FhenixProtocol / fhenix.js

The JavaScript SDK for Fhenix
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Add u160(address) as new type, fix async encrypt functions #30

Closed milan-sedivy closed 1 month ago

milan-sedivy commented 1 month ago

monday: https://fhenix.monday.com/boards/1216577959/pulses/1501628825

milan-sedivy commented 1 month ago

Tests currently fail because we do not have the latest localfhenix image that contains the new eaddress type

Cashmaney commented 1 month ago

ghcr.io/fhenixprotocol/localfhenix:v0.2.3-rc.2 should be available now @milan-sedivy - can you give it a spin?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔵 Lines 75.59% 1217 / 1610
🔵 Statements 75.59% 1217 / 1610
🔵 Functions 71.87% 46 / 64
🔵 Branches 64.74% 90 / 139
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
src/index.ts 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/sdk/encrypt.ts 89.45% 52.38% 88.88% 89.45% 33-43, 118-119, 144-145, 169-170, 193-194, 219, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235
src/sdk/index.ts 75.16% 59.09% 61.9% 75.16% 62-63, 76, 87-95, 97-100, 111-113, 124-125, 129-139, 150-151, 163-165, 177-179, 191-193, 205-207, 218-220, 238-239, 246-251, 259-260, 262-263, 283-284, 300-315, 324-335, 351-354, 370-371, 374-378, 426-429, 438-441
src/sdk/types.ts 96.62% 70% 100% 96.62% 107-109, 133-134
Generated in workflow #42
milan-sedivy commented 1 month ago

LGTM - just try it with the new image and make sure it passes
