Feu-Secret / Tokenmagic

A Foundry VTT module that allows you to add animations and graphic effects to tokens, tiles, templates and drawings.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Applying effects to a specific PIXI.Sprite #231

Open Aedif opened 1 year ago

Aedif commented 1 year ago

Any chance of adding support for effects to be applied to a passed on PIXI.Sprite as the target instead of a placeable?

I think it'd be fun to mess with the idea of stacking multiple sprites with their own individual effects on top of each other:


The above uses the community filters to apply CRT on 'Frightened', AdvancedBloom on 'Frozen' and Glow on the staff.

However it could be taken much further with Token Magic FX filters.

Aedif commented 1 year ago

Figured out a way to do it, a bit hacky but it works:


It'd be nice if there was an API to directly access TMFX filters. At the moment I'm having to actually look inside TMFX module and import the filters from the individual files.

let fxModule = await import(`../../tokenmagic/fx/filters/${className}.js`);