FeynCalc / feyncalc

Mathematica package for algebraic calculations in elementary particle physics.
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Bug on OneLoop? #11

Closed olcyr closed 7 years ago

olcyr commented 7 years ago


I'm performing the following computation with FeynCalc 9.0.1


num*FeynAmpDenominator[PropagatorDenominator[k, mt], 
 PropagatorDenominator[k, 0], PropagatorDenominator[k, mHp], 
 PropagatorDenominator[k, mW]]

Simplify[OneLoop[k, %] /. D -> 4]

For some strange reason, Feyncalc changes the order of the spinors from (s)(b)(1)(2) to (s)(1)(b)(2) -- which is not manifestly Lorentz invariant. How can I prevent this type of behavior?

Many thanks in advance. O.

vsht commented 7 years ago


first of all, what are PR and PL? Are they the standard chiral projectors? Then you should use GA[6] and GA[7]. If you want to leave them arbitrary, they should be declared as non-commutative objects first:

DeclareNonCommutative[PR, PL];

Second, if the calculation is meant to be done entirely in D-dimensions, use the proper input. Third, do not do D->4. Your output contains UV divergent 1-point functions and the 1/Epsilon poles will mix with Epsilon in every factor of D. By setting D to 4 you are loosing finite parts of the result.

num = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].PR.Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[
num*FAD[{k, mt}, k, {k, mhP}, {k, mW}] // ChangeDimension[#, D] &
res=Simplify[OneLoop[k, %]]

Finally, can you provide your output, where the order of spinors is changed? For me the order remains as in the original expression.

Last but not least: OneLoop is actually more or less a legacy function that I would not recommend using on new projects. In most cases it can be replaced by TID:

DeclareNonCommutative[PR, PL];
exp = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].PR.Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[
      mu].PL.Spinor[p2] FAD[{k, mt}, k, {k, mhP}, {k, mW}] // 
   ChangeDimension[#, D] &;
TID[exp, k] // ToPaVe[#, k] &

which gives a nice and simple result

(I \[Pi]^2 A0[
     mhP^2] Spinor[Momentum[p1, D], 0, 1].GAD[$AL$2595[2]].GAD[
      mu].PL.Spinor[Momentum[p2, D], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps, D], 0, 
      1].GAD[mu].GAD[$AL$2595[2]].PR.Spinor[Momentum[pb, D], 0, 
      1])/(D (mhP - mt) (mhP + mt) (mhP - mW) (mhP + 
      mW)) - (I \[Pi]^2 A0[
     mt^2] Spinor[Momentum[p1, D], 0, 1].GAD[$AL$2596[2]].GAD[
      mu].PL.Spinor[Momentum[p2, D], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps, D], 0, 
      1].GAD[mu].GAD[$AL$2596[2]].PR.Spinor[Momentum[pb, D], 0, 
      1])/(D (mhP - mt) (mhP + mt) (mt - mW) (mt + 
      mW)) - (I \[Pi]^2 A0[
     mW^2] Spinor[Momentum[p1, D], 0, 1].GAD[$AL$2597[2]].GAD[
      mu].PL.Spinor[Momentum[p2, D], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps, D], 0, 
      1].GAD[mu].GAD[$AL$2597[2]].PR.Spinor[Momentum[pb, D], 0, 
      1])/(D (mhP - mW) (mhP + mW) (-mt + mW) (mt + mW))

Cheers, Vladyslav

mescia commented 7 years ago

Dear Vladyslav

I am facing the same issue. The issue is about OneLoop (and DiracSimplify). It looks that these functions are trying to Fiertz the operator (psi.Gmu.Gnu.psi)(psi.Gmu.Gnu.psi).

The issue with OneLoop is the following. Starting from the Dirac stracture: Spinor[ps]....Spinor[pb] Spinor[p2]....Spinor[p1] we end up with structures like Spinor[ps]....Spinor[p1] Spinor[pb]....Spinor[p2]

Here it is my test. No issue about ChiralProjector at all.

exp = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[ mu].Spinor[p2] FAD[{k, mt}]; OneLoop[k, exp] // Simplify


Using TID[exp, k] // ToPaVe[#, k] &
I get the operator

(1/D)I mt^2 [Pi]^2 A0[ mt^2] Spinor[Momentum[p1, D], 0, 1].DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[$AL$6757[2], D], D].DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[mu, D], D].Spinor[Momentum[p2, D], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps, D], 0, 1].DiracGamma[LorentzIndex[mu, D], D].DiracGamma[ LorentzIndex[$AL$6757[2], D], D].Spinor[Momentum[pb, D], 0, 1]

thanks in advance. Federico.

vsht commented 7 years ago

Hi Federico,

could you please tell me, what FeynCalc version you are using? With 9.1 (latest stable) for

exp = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[
     mu].Spinor[p2] FAD[{k, mt}];
res = OneLoop[k, exp] // FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices // Simplify;
res // FCE

I get

(1/D)I mt^2 \[Pi]^2 A0[
  mt^2] (2 D StandardMatrixElement[
     Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 
        1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
        1]] + 2 D StandardMatrixElement[
     Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 
        1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
        1]] + 2 D StandardMatrixElement[
     Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 
        1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
        1]] + 2 D StandardMatrixElement[
     Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 
        1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
        1]] - StandardMatrixElement[
    Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[
       6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[
       FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
       1]] - StandardMatrixElement[
    Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[
       7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[
       FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
       1]] - StandardMatrixElement[
    Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[
       6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[
       FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 
       1]] - StandardMatrixElement[
    Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[
       7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[
       FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 

Apart from that, what OneLoop does in your case is not Fierz, it's Sirlin relations https://inspirehep.net/record/165564

Last but not least, you can just use the ReduceGamma option, if that is what you need:

exp = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[
     mu].Spinor[p2] FAD[{k, mt}];
res1 = OneLoop[k, exp, ReduceGamma -> True] /. 
  StandardMatrixElement -> Identity
res2 = TID[exp, k] // ToPaVe[#, k] & // DiracOrder // 
  ChangeDimension[#, 4] &
(res1 - res2) // FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices
mescia commented 7 years ago


I am using FeynCalc 9.0.1. thanks very much and also for the tricks (like ReduceGamma, FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices).

Please I include my code to solve all kind of ambiguities.

PD. With the age we try to forget things. thanks again and sorry for the confusion.

On 30 August 2016 at 15:02, Vladyslav Shtabovenko notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi Federico,

could you please tell me, what FeynCalc version you are using? With 9.1 (latest stable) for

exp = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[ mu].Spinor[p2] FAD[{k, mt}]; res = OneLoop[k, exp] // FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices // Simplify; res // FCE

I get

(1/D)I mt^2 [Pi]^2 A0[ mt^2](2 D StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] + 2 D StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] + 2 D StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] + 2 D StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] - StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[ 6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[ FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] - StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[ 7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[ FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[6].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] - StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[ 6].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[ FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]] - StandardMatrixElement[ Spinor[Momentum[p1], 0, 1].GA[FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[ 7].Spinor[Momentum[p2], 0, 1] Spinor[Momentum[ps], 0, 1].GA[ FCGV["li691"]].GA[FCGV["li692"]].GA[7].Spinor[Momentum[pb], 0, 1]])

Apart from that, what OneLoop does in your case is not Fierz, it's Sirlin relations https://inspirehep.net/record/165564

Last but not least, you can just use the ReduceGamma option, if that is what you need:

exp = Spinor[ps].GAD[mu].GSD[k].Spinor[pb] Spinor[p1].GSD[k].GAD[ mu].Spinor[p2] FAD[{k, mt}]; res1 = OneLoop[k, exp, ReduceGamma -> True] /. StandardMatrixElement -> Identity res2 = TID[exp, k] // ToPaVe[#, k] & // DiracOrder // ChangeDimension[#, 4] & (res1 - res2) // FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices

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Federico Mescia skype: federico.mescia Dep. de Física Fonamental (FFN) http://www.ffn.ub.es/ and Institut de Ciencies del Cosmos (ICC) http://icc.ub.edu/ Universitat de Barcelona tel +34 9340 21161 Location: Facultat de Fisica i Quimica 4th floor, Dep. de Física Fonamental , room: 4.26 Av. Diagonal 647 - 08028 Barcelona, Spain

olcyr commented 7 years ago

Thanks, Vladyslav and Federico. The problem is solved now!

Cheers, O.

vsht commented 7 years ago

FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices is actually available since FC 9.1. It is one of my favorite functions, especially because one can use it with arbitrary index heads, like in the last line of https://github.com/FeynCalc/feyncalc/blob/master/Tests/Lorentz/FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices.test

BTW, guys, if you are computing 1-loop diagrams, you might be interested in FeynHelpers


for the automatic symbolic evaluation of PaVe-functions. Ask Hiren Patel (author of Package-X) to send you the latest beta of Package-X 2.0. The combination FC+FeynHelpers+PaX 2.0 is really a lot of fun to use.

Cheers Vladyslav