FhenixProtocol / fhenix.js

The JavaScript SDK for Fhenix
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Added better integration for localstorage with permits (now automatic… #20

Closed Cashmaney closed 4 months ago

Cashmaney commented 4 months ago

…ally loads the permit from localstorage when calling getPermit)

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔵 Lines 75.39% 996 / 1321
🔵 Statements 75.39% 996 / 1321
🔵 Functions 69.81% 37 / 53
🔵 Branches 68.22% 73 / 107
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
src/extensions/access_control/permit/index.ts 81.22% 70.58% 57.14% 81.22% 64-65, 85-86, 92-107, 132-138, 146-147, 156-157, 229-230, 233-245
src/sdk/index.ts 74.18% 62.85% 56.25% 74.18% 52-53, 66, 77-85, 87-90, 105-106, 110-120, 131-132, 144-146, 165-166, 173-178, 186-187, 189-190, 209-210, 226-241, 249-260, 276-279, 295-296, 299-303, 351-354, 363-366
Generated in workflow #30