Festify / cordova-spotify-oauth

🔐 Easy Spotify authentication for Cordova / PhoneGap apps
MIT License
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[Question] Use with other oAuth providers? #15

Closed danpastori closed 5 years ago

danpastori commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone!

This is a beautiful oAuth implementation, I love how easy it was to implement and use in Cordova! Thanks for making this. Do you guys ever think about white labeling the oAuth functionality and use it for other oAuth providers? I think it could be really helpful. Just curious. If so, I'd love to help write docs or contribute some examples. I got this working in a VueJS cordova app and it was seamless!

NeoLegends commented 6 years ago

Great suggestion!

The good parts: I just skimmed through the code, and it seems like the native android part is the only piece of code that is tied to Spotify. The rest is already provider-agnostic (modulo some quirks here and there, I think) If we could make the Android native code based on chrome custom tabs, we should be able to use this library in a broader scope.

Now comes the bad part: we‘re not using this in production anymore because we abandoned the Festify cordova apps, so this library isn‘t actively maintained anymore. We also have todos with higher priority for Festify and only little time (Festify is still a hobby project of ours). That said, we‘ll gladly accept any pull requests adding this feature, so please go ahead. :)

NeoLegends commented 6 years ago

Ah, the iOS part also features some Spotify interaction, but not very much.

NeoLegends commented 5 years ago

Closing this for inactivity. Please feel free to open another issue or PR if you come around to implementing this. :)