation_u, interpolation_p)

    dbc = create_bc(dh)

    ## Pre-allocation of vectors for the solution and Newton increments
    _ndofs = ndofs(dh)
    # wn = zeros(_ndofs) # previous solution vector
    w  = zeros(_ndofs)
    ΔΔw = zeros(_ndofs)
    # apply!(wn, dbc)
    apply!(w, dbc)

    ## Create sparse matrix and residual vector
    K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
    f = zeros(_ndofs)

    Tf = 2.0;
    Δt = 0.01;
    NEWTON_TOL = 1e-8

    pvd = paraview_collection("hyperelasticity_incomp_mixed.pvd");
    for t ∈ 0.0:Δt:Tf
        ## Perform Newton iterations
        print("Time is $t")
        Ferrite.update!(dbc, t)
        apply!(w, dbc)
        newton_itr = -1
        prog = ProgressMeter.ProgressThresh(NEWTON_TOL, "Solving:")
        fill!(ΔΔw, 0.0);
        while true; newton_itr += 1
            # w .= wn .+ Δw # Current guess
            assemble_global!(K, f, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p, dh, mp, w)
            # return K, f;
            # break;
            norm_res = norm(f[Ferrite.free_dofs(dbc)])
            apply_zero!(K, f, dbc)
            ProgressMeter.update!(prog, norm_res; showvalues = [(:iter, newton_itr)])

            if norm_res < NEWTON_TOL
            elseif newton_itr > 30
                error("Reached maximum Newton iterations, aborting")

            ## Compute increment using cg! from IterativeSolvers.jl
            # @timeit "linear solve (KrylovMethods.cg)" ΔΔw′, flag, relres, iter, resvec = KrylovMethods.cg(K, f; maxIter = 1000)
            # @assert flag == 0
            # @timeit "linear solve (IterativeSolvers.cg!)" IterativeSolvers.cg!(ΔΔw, K, f; maxiter=1000)
            ΔΔw .= K\f;

            apply_zero!(ΔΔw, dbc)
            w .-= ΔΔw
        # wn .= w;

        ## Save the solution
        @timeit "export" begin
            vtk_grid("hyperelasticity_incomp_mixed-$t", dh) do vtkfile
                vtk_point_data(vtkfile, dh, w)
                pvd[t] = vtkfile

        print_timer(title = "Analysis with $(getncells(grid)) elements", linechars = :ascii)
    vol_def = calculate_volume_deformed_mesh(w, dh, cellvalues_u);
    print("Deformed volume is $vol_def")

quadratic = Lagrange{3, RefTetrahedron, 2}()
linear = Lagrange{3, RefTetrahedron, 1}()
solve(quadratic, linear);
# vol_def = calculate_volume_deformed_mesh(dof_vector, dh, cellvalues_u)

isapprox(vol_def, 1.0, atol=1E-3)
bhaveshshrimali commented 3 years ago

Sort of like this (there is some rendering issue but I think the gist is clear): uniax

termi-official commented 3 years ago

Thanks @bhaveshshrimali , looks already pretty nice! No need to rush if you do not have the time atm.