Closed blt closed 10 years ago
Try again with a freshly checked out setup/master
After updating:
> make
==> goldrush (compile)
Compiled src/glc.erl
Compiled src/glc_lib.erl
Compiled src/glc_code.erl
Compiled src/gr_app.erl
Compiled src/gr_sup.erl
Compiled src/gr_context.erl
Compiled src/glc_ops.erl
Compiled src/gre.erl
==> lager (compile)
Compiled src/lager_util.erl
Compiled src/lager_transform.erl
Compiled src/lager_app.erl
Compiled src/lager_backend_throttle.erl
Compiled src/lager.erl
Compiled src/lager_config.erl
Compiled src/lager_console_backend.erl
Compiled src/error_logger_lager_h.erl
Compiled src/lager_default_formatter.erl
Compiled src/lager_crash_log.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_msg.erl
Compiled src/lager_format.erl
Compiled src/lager_file_backend.erl
Compiled src/lager_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_stdlib.erl
Compiled src/lager_trunc_io.erl
==> terlbox (compile)
Compiled src/terlbox.erl
==> meck (compile)
Compiled src/meck_args_matcher.erl
Compiled src/meck_code.erl
Compiled src/meck_cover.erl
Compiled src/meck_expect.erl
Compiled src/meck_code_gen.erl
Compiled src/meck.erl
Compiled src/meck_matcher.erl
Compiled src/meck_history.erl
Compiled src/meck_util.erl
Compiled src/meck_ret_spec.erl
Compiled src/meck_proc.erl
==> svetch (compile)
Compiled src/svetch_data_type.erl
Compiled src/svetch_manager.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/svetch/src/svetch_server.erl:199: Warning: function async_load/4 is unused
Compiled src/svetch_server.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/svetch/src/svetcher.erl:314: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
Compiled src/svetcher.erl
==> forklift (compile)
Compiled test/forklift_bench.erl
Compiled src/csver.erl
Compiled test/csver_tests.erl
Compiled test/forklift_tests.erl
Compiled src/forklift_app.erl
Compiled src/forklift_config.erl
Compiled src/forklift_file_writer.erl
Compiled src/forklift_kafka_writer.erl
Compiled src/dynamic_compile.erl
Compiled src/forklift_supervisor.erl
Compiled src/kafka_encoder.erl
Compiled src/kafka_config_syncher.erl
Compiled src/forklift_server.erl
==> jiffy (compile)
Compiled src/jiffy.erl
Compiled src/jiffy_utf8.erl
Compiling c_src/decoder.c
Compiling c_src/encoder.c
Compiling c_src/jiffy.c
Compiling c_src/utf8.c
Compiling c_src/util.c
Compiling c_src/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
Compiling c_src/double-conversion/
==> uuid (compile)
Compiled src/uuid.erl
==> ranch (compile)
Compiled src/ranch_protocol.erl
Compiled src/ranch_transport.erl
Compiled src/ranch_acceptor.erl
Compiled src/ranch_acceptors_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_app.erl
Compiled src/ranch.erl
Compiled src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_conns_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_server.erl
Compiled src/ranch_ssl.erl
Compiled src/ranch_tcp.erl
==> cowboy (compile)
Compiled src/cowboy_http_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_loop_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_middleware.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_sub_protocol.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_websocket_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_app.erl
Compiled src/cowboy.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_bstr.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_clock.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_client.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_multipart.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_protocol.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_http.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_router.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_rest.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_static.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_sup.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_req.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_spdy.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_websocket.erl
==> bodhi (compile)
Compiled src/bodhi_broadcast_handler.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_app.erl
Compiled src/bodhi.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_client.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_cowboy_handler.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_data_janitor.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_deps.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_sup.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_watcher.erl
Compiled src/bodhi_data.erl
==> lhttpc (compile)
Compiled src/lhttpc_lb.erl
Compiled src/lhttpc.erl
Compiled src/lhttpc_lib.erl
Compiled src/lhttpc_sock.erl
Compiled src/lhttpc_sup.erl
Compiled src/lhttpc_client.erl
==> dinerl (compile)
Compiled src/dinerl_client.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/dinerl/src/awsrequest.erl:15: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
Compiled src/awsrequest.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/dinerl/src/dynamodb.erl:29: Warning: crypto:sha/1 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hash/2
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/dinerl/src/dynamodb.erl:30: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
Compiled src/dynamodb.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/dinerl/src/dinerl.erl:192: Warning: function scan/0 is unused
Compiled src/dinerl.erl
Compiled src/iam.erl
Compiled src/iso8601.erl
Compiled src/dmochijson2.erl
==> gpb (compile)
Compiled src/gpb_scan.xrl
Compiled src/gpb_parse.yrl
Compiled src/gpb.erl
Compiled src/gpb_compile.erl
Compiled src/gpb_parse.erl
Compiled src/gpb_scan.erl
==> em (compile)
Compiled src/em.erl
==> merle (compile)
Compiled src/gen_server2.erl
Compiled src/priority_queue.erl
Compiled src/merle.erl
==> dynamic_compile (compile)
Compiled src/dynamic_compile.erl
==> spitz (compile)
Compiled src/spitz_clients_sup.erl
Compiled src/spitz_cluster.erl
Compiled src/spitz_member.erl
Compiled src/spitz_sup.erl
Compiled src/spitz_pool.erl
Compiled src/spitz_client.erl
==> mochiweb (compile)
Compiled src/mochifmt_std.erl
Compiled src/mochifmt_records.erl
Compiled src/mochihex.erl
Compiled src/mochiglobal.erl
Compiled src/mochifmt.erl
Compiled src/mochilists.erl
Compiled src/mochilogfile2.erl
Compiled src/mochinum.erl
Compiled src/mochijson.erl
Compiled src/mochitemp.erl
Compiled src/mochiutf8.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb.erl
Compiled src/mochijson2.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_acceptor.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_base64url.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_cover.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_echo.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_cookies.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_headers.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_http.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_io.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_mime.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_multipart.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_html.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_request_tests.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_response.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_session.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_socket.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_request.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_socket_server.erl
Compiled src/reloader.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_util.erl
Compiled src/mochiweb_charref.erl
==> elli (compile)
Compiled src/elli_handler.erl
Compiled src/elli_example_middleware.erl
Compiled src/elli.erl
Compiled src/elli_example_callback.erl
Compiled src/elli_middleware.erl
Compiled src/elli_middleware_compress.erl
Compiled src/elli_test.erl
Compiled src/elli_request.erl
Compiled src/elli_util.erl
Compiled src/elli_http.erl
==> erlcloud (compile)
Compiled src/erlcloud.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/erlcloud/src/erlcloud_aws.erl:22: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
Compiled src/erlcloud_aws.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_elb.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_http.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_mon.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/erlcloud/src/erlcloud_s3.erl:588: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/erlcloud/src/erlcloud_s3.erl:699: Warning: crypto:md5/1 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hash/2
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/erlcloud/src/erlcloud_s3.erl:751: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
Compiled src/erlcloud_s3.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_sdb.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_ec2.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/erlcloud/src/erlcloud_mturk.erl:1602: Warning: crypto:sha_mac/2 is deprecated and will be removed in in a future release; use crypto:hmac/3
Compiled src/erlcloud_mturk.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_xml.erl
Compiled src/erlcloud_sqs.erl
==> egeoip (compile)
Compiled src/egeoip_app.erl
Compiled src/egeoip_sup.erl
Compiled src/egeoip_acl.erl
Compiled src/egeoip_tz.erl
Compiled src/egeoip.erl
==> afunix (compile)
Compiled src/afunix.erl
Compiling c_src/afunix_drv.c
Compiling c_src/packet_parser.c
c_src/packet_parser.c:348:21: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'memchr' with type 'void *(const void *, int, unsigned long)'
if ((ptr2 = memchr(ptr, '\n', n)) == NULL) {
c_src/packet_parser.c:348:21: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'memchr'
c_src/packet_parser.c:420:13: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'memcmp' with type 'int (const void *, const void *, unsigned long)'
if (memcmp(hp->magic, CDR_MAGIC, 4) != 0)
c_src/packet_parser.c:420:13: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'memcmp'
c_src/packet_parser.c:565:14: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'strncmp' with type 'int (const char *, const char *, unsigned long)'
(strncmp(ap->name, name, len) == 0))
c_src/packet_parser.c:565:14: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'strncmp'
3 warnings generated.
==> netlink (compile)
Compiled src/netlink_app.erl
Compiled src/netlink_codec.erl
Compiled src/netlink_drv.erl
Compiled src/netlink.erl
Compiled src/netlink_stat.erl
Compiled src/netlink_sup.erl
Compiled src/netlink_gen.erl
Compiled src/netl_codec.erl
==> bear (compile)
Compiled src/bear.erl
==> folsom (compile)
Compiled src/folsom.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ewma.erl
Compiled src/folsom_meter_timer_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_counter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_duration.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_gauge.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_history.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter_reader.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_spiral.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_none.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_exdec.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sorted.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_utils.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_vm_metrics.erl
==> src (compile)
==> exo (compile)
Compiled src/exo_socket_server.erl
Compiled src/exo_app.erl
Compiled src/exo_http_server.erl
Compiled src/exo_json.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket_cache.erl
Compiled src/exo_http.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket.erl
Compiled src/exo_sup.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket_session.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function handle_call/3 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/boodah/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
Compiled src/exo_ssh.erl
Compiled src/exo_url.erl
==> edown (compile)
Compiled src/edown_lib.erl
Compiled src/edown_make.erl
Compiled src/edown_doclet.erl
Compiled src/edown_xmerl.erl
Compiled src/edown_layout.erl
==> setup (compile)
Compiled src/setup_lib.erl
Compiled src/setup_gen.erl
Compiled src/setup.erl
./rebar skip_deps=true escriptize
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
make[1]: *** [escriptize] Error 1
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!
make: *** [compile] Error 1
I've pushed a new setup
to master. Could you try again?
Building from a clean checkout of
> make
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowboy to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exometer to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> core (get-deps)
==> http_api (get-deps)
==> erlhttp_bench (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowboy to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exometer to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling cowboy from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.9.0"}}
Cloning into 'cowboy'...
Pulling exometer from {git,"",
Cloning into 'exometer'...
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowlib to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/ranch to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> cowboy (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowlib to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/ranch to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling cowlib from {git,"git://","0.4.0"}
Cloning into 'cowlib'...
Pulling ranch from {git,"git://","0.9.0"}
Cloning into 'ranch'...
==> cowlib (get-deps)
==> ranch (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/lager to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/afunix to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/netlink to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/folsom to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/setup to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> src (get-deps)
==> exometer (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/lager to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/afunix to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/netlink to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/folsom to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/setup to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling lager from {git,"git://",{tag,"2.0.0"}}
Cloning into 'lager'...
Pulling afunix from {git,"","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'afunix'...
Pulling netlink from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'netlink'...
Pulling folsom from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.8.0"}}
Cloning into 'folsom'...
Pulling exo from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'exo'...
Pulling setup from {git,"git://",{branch,master}}
Cloning into 'setup'...
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/goldrush to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> lager (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/goldrush to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling goldrush from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'goldrush'...
==> goldrush (get-deps)
==> afunix (get-deps)
==> netlink (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/bear to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/meck to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> folsom (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/bear to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/meck to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling bear from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.8.0"}}
Cloning into 'bear'...
Pulling meck from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.7.2"}}
Cloning into 'meck'...
==> bear (get-deps)
==> meck (get-deps)
==> src (get-deps)
==> exo (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/edown to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> setup (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/edown to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling edown from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'edown'...
==> edown (get-deps)
==> cowlib (compile)
Compiled src/cow_cookie.erl
Compiled src/cow_http.erl
Compiled src/cow_date.erl
Compiled src/cow_qs.erl
Compiled src/cow_spdy.erl
Compiled src/cow_mimetypes.erl
==> ranch (compile)
Compiled src/ranch_protocol.erl
Compiled src/ranch_transport.erl
Compiled src/ranch_acceptor.erl
Compiled src/ranch_acceptors_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_app.erl
Compiled src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch.erl
Compiled src/ranch_conns_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_server.erl
Compiled src/ranch_ssl.erl
Compiled src/ranch_tcp.erl
==> cowboy (compile)
Compiled src/cowboy_http_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_loop_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_middleware.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_sub_protocol.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_websocket_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_app.erl
Compiled src/cowboy.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_bstr.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_clock.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_client.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_multipart.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_protocol.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_http.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_router.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_rest.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_spdy.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_static.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_req.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_sup.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_websocket.erl
==> goldrush (compile)
Compiled src/glc.erl
Compiled src/glc_ops.erl
Compiled src/glc_lib.erl
Compiled src/gr_context.erl
Compiled src/gre.erl
Compiled src/glc_code.erl
==> lager (compile)
Compiled src/lager_util.erl
Compiled src/lager_transform.erl
Compiled src/lager_app.erl
Compiled src/lager_backend_throttle.erl
Compiled src/lager.erl
Compiled src/lager_config.erl
Compiled src/lager_console_backend.erl
Compiled src/error_logger_lager_h.erl
Compiled src/lager_crash_log.erl
Compiled src/lager_default_formatter.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_msg.erl
Compiled src/lager_file_backend.erl
Compiled src/lager_format.erl
Compiled src/lager_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_stdlib.erl
Compiled src/lager_trunc_io.erl
==> afunix (compile)
Compiled src/afunix.erl
Compiling c_src/afunix_drv.c
Compiling c_src/packet_parser.c
c_src/packet_parser.c:348:21: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'memchr' with type 'void *(const void *, int, unsigned long)'
if ((ptr2 = memchr(ptr, '\n', n)) == NULL) {
c_src/packet_parser.c:348:21: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'memchr'
c_src/packet_parser.c:420:13: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'memcmp' with type 'int (const void *, const void *, unsigned long)'
if (memcmp(hp->magic, CDR_MAGIC, 4) != 0)
c_src/packet_parser.c:420:13: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'memcmp'
c_src/packet_parser.c:565:14: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'strncmp' with type 'int (const char *, const char *, unsigned long)'
(strncmp(ap->name, name, len) == 0))
c_src/packet_parser.c:565:14: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'strncmp'
3 warnings generated.
==> netlink (compile)
Compiled src/netlink_app.erl
Compiled src/netlink_codec.erl
Compiled src/netlink_drv.erl
Compiled src/netlink.erl
Compiled src/netlink_stat.erl
Compiled src/netlink_gen.erl
Compiled src/netlink_sup.erl
Compiled src/netl_codec.erl
==> bear (compile)
Compiled src/bear.erl
==> meck (compile)
Compiled src/meck_cover.erl
Compiled src/meck_mod.erl
Compiled src/meck.erl
==> folsom (compile)
Compiled src/folsom.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ewma.erl
Compiled src/folsom_meter_timer_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_counter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_duration.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_gauge.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_history.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter_reader.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_spiral.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_none.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_exdec.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sorted.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_utils.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_vm_metrics.erl
==> src (compile)
==> exo (compile)
Compiled src/exo_socket_server.erl
Compiled src/exo_app.erl
Compiled src/exo_http_server.erl
Compiled src/exo_json.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket_cache.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket.erl
Compiled src/exo_http.erl
Compiled src/exo_sup.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket_session.erl
Compiled src/exo_url.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function handle_call/3 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
Compiled src/exo_ssh.erl
==> edown (compile)
Compiled src/edown_lib.erl
Compiled src/edown_make.erl
Compiled src/edown_doclet.erl
Compiled src/edown_xmerl.erl
Compiled src/edown_layout.erl
==> setup (compile)
Compiled src/setup_lib.erl
Compiled src/setup_gen.erl
Compiled src/setup.erl
./rebar skip_deps=true escriptize
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
make[1]: *** [escriptize] Error 1
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!
make: *** [compile] Error 1
I'm targeting exometer d47aaaf1a56dc0bafa7e81540988fd8093d89a65 as that included a fix for static function matches.
Annoying... I've pushed another version of setup to master.
Still targeting d47aaaf1a56dc0bafa7e81540988fd8093d89a65 and from a clean directory:
> rm -rf deps && make clean
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowboy to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exometer to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> core (clean)
==> http_api (clean)
==> erlhttp_bench (clean)
rm -rf deps
rm -rf _rel
> make
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowboy to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exometer to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> core (get-deps)
==> http_api (get-deps)
==> erlhttp_bench (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowboy to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exometer to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling cowboy from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.9.0"}}
Cloning into 'cowboy'...
Pulling exometer from {git,"",
Cloning into 'exometer'...
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowlib to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/ranch to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> cowboy (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowlib to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/ranch to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling cowlib from {git,"git://","0.4.0"}
Cloning into 'cowlib'...
Pulling ranch from {git,"git://","0.9.0"}
Cloning into 'ranch'...
==> cowlib (get-deps)
==> ranch (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/lager to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/afunix to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/netlink to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/folsom to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/setup to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> src (get-deps)
==> exometer (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/lager to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/afunix to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/netlink to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/folsom to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/setup to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling lager from {git,"git://",{tag,"2.0.0"}}
Cloning into 'lager'...
Pulling afunix from {git,"","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'afunix'...
Pulling netlink from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'netlink'...
Pulling folsom from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.8.0"}}
Cloning into 'folsom'...
Pulling exo from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'exo'...
Pulling setup from {git,"git://",{branch,master}}
Cloning into 'setup'...
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/goldrush to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> lager (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/goldrush to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling goldrush from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'goldrush'...
==> goldrush (get-deps)
==> afunix (get-deps)
==> netlink (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/bear to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/meck to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> folsom (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/bear to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/meck to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling bear from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.8.0"}}
Cloning into 'bear'...
Pulling meck from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.7.2"}}
Cloning into 'meck'...
==> bear (get-deps)
==> meck (get-deps)
==> src (get-deps)
==> exo (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/edown to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> setup (get-deps)
WARN: Expected /Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/edown to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
Pulling edown from {git,"git://","HEAD"}
Cloning into 'edown'...
==> edown (get-deps)
==> cowlib (compile)
Compiled src/cow_date.erl
Compiled src/cow_http.erl
Compiled src/cow_cookie.erl
Compiled src/cow_qs.erl
Compiled src/cow_spdy.erl
Compiled src/cow_mimetypes.erl
==> ranch (compile)
Compiled src/ranch_protocol.erl
Compiled src/ranch_transport.erl
Compiled src/ranch_acceptors_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_acceptor.erl
Compiled src/ranch_app.erl
Compiled src/ranch_listener_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch.erl
Compiled src/ranch_conns_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_sup.erl
Compiled src/ranch_server.erl
Compiled src/ranch_ssl.erl
Compiled src/ranch_tcp.erl
==> cowboy (compile)
Compiled src/cowboy_http_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_loop_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_middleware.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_sub_protocol.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_websocket_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_app.erl
Compiled src/cowboy.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_bstr.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_clock.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_client.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_handler.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_multipart.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_protocol.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_http.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_router.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_rest.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_spdy.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_sup.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_static.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_req.erl
Compiled src/cowboy_websocket.erl
==> goldrush (compile)
Compiled src/glc.erl
Compiled src/glc_ops.erl
Compiled src/glc_lib.erl
Compiled src/gr_context.erl
Compiled src/gre.erl
Compiled src/glc_code.erl
==> lager (compile)
Compiled src/lager_util.erl
Compiled src/lager_transform.erl
Compiled src/lager_app.erl
Compiled src/lager_backend_throttle.erl
Compiled src/lager_config.erl
Compiled src/lager.erl
Compiled src/error_logger_lager_h.erl
Compiled src/lager_console_backend.erl
Compiled src/lager_default_formatter.erl
Compiled src/lager_crash_log.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher.erl
Compiled src/lager_handler_watcher_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_msg.erl
Compiled src/lager_format.erl
Compiled src/lager_file_backend.erl
Compiled src/lager_sup.erl
Compiled src/lager_stdlib.erl
Compiled src/lager_trunc_io.erl
==> afunix (compile)
Compiled src/afunix.erl
Compiling c_src/afunix_drv.c
Compiling c_src/packet_parser.c
c_src/packet_parser.c:348:21: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'memchr' with type 'void *(const void *, int, unsigned long)'
if ((ptr2 = memchr(ptr, '\n', n)) == NULL) {
c_src/packet_parser.c:348:21: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'memchr'
c_src/packet_parser.c:420:13: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'memcmp' with type 'int (const void *, const void *, unsigned long)'
if (memcmp(hp->magic, CDR_MAGIC, 4) != 0)
c_src/packet_parser.c:420:13: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'memcmp'
c_src/packet_parser.c:565:14: warning: implicitly declaring library function 'strncmp' with type 'int (const char *, const char *, unsigned long)'
(strncmp(ap->name, name, len) == 0))
c_src/packet_parser.c:565:14: note: please include the header <string.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'strncmp'
3 warnings generated.
==> netlink (compile)
Compiled src/netlink_app.erl
Compiled src/netlink_codec.erl
Compiled src/netlink_drv.erl
Compiled src/netlink.erl
Compiled src/netlink_stat.erl
Compiled src/netlink_sup.erl
Compiled src/netlink_gen.erl
Compiled src/netl_codec.erl
==> bear (compile)
Compiled src/bear.erl
==> meck (compile)
Compiled src/meck_cover.erl
Compiled src/meck_mod.erl
Compiled src/meck.erl
==> folsom (compile)
Compiled src/folsom.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ewma.erl
Compiled src/folsom_meter_timer_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_duration.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_counter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_gauge.erl
Compiled src/folsom_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_histogram_ets.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_history.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_meter_reader.erl
Compiled src/folsom_metrics_spiral.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_none.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_exdec.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_server.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_sorted.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_slide_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sample_uniform.erl
Compiled src/folsom_utils.erl
Compiled src/folsom_sup.erl
Compiled src/folsom_vm_metrics.erl
==> src (compile)
==> exo (compile)
Compiled src/exo_socket_server.erl
Compiled src/exo_app.erl
Compiled src/exo_http_server.erl
Compiled src/exo_json.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket_cache.erl
Compiled src/exo_http.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket.erl
Compiled src/exo_sup.erl
Compiled src/exo_socket_session.erl
Compiled src/exo_url.erl
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function handle_call/3 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
/Users/blt/projects/com/adroll/erlhttp_bench/deps/exo/src/exo_ssh.erl:18: Warning: undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour 'ssh_channel')
Compiled src/exo_ssh.erl
==> edown (compile)
Compiled src/edown_lib.erl
Compiled src/edown_make.erl
Compiled src/edown_doclet.erl
Compiled src/edown_xmerl.erl
Compiled src/edown_layout.erl
==> setup (compile)
Compiled src/setup_lib.erl
Compiled src/setup_gen.erl
Compiled src/setup.erl
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!
make: *** [compile] Error 1
Weird. Can you see which .app file has {vsn, git} in it?
> grep -R "{vsn, git}" .
./deps/afunix/src/ {vsn, git},
./deps/bear/src/ {vsn, git},
./deps/edown/src/ {vsn, git},
./deps/exo/src/ {vsn, git},
./deps/exometer/src/ {vsn, git},
./deps/folsom/src/ {vsn, git},
./deps/setup/src/ {vsn, git},
and grep -R "{vsn,git}" . (no space)?
No lines returned for that.
Brian, this problem seem related to the top-level rebar.
Try replacing it with the latest rebar from master.
I've updated to the latest rebar from rebar/rebar. The result:
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!
make: *** [compile] Error 1
Using the latest basho/rebar--which is depreciated-- I find:
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!
make: *** [compile] Error 1
This is confusing. I built successfully using this rebar:
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ ~/git/rebar/rebar --version
rebar 2.1.0 R15B02 20140220_220801 git 2.1.0-39-gb97677c
Here's a build with R16B03:
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ r16b03
Erlang: /Users/uwiger/lib/otp/r16b03/bin/erl
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ (cd ~/git/rebar && make)
Recompile: src/rebar
==> rebar (compile)
==> rebar (escriptize)
Congratulations! You now have a self-contained script called "rebar" in
your current working directory. Place this script anywhere in your path
and you can use rebar to build OTP-compliant apps.
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ rm -rf deps && make clean && ~/git/rebar/rebar get-deps compile
WARN: Expected /Users/uwiger/git/erlhttp_bench/deps/cowboy to be an app dir (containing ebin/*.app), but no .app found.
==> setup (compile)
Compiled src/setup_lib.erl
Compiled src/setup_gen.erl
Compiled src/setup.erl
==> edown (escriptize)
==> setup (escriptize)
==> src (compile)
==> exometer (compile)
Compiled mibs/EXOMETER-MIB.mib
Compiled src/exometer_igor.erl
==> erlhttp_bench (compile)
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$
Here's the rebar version I'm using:
> ./rebar --version
rebar 2.2.0 R16B02 20140221_184115 git 2.2.0-9-gec448c0
I am using R16B02 here.
I build R16B02:
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ r16b02
Erlang: /Users/uwiger/lib/otp/r16b02/bin/erl
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ (cd ~/git/rebar/ && make)
Recompile: src/rebar
==> rebar (compile)
==> rebar (escriptize)
Congratulations! You now have a self-contained script called "rebar" in
your current working directory. Place this script anywhere in your path
and you can use rebar to build OTP-compliant apps.
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ ~/git/rebar/rebar get-deps compile
==> http_api (compile)
Compiled src/http_api.erl
Compiled src/http_api_app.erl
Compiled src/http_api_sup.erl
Compiled src/http_api_blob_handler.erl
==> erlhttp_bench (compile)
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ ~/git/rebar/rebar --version
rebar 2.1.0 R16B02 20140222_000604 git 2.1.0-39-gb97677c
...apparently, I didn't have the latest rebar. Updating it, the following version worked for me:
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ ~/git/rebar/rebar --version
rebar 2.2.0 R16B02 20140222_001223 git 2.2.0-9-gec448c0
This one also works for me:
uwair:erlhttp_bench uwiger$ ~/git/rebar/rebar --version
rebar 2.2.0 R16B02 20140222_001455 git 2.2.0
It seems I'm having problems reproducing this...
@uwiger Do you have rebar in your PATH during this? I can only reproduce this--and my coworkers have confirmed--that the build failure occurs only when the rebar executable is absent from PATH.
I may have had rebar in the path... I tried again, but on a different machine, and made sure rebar wasn't in the path. This time, I also got the error.
The simplest fix (and I'll continue pondering how to fix it in earnest) is to change your top-level Makefile:
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-REBAR := ./rebar
+REBAR := `pwd`/rebar
RELX := ./relx
I like this, i.e. use the rebar I have, or if not, that in the repo.
REBAR=which rebar || ./rebar is a nicer example.
Is that workable?
Actually, I think it should be something like:
REBAR ?= $(shell which rebar 2>/dev/null || echo $(PWD)/rebar)
It's important that rebar is identified with an absolute path. When rebar steps into deps, it changes CWD, so a relative-path reference to rebar is likely to break things.
I had the exact same issue and using REBAR=
in Makefile fixed it.
@blt Are you still having this issue?
incidentally i got the same error on a fresh machine with OTP 16B03 and the latest rebar with totally different repos. i had to revert to an earlier version of rebar to compile.
+1 for the fix quoted by sylane, wrt exometer
One thing though: Exometer currently doesn't include rebar. I could include one, but guess that since R17 is on its way out, it would be built using R16B. Comments?
@tolbrino Sorry for taking so long to reply. Using commit a24703887320567219bc3b7b660a4d703a5a6fc8 the following configurations build:
rebar only in path | rebar local | |
`pwd`/rebar |
no | yes |
REBAR ?= $(shell which rebar 2>/dev/null || echo $(PWD)/rebar) |
yes | yes |
That is the only build configuration which assumes and requires local rebar executable is the one which fails when there is not.
One thing though: Exometer currently doesn't include rebar. I could include one, but guess that since R17 is on its way out, it would be built using R16B. Comments?
I'm happy having it left out.
@blt Could you try again and make sure that you are using the latest version of setup. This should be pulled in by exometer, as it references master
Can we close this?
Please do.
On Jun 12, 2014, at 6:17, Ulf Wiger wrote:
Can we close this?
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.
Using [erlhttp_bench]() as a motivating example, when I have a rebar executable in my path the exometer dependency builds fine:
When I do not, the setup dependency fails.