FertigLab / CoGAPS

Bayesian MCMC matrix factorization algorithm
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Refactor - patternMarkers() #105

Closed dimalvovs closed 2 months ago

dimalvovs commented 4 months ago

Related to #102.

It is not explicitly defined how the patternMarkers() threshold needs to operate, this function needs to be refactored.

dimalvovs commented 4 months ago

original patternMarkers version for inspiration

#' patternMarkers
#' @param Amatrix A matrix of genes by weights resulting from CoGAPS or other NMF decomposition
#' @param scaledPmatrix logical indicating whether the corresponding pattern matrix was fixed to have max 1 during decomposition
#' @param Pmatrix the corresponding Pmatrix (patterns X samples) for the provided Amatrix (genes x patterns). This must be supplied if scaledPmatrix is FALSE.
#' @param threshold the type of threshold to be used. The default "cut" will thresholding by the first gene to have a lower ranking, i.e. better fit to, a pattern. Alternatively, threshold="all" will return all of the genes in rank order for each pattern.
#' @param lp a vector of weights for each pattern to be used for finding markers. If NA markers for each pattern of the A matrix will be used.
#' @param full logical indicating whether to return the ranks of each gene for each pattern
#' @return By default a non-overlapping list of genes associated with each \code{lp}. If \code{full=TRUE} a data.frame of
#' genes rankings with a column for each \code{lp} will also be returned.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' patternMarkers(Amatrix=AP$Amean,scaledPmatrix=FALSE,Pmatrix=NA,threshold="cut")
#' }
patternMarkers <- function(
    Amatrix=NA, #A matrix of genes by weights resulting from CoGAPS or other NMF decomposition
    scaledPmatrix=FALSE, # logical indicating whether the corresponding pattern matrix was fixed to have max 1 during decomposition
    Pmatrix=NA, #the corresponding Pmatrix (patterns X samples) for the provided Amatrix (genes x patterns). This must be supplied if scaledPmatrix is FALSE.
    threshold="cut", # the type of threshold to be used. The default "cut" will thresholding by the first gene to have a lower ranking, i.e. better fit to, a pattern. Alternatively, threshold="all" will return all of the genes in rank order for each pattern.
    lp=NA, # a vector of weights for each pattern to be used for finding markers. If NA markers for each pattern of the A matrix will be used.
    full=FALSE #logical indicating whether to return the ranks of each gene for each pattern.

      pscale <- apply(Pmatrix,1,max)   # rescale p's to have max 1
      Amatrix <- sweep(Amatrix, 2, pscale, FUN="*")   # rescale A in accordance with p's having max 1
    else(warning("P values must be provided if not already scaled"))
# find the A with the highest magnitude
Arowmax <- t(apply(Amatrix, 1, function(x) x/max(x)))
pmax<-apply(Amatrix, 1, max)
# determine which genes are most associated with each pattern
ssranks<-matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(Amatrix), ncol=ncol(Amatrix),dimnames=dimnames(Amatrix))#list()
ssgenes<-matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(Amatrix), ncol=ncol(Amatrix),dimnames=NULL)
        warning("lp length must equal the number of columns of the Amatrix")
        sstat <- apply(Arowmax, 1, function(x) sqrt(t(x-lp)%*%(x-lp)))
        ssranks[order(sstat),i] <- 1:length(sstat)
} else {for(i in 1:nP){
        lp <- rep(0,dim(Amatrix)[2])
        lp[i] <- 1
        sstat <- apply(Arowmax, 1, function(x) sqrt(t(x-lp)%*%(x-lp)))
        ssranks[order(sstat),i] <- 1:length(sstat)
        ssgenes.th <- lapply(unique(pIndx),function(x) names(pIndx[pIndx==x]))
        geneThresh <- apply(sweep(ssranks,1,t(apply(ssranks, 1, min)),"-"),2,function(x) which(x==0))
        ssgenes.th <- lapply(geneThresh,names)
} else{return("PatternMarkers"=ssgenes.th)}
dimalvovs commented 4 months ago

the results between the current (#102) patternMarkers and the original has diverted:

res <- CoGAPS(GIST.data_frame, nIterations=100, seed=1, messages=FALSE)


> pm_current_cut <- patternMarkers(res, threshold = "cut", axis = 1, lp = NA)
> pm_orig_cut <- patternMarkers.orig(Amatrix=res@featureLoadings, Pmatrix=t(res@sampleFactors), threshold = "cut", lp = NULL)
> lengths(pm_current_cut$PatternMarkers)
Pattern_1 Pattern_2 Pattern_3 Pattern_4 Pattern_5 Pattern_6 Pattern_7 
       14        46        10       270        27         6        37 
> lengths(pm_orig_cut)
[1] 183 326  82 237 145 185 205


> pm_current_all <- patternMarkers(res, threshold = "all", axis = 1, lp = NA)
> pm_orig_all <- patternMarkers.orig(Amatrix=res@featureLoadings, Pmatrix=t(res@sampleFactors), threshold = "All", lp = NULL)
> lengths(pm_current_all$PatternMarkers)
Pattern_1 Pattern_2 Pattern_3 Pattern_4 Pattern_5 Pattern_6 Pattern_7 
       21         6         1      1047        57         6       225 
> lengths(pm_orig_all)
Pattern_1 Pattern_2 Pattern_3 Pattern_4 Pattern_5 Pattern_6 Pattern_7 
      183       205       185       327       149       240        82