Ferrite-FEM / Ferrite.jl

Finite element toolbox for Julia
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Problem adding deformation visualization for hyperelasticity demo #873

Closed Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman closed 8 months ago

Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman commented 8 months ago

Thanks for making this awesome looking library. It looks amazing.

To try out Ferrite.jl I started with the hyperelasticiy.jl demo. I think it works fine, and if I add:

import FerriteViz
plotter = FerriteViz.MakiePlotter(dh, u)

I get: image

However, I wanted to be stubborn first 😄 and attempt to cook up my own visualisation by using:

using Ferrite, Tensors, TimerOutputs, ProgressMeter, IterativeSolvers
import GLMakie
import GeometryBasics

struct NeoHooke

function Ψ(C, mp::NeoHooke)
    μ = mp.μ
    λ = mp.λ
    Ic = tr(C)
    J = sqrt(det(C))
    return μ / 2 * (Ic - 3) - μ * log(J) + λ / 2 * log(J)^2

function constitutive_driver(C, mp::NeoHooke)
    # Compute all derivatives in one function call
    ∂²Ψ∂C², ∂Ψ∂C = Tensors.hessian(y -> Ψ(y, mp), C, :all)
    S = 2.0 * ∂Ψ∂C
    ∂S∂C = 2.0 * ∂²Ψ∂C²
    return S, ∂S∂C

function assemble_element!(ke, ge, cell, cv, fv, mp, ue, ΓN)
    # Reinitialize cell values, and reset output arrays
    reinit!(cv, cell)
    fill!(ke, 0.0)
    fill!(ge, 0.0)

    b = Vec{3}((0.0, -0.5, 0.0)) # Body force
    tn = 0.1 # Traction (to be scaled with surface normal)
    ndofs = getnbasefunctions(cv)

    for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cv)
        dΩ = getdetJdV(cv, qp)
        # Compute deformation gradient F and right Cauchy-Green tensor C
        ∇u = function_gradient(cv, qp, ue)
        F = one(∇u) + ∇u
        C = tdot(F) # F' ⋅ F
        # Compute stress and tangent
        S, ∂S∂C = constitutive_driver(C, mp)
        P = F ⋅ S
        I = one(S)
        ∂P∂F =  otimesu(I, S) + 2 * otimesu(F, I) ⊡ ∂S∂C ⊡ otimesu(F', I)

        # Loop over test functions
        for i in 1:ndofs
            # Test function and gradient
            δui = shape_value(cv, qp, i)
            ∇δui = shape_gradient(cv, qp, i)
            # Add contribution to the residual from this test function
            ge[i] += ( ∇δui ⊡ P - δui ⋅ b ) * dΩ

            ∇δui∂P∂F = ∇δui ⊡ ∂P∂F # Hoisted computation
            for j in 1:ndofs
                ∇δuj = shape_gradient(cv, qp, j)
                # Add contribution to the tangent
                ke[i, j] += ( ∇δui∂P∂F ⊡ ∇δuj ) * dΩ

    # Surface integral for the traction
    for face in 1:nfaces(cell)
        if (cellid(cell), face) in ΓN
            reinit!(fv, cell, face)
            for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(fv)
                t = tn * getnormal(fv, q_point)
                dΓ = getdetJdV(fv, q_point)
                for i in 1:ndofs
                    δui = shape_value(fv, q_point, i)
                    ge[i] -= (δui ⋅ t) * dΓ

function assemble_global!(K, g, dh, cv, fv, mp, u, ΓN)
    n = ndofs_per_cell(dh)
    ke = zeros(n, n)
    ge = zeros(n)

    # start_assemble resets K and g
    assembler = start_assemble(K, g)

    # Loop over all cells in the grid
    @timeit "assemble" for cell in CellIterator(dh)
        global_dofs = celldofs(cell)
        ue = u[global_dofs] # element dofs
        @timeit "element assemble" assemble_element!(ke, ge, cell, cv, fv, mp, ue, ΓN)
        assemble!(assembler, global_dofs, ge, ke)

function solve()

    # Generate a grid
    N = 10
    L = 1.0
    left = zero(Vec{3})
    right = L * ones(Vec{3})
    grid = generate_grid(Tetrahedron, (N, N, N), left, right)

    # Material parameters
    E = 10.0
    ν = 0.3
    μ = E / (2(1 + ν))
    λ = (E * ν) / ((1 + ν) * (1 - 2ν))
    mp = NeoHooke(μ, λ)

    # Finite element base
    ip = Lagrange{3, RefTetrahedron, 1}()
    qr = QuadratureRule{3, RefTetrahedron}(1)
    qr_face = QuadratureRule{2, RefTetrahedron}(1)
    cv = CellVectorValues(qr, ip)
    fv = FaceVectorValues(qr_face, ip)

    # DofHandler
    dh = DofHandler(grid)
    add!(dh, :u, 3) # Add a displacement field

    function rotation(X, t)
        θ = pi / 3 # 60°
        x, y, z = X
        return t * Vec{3}((
            L/2 - y + (y-L/2)*cos(θ) - (z-L/2)*sin(θ),
            L/2 - z + (y-L/2)*sin(θ) + (z-L/2)*cos(θ)

    dbcs = ConstraintHandler(dh)
    # Add a homogeneous boundary condition on the "clamped" edge
    dbc = Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "right"), (x,t) -> [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 2, 3])
    add!(dbcs, dbc)
    dbc = Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(grid, "left"), (x,t) -> rotation(x, t), [1, 2, 3])
    add!(dbcs, dbc)
    t = 0.5
    Ferrite.update!(dbcs, t)

    # Neumann part of the boundary
    ΓN = union(
        getfaceset(grid, "top"),
        getfaceset(grid, "bottom"),
        getfaceset(grid, "front"),
        getfaceset(grid, "back"),

    # Pre-allocation of vectors for the solution and Newton increments
    _ndofs = ndofs(dh)
    un = zeros(_ndofs) # previous solution vector
    u  = zeros(_ndofs)
    Δu = zeros(_ndofs)
    ΔΔu = zeros(_ndofs)
    apply!(un, dbcs)

    # Create sparse matrix and residual vector
    K = create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
    g = zeros(_ndofs)

    # Perform Newton iterations
    newton_itr = -1
    NEWTON_TOL = 1e-8
    prog = ProgressMeter.ProgressThresh(NEWTON_TOL, "Solving:")

    while true; newton_itr += 1
        # Construct the current guess
        u .= un .+ Δu
        # Compute residual and tangent for current guess
        assemble_global!(K, g, dh, cv, fv, mp, u, ΓN)
        # Apply boundary conditions
        apply_zero!(K, g, dbcs)
        # Compute the residual norm and compare with tolerance
        normg = norm(g)
        ProgressMeter.update!(prog, normg; showvalues = [(:iter, newton_itr)])
        if normg < NEWTON_TOL
        elseif newton_itr > NEWTON_MAXITER
            error("Reached maximum Newton iterations, aborting")

        # Compute increment using conjugate gradients
        @timeit "linear solve" IterativeSolvers.cg!(ΔΔu, K, g; maxiter=1000)

        apply_zero!(ΔΔu, dbcs)
        Δu .-= ΔΔu

    # Save the solution
    @timeit "export" begin
        vtk_grid("hyperelasticity", dh) do vtkfile
            vtk_point_data(vtkfile, dh, u)

    print_timer(title = "Analysis with $(getncells(grid)) elements", linechars = :ascii)

    P = grid.nodes
    EE = grid.cells
    return EE,P,u,dh

EE,P,u,dh = solve();

function tet2faces(E)
    n = length(E)
    F = Vector{GeometryBasics.TriangleFace{Int64}}(undef,n*4)
    for q ∈ eachindex(E)
        e = collect(E[q].nodes)
        F[q]            = convert(GeometryBasics.TriangleFace{Int64},e[[1,2,3]])
    return F

function toDispSet(u,P)
    n = length(P)
    uu = reshape(u,3,n)'

    U = Vector{GeometryBasics.Point{3, Float32}}(undef,n)
    for q ∈ eachindex(P)
        U[q] = convert(GeometryBasics.Point{3, Float32},uu[q,:])
    return U

function toPointSet(P)
    n = length(P)
    V = Vector{GeometryBasics.Point{3, Float32}}(undef,n)
    for q ∈ eachindex(P)
        p = collect(P[q].x)
        V[q] = convert(GeometryBasics.Point{3, Float32},p)
    return V

F = tet2faces(EE)
V = toPointSet(P)
U = toDispSet(u,P)
V2 = V.+U
M = GeometryBasics.Mesh(V2,F)
C = [sqrt(sum(u.^2)) for u in U]

# Visualize mesh
fig = GLMakie.Figure()

ax=GLMakie.Axis3(fig[1, 1], aspect = :data, xlabel = "X", ylabel = "Y", zlabel = "Z", title = "Ferrite")
hp=GLMakie.poly!(M, strokewidth=1,color=C, transparency=false, overdraw=false)

Now I get: image

Since part of the model looks like, I think this is some kind of index issue, that the nodal indices for the points and the results (u) do not match.

I think I might be wrong to assume u represents a column for the x, y, and z displacements, and that the order of these corresponds to the points (grid.nodes). Or is there some reordering happening due to the boundary conditions?

Thanks for your help!

termi-official commented 8 months ago

Welcome to the community Kevin!

The "column" in u represets the x,y,z displacements, so in this point you are right. And indeed, the numbering of the dofs which you get out of the dof handler does not match the numbering of the nodes. Also note that visualization with this assumption does not work for sub- and superparametric elements.

What we do in FerriteViz is a bit less efficient in this regard. In a nutshell we generate a new mesh for the visualization, which only has the surface representation of the original problem and not all volume elements. For this surface representation we now evaluate the solution field for each node to "transfer" the solution between the original grid and the surface mesh.

Does this help?